Communication breakdown has happened, the world forgot about medical privacy and has been completely bamboozled about germ theory, viruses and contagion. Back to school everyone, time to learn the truth. Boris Johnson family and founders connected to human sex slavery and trafficking at the YMCA. "If the world were round, believe me, I would know!” Donald J. Trump - Lost history of a flat earth, earth is not a spinning ball and evolution is a masonic lie hiding intelligent design.

I've come to the realization I'm not a good communicator. I always "thought" I was, but I've never dug as deep as I have and boy was I shallow, no depth, just surface stuff with a big mouth, over-processed hair and lots of whine to go with my wine. That is when I had a lot of "friends" and outfits with about 5 stories. Now I have 5 outfits, flat hair, a lot more stories and a small group of real friends where we can share anything comfortably. Quality vs quantity wins every single time. I have also come to the realization that no one I knew is a good communicator. The entire human race has been brainwashed and programmed to not be good communicators and believe things that are untrue and are conditioned to get deeply offended if they are presented with a different perspective that does not match their programmed version of events. They did a real number on us that I can tell you, all the walls come crumbling down if you want to get real authentic and it always begins with YOU. One day you think your woke and then BAM - your curled up in a ball on the floor heaving realizing you're not woke at all and you have issues you've never dealt with and you realize we must continue learning, healing and never ever give up. We all have some hard truths to learn about ourselves from ourselves apparently, the truth is in YOU. #RememberWhoYouAre

I started to blog for a couple of reasons, the main one was to avoid censorship on social media while trying to share a message of truth to our fellow human beings. The second reason is for my mental health. Everyone should journal. When you discover many of these truths, you want to shout from the rooftops with outrage, my "people" (fake friends and family) where not ready to receive this message and that's ok. I've been labelled a "crazy" right winger, mean, disrespectful, conspiracy theorist, Trump supporter in the "Q" cult, anti-vaxxer, censored from speaking on all topics, told to be quiet and see a psychiatrist and get on meds. Oh how they require their labels and love them so. I found a great statement from a lady on Tik Tok, that applies to us woke folk with labels.
"I say this with love, because I have realized some truths.
I am not intimidating you're intimidated, there is a difference.
I don't take up too much space, you're just used to people playing small.
My inner light is not too bright, you're just used to dimming your own.
I am not mean nor aggressive, I am honest and assertive and that makes you uncomfortable.
And I do not make you uncomfortable, my presence challenges your comfort, all of that is yours and I will not be less for you to feel better about yourself. Own YOUR stuff!"

Q has not posted since December 8, 2020 at 5:55, last post linked to "We're not going to take it" by Twisted Singer and Trump is supposedly "gone" and yet millions of us continue to stand in the same consistent truth and beliefs. Once you discover these truths, they don't magically disappear, same as aluminium and mercury in vaccines, once injected into the human bloodstream, it does not magically disappear, it attaches to the brain and that can't be good. Our loving father, may his light shine on, died from Alzheimers, during COVID, there was no funeral. He trusted his doctor and the medical industrial complex and was dedicated to getting his flu shots to be "safe".

The uninformed love to label us anti vaxxers - so does that mean we are also anti anxiety medication if we are not on it or don't believe it's necessary? How about anti chemotherapy? Any person that gives chemo as therapy is a psychopath, it's agent orange and not only shrinks the "tumour" it also shrinks every single other organ in your body including your brain. What if we are still married? Does that make us anti divorce? See how this works? #YouDoYouIllDoMe

With a new quest for knowledge and the truth the learning never stops. Friends have shared the most jaw dropping information and documentaries about our real history that is out of this world folks. Get ready to have your minds blown. These series will take time to get through, I strongly recommend watching more than once, we learn through repetition and you will be unable to absorb so much new information at once. Bookmark these documentaries and share them with your friends and family. Turn off Netflix, give it up for lent or whatever works for you. Watch truth documentaries, intelligence and knowledge is super sexy and so is being able to control your emotions. Or as our dad used to say "sever exy" ;)

