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Worldwide Censorship Apparatus Is In Panic Mode AND They Lied About October 7th

Updated: Jun 22

There are a few topics that fire me up about the Great Awakening and I believe are the root to dismantling our global programming. From taxation, interest (usury), fake news, fake history filled with propaganda, fake racism, real racism, censorship, dark agendas like abortion & LGBTQ, any form of government control, poisoned food, water and air, to the virus germ and contagion myth. Add the lies and deception about World War 1 and 2 which resulted in WW3 & world wide domination and Jewish Supremacy, in short the Jew World Order. That's it in a nutshell! Once people learn these truths it will automatically destroy their power and control over us . It truly is astonishing that they continue to get away with their crimes against humanity targeting the most vulnerable, the children, our future.


They Lied About October 7th - #BibiKnew

Tucker Carlson: “If you’re changing my life or stripping my rights from me, that we’ve had for 250 years, on behalf of ANY other place.. you are my enemy. Like it’s just that simple. You are my enemy.

You have to sign a loyalty pledge to work with Israel and Glenn Greenwald on AntiSemitism Laws

"When did having views that are in contrary to the media or government norms become punishable under the law. Why is our police, under the face of political pressure, having to investigate mean words? Ridiculous." ~Supermariozela #canada #freedom

Israeli peace activist Ronnie Barkan talks to Abby Martin about the cradle to grave indoctrination in Israeli society to dehumanize Palestinians.

"Quick History Lesson - Everything We Have Been Taught Is Fake!" Ken O'Keefe

The Fake Nazi Death Camp - Wikipedia Longest Hoax, Exposed

The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth

4/20 is National Spark Up Day but more importantly it was also Adolph Hitler's 135th birthday this 2024. The world owes him an apology.

This is an excellent speech by Pastor Ray Hagins.  "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free."

You may have been exposed to Jew propaganda. Ya think? LOL

Germany: 95-year-old Holocaust denier back in court

"Israeli Gideon Levy delivers one of the greatest speeches in modern history…"Pelham @Resist_05

If Your Version Of History Is True Then Why Do You Need to Hide Behind It?

The Three Biggest Lies About Dr. Mengele by Real News and History

Real Nationalism Explained VS Globalism

Racism doesn't exist... Literally by @noble_x_x_

Twitter Under Elon Review

"It matters quite a bit that the people that control AI hate Whites." Nick Fuentes - see clip below.
"The noticing will not be stopped. Watch all the large accounts cope as the veil is lifted." @utism_

Tucker Carlson Interviewed A Palestinian Pastor

Laura Loomer is Right - Tucker Carlson is Not God - Reminds us Rumble is Owned By Jews

"Bankrupt anyone who says something “antisemitic” online? says Alan Direnfeld, How about a task force of lawyers that prosecutes pedophiles who have sex with children on an island instead." @MillerStream

Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes says she has never been so ashamed of Israel… to me it seems as if Hitler has won

Noahide Laws Call For The Enslavement Of Humanity - Banning All Religion Except Judaism

Germany rejects allegations that it’s facilitating acts of genocide in Gaza at UN court

Wicked Documentary In under An Hour On Bolshevism - Murder Of The Russian Czar Nicolas Romanov and his entire White Christian Royal family.

Racist truck With Muslim Billboards in downtown Toronto run by Jew run Rebel News

Where’s my Canada? asks a NOT YOUR CANADA

Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards GAG - what could possibly go wrong?

1.2 billion Hindus stand with Israel because of course they do. #Hinjew

Virus Theory Vs Exosome Theory in under 9 minutes

Let The Trials Begin - Kansas Filing Civil Suit Against Pfizer

O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76, his family says

Enjoy the show!


They Lied About October 7th - #BibiKnew

Jimmy Dore interviews Benn Swann re: October 7th and the lies about the war in this fascinating 30 minute interview.

In media news we no longer trust Fucker Carlson, he is CIA jew controlled, however many normies continue to consider him a good resource for news. This is more obvious controlled opposition appearing like the truth. I remain banned on x/twitter - click on the link to see clip. I'm on read only with very limited viewing whenever they feel like it.

Tucker Carlson: “If you’re changing my life or stripping my rights from me, that we’ve had for 250 years, on behalf of ANY other place.. you are my enemy. Like it’s just that simple. You are my enemy.

You have to sign a loyalty pledge to work with Israel!

Every American has the right to say what he thinks. That’s the whole point of being an American. Watch the full conversation with Glenn Greenwald at

Glenn Greenwald on AntiSemitism Laws

Why is Israel the only country with these protections in the US?

Full podcast interview with Glenn Greenwald.

"When did having views that are in contrary to the media or government norms become punishable under the law. Why is our police, under the face of political pressure, having to investigate mean words? Ridiculous." ~Supermariozela #canada #freedom

Israeli peace activist Ronnie Barkan talks to Abby Martin about the cradle to grave indoctrination in Israeli society to dehumanize Palestinians.

"Quick History Lesson - Everything We Have Been Taught Is Fake!" Ken O'Keefe

The Fake Nazi Death Camp - Wikipedia Longest Hoax, Exposed

The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth

Detailed article on the matter. We are scheduled to do a river cruise on the Danube end of summer. We will be staying in Munich for a few days and we will be visiting Hitlers Eagles Nest and the fake Dachau Camp. We are both very excited and have never been to this part of Europe. Not sure how I'm going to be able to handle the tour guides lies, brainwashing and propaganda. ;)


Dachau Concentration Camp

4/20 is National Spark Up Day but more importantly it was also Adolph Hitler's 135th birthday this 2024. The world owes him an apology.