Let's begin with Hannity and DeSantis coming out in favour of the vaccine and so did Kaleigh McEnany, rumoured to be JFK Jr's daughter, you have to ask yourself why now? Does this not appear suspicious to you? We know the vaccine is experiMENTAL poison why would such trusted news sources recommend it NOW with such vigor? Is it so we can reinforce the message this is none of your business and what ever happened to medical privacy? Because what comes next? Mandatory anti anxiety medication for the world? Heads up we're already on it if you drink city water, coffee, tea, pop or booze, they all numb the brain, look around you. #fluoride #caffeine #nicotine #alcohol #sugar #gmofood
General Flynn Responds To DeSantis & Hannity’s Support For The COVID Vaccine [VIDEO]
"Number ONE, it’s nobody’s business what I make my decision to do." General Mike Flynn on Vaccines
"If someone goes well have you gotten the vaccine yet. Ya know what? It’s none of your business. None of your business. Ya know, it’s my health, my choice, right? My body. My choice. What happened to that crap?" General Mike Flynn
"I’ve listened to both sides and I’m in one of these places where, number one, it’s nobody’s business what I make, my decision to do, what shots I get or what I don’t get. If somebody wants to say you’re going to need a ID card that says you’ve received this vaccine in order to go out to a restaurant, well guess what? Whether I’ve taken the shot or not, that is a Communist country that I live in in order to do that. They don’t want an ID for going to vote for somebody yet they want an ID for me to grab a cup of coffee out of some coffee shop? Baloney and I could use stronger language." General Mike Flynn
"Exactly. Because people are learning the truth of what is not only the components of what is in these vaccines, these shots but also what the potential outcomes are. Ya know when we go through and FDA approval process for a flu vaccine, it takes years. And there’s a reason why because they wanna test it on lab rats. They wanna test it on pigs. They wanna test it on monkeys. They wanna test it on animals before they start testing it on humans. And then they do test it on humans who typically are volunteer for a particular reason. And then they go through that process and then they finally say okay it’s FDA approved. We’ve gone through the rigor of the testing and that’s okay.
We have all been through that. I got many shots in my military career. Now the other thing about shots, you know what Doug, it’s nobody’s business. If someone goes well have you gotten the vaccine yet. Ya know what? It’s none of your business. None of your business. Ya know, it’s my health, my choice, right? My body. My choice. What happened to that crap?
So for guys like DeSantis and Sean Hannity, I mean they have to make a decision for themselves. And if their decision is one that’s going to be swayed or influenced by trying to be politically correct, that’s a dangerous place to be for people in this country who do have influence and they know that they have influence. Sean knows he’s got an audience and DeSantis knows he’s already being touted as the next President of the United States. Be careful with those things because, one don’t let your ego get in the way of reality.
Don’t let political correctness get in the way of health choices. And before you start to say get a shot, get the shot, make sure that you have looked at every single aspect and you can talk about it in a way like I’m talking about it. I mean I’ve listened to doctors. I’ve listened to both sides and I’m in one of these places where, number one, it’s nobody’s business what I make, my decision to do, what shots I get or what I don’t get. If somebody wants to say you’re going to need a ID card that says you’ve received this vaccine in order to go out to a restaurant, well guess what? Whether I’ve taken the shot or not, that is a Communist country that I live in in order to do that. They don’t want an ID for going to vote for somebody yet they want an ID for me to grab a cup of coffee out of some coffee shop? Baloney and I could use stronger language.
So I would say to Governor DeSantis and Sean Hannity, be really cautious because there are growing numbers of people in country and I mean growing numbers and it’s not just people on the Right. It’s not people that are the conservatives. It’s not just as the media, I heard MSNBC say it’s people who are Trumpers, right? No. There’s a lot of people. I am visiting family in a very very Liberal bastion and believe me I know a lot of these people here that are not Conservatives. They did not vote for Trump. I know who they voted for or they didn’t vote because they wouldn’t vote for somebody who they felt wasn’t good enough. But I know that they’re Liberals and I can tell ya they’re saying the same thing to me, it’s nobody’s business what I do." General Mike Flynn

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sounds Alarm Truth of COVID Vaccines for Kids
Is HIV to AIDS what SARS-CoV-2 is to COVID? (Part 1)
Great 11 minute video overview that will catch you up to reality quickly.

Trump YMCA Dancing Compilation

YMCA Exposed Nasty Dirty Sex Slavery UnChristian
Check out this impressive blog on Boris Johnston family connections to the YMCA a big cover for rape and sodomy and child trafficking who knew? Trump that’s who. It's all coming out and why he plays the song YMCA at every one of his rallies. Nothing is random and everything has meaning.

“I fly a lot, and I mean a lot. No one flies more than me. Listen, I own a jet. I own a 757, beautiful plane, it’s the best plane! If the world were round, believe me, I would know!” Donald J. Trump

Trump's 757 Luxury Jet Headed for Upgrade
The Lost History of Flat Earth part FULL (1-7)
Evolution is a Masonic Lie Hiding Intelligent Design
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball HD Remastered
The Final Card
Everyone knows we didn't go to the moon right?

Jurassic Park = Take The Red Pill #Research

Print The Great Awakening map or order a copy on line, attach it to your fridge, get each family member to choose a topic, research and discuss over Sunday night dinners. This map should snap anyone out of their "reverie". Note how small the Q portion is, point being, we know so little about our worlds.
Also, no need to go near Q or Trump to find out any of this information. Did you know we used to be giants? You didn't fall for the old dinosaur myth did you? Right up there with the OJ murder Hoax. #ConspiracyNoMore

Thanks for reading, kindly share the love.
Don't trust me, trust yourself, do your own research.
Best news I read today..that Trump is a flat Earther!! i used to think it was crazy till I heard Obama make a comment putting down flat Earthers and right then I decided to look into it. I don't totally understand how it works with all the details but I learn more and more as time goes by. Thankyou