"Happy 135th Birthday to the most lied about man in human history." Bullzeye - @utism_

The world would have been a much better place if Hitler had won WWII. He tried to warn us.

This is an excellent speech by Pastor Ray Hagins.  "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free."

Pastor Ray Hagins Unveils the truth about Adolph Hitler and the Swastika. "Know the truth and the truth will make you free"

One of my favourite quotes by JFK in the summer of 1945 regarding Hitler.

One of my favorite quotes By General George Patton.

You may have been exposed to Jew propaganda. Ya think? LOL

Germany: 95-year-old Holocaust denier back in court

The notorious German Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck has been repeatedly convicted of inciting hatred. Now, a new trial against the 95-year-old woman has begun in the port city of Hamburg.

"Israeli Gideon Levy delivers one of the greatest speeches in modern history…"Pelham @Resist_05

If Your Version Of History Is True Then Why Do You Need to Hide Behind It?

The noticing can not be stopped.

The Three Biggest Lies About Dr. Mengele by Real News and History

1. He condemned inmates who could not work to death in the gas chambers

2. He conducted cruel experiments with twins.

3. He conducted other cruel medical experiments on random inmates

Some of my favourite quotes by Adolf Hitler.

Real Nationalism Explained VS Globalism

Great job, great share for normies. 5 minute clip.

Racism doesn't exist... Literally by @noble_x_x_

"For almost all of human history most strongly identifying with your own race wasn't just accepted, it was the norm.

The term racism was invented in 1927 as a tool to silence dissent against our most primal urge to choose our own race over other races by the jew Leon Trotsky.

The term "racism" has no objective truth, it only has the truth we allow it to have.

This is why you hear conservatives and liberals often argue about whether or not something is "racist". That argument is merely them delineating where they will agree to draw the borders of the Overton Window as to what is or isn't "racist" It's also why what is or isn't "racist" fluctuates over time.

This is how leftists are able to say you can't be racist against Whites or that math is racist against blacks: again, the term "racism" has no objective truth, it only has the truth we allow it to have.

We need to understand and accept that choosing our own race is - and will always be - one of our most primal instincts.

Don't fight your "racism", embrace it." @noble_x_x_

I remain banned on X/Twitter - little ol me. So much for free speech. In the end it is a much needed break from the platform is a jew cesspool of nonsense except for a handful of accounts that speak the truth and are not owned by anyone, most do it for free.

“Encouraging healthy behavior online” @lindayaX CEO of @x
 Evil hates truth-thus defining it as “hate” which is censored into obscurity. @X’s mission is to normalize a minimization of free speech while deceiving the public into believing it’s the exact opposite @IanMalcolm84

Twitter Under Elon

"It matters quite a bit that the people that control AI hate Whites." Nick Fuentes - see clip below.

Worldwide Censorship Apparatus Is In Panic Mode

Yeah, people want the truth. Free speech is integral to achieving the truth. So maybe don't retweet a guy asking for free speech to be censored? Just a thought. @CensoredMen
"The noticing will not be stopped. Watch all the large accounts cope as the veil is lifted." @utism_

Tucker Carlson Interviewed A Palestinian Pastor

Laura Loomer is Right - Tucker Carlson is Not God

Loomer Reminds Everyone That Jews Control Rumble Too

Alan Direnfeld on AntiSemitism - he has no sympathy, he is constantly attacked for his Jewness, he says without mercy, "We will bankrupt them." Sounds like a 'threat'.

"Bankrupt anyone who says something “antisemitic” online? says Alan Direnfeld, How about a task force of lawyers that prosecutes pedophiles who have sex with children on an island instead." @MillerStream

Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes says she has never been so ashamed of Israel… to me it seems as if Hitler has won…

Noahide Laws Call For The Enslavement Of Humanity - Banning All Religion Except Judaism

Germany Rejects Nicaragua allegations

Germany rejects allegations that it’s facilitating acts of genocide in Gaza at UN court

Wicked Documentary In under An Hour On Bolshevism - Murder Of The Russian Czar Nicolas Romanov and his entire White Christian Royal family. Well done.

Racist truck in downtown Toronto run by Jew run Rebel News

This truck / van-Billboard appeared in downtown Toronto, many accuse the message is hate speech, however it's pointing out facts. Many despise facts because they are absolute cowards. Keep in mind both Muslims and Jews are Satanic religions and are run by the same people. The truck is owned by Rebel News another jew run organization labelled right wing media, more evidence of controlled opposition.

Where’s my Canada? asks a punjabi...

A punjabi asks Pierre Poilievre a NWO Globalist "Where's my Canada?" Um excuse me you're a pajeet born in India with brown skin and a very different culture to our Canadian culture. Not your Canada Every single politician are liars and deceivers, absolute actors on a world stage. The only politician I trust is a dead politician.

Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards GAG - what could possibly go wrong?

CNN — 

Former President Donald Trump proposed “automatically” giving green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from a US college – comments that break from his efforts to curb both legal and illegal immigration while in office and stand in stark contrast to his inflammatory anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail.

“What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on “The All-In Podcast,” which aired Thursday.

He continued, “And that includes junior colleges too. Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.”

1.2 billion Hindus stand with Israel because of course they do. #Hinjew

The medical mafia is designed to place people under a spell. To condition them to outsource their opinions to an “expert” Have a cough? “If I don’t see an expert it’ll get worse” In reality, the less you seek out the medical mafia which prioritizes volume and profit, the healthier you will be. SpiritualGangster @2Swerdy

Virus Theory Vs Exosome Theory

Excellent in under 9 minutes!

Let The Trials Begin - Kansas Filing Civil Suit Against Pfizer

O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76, his family says

In other news, O.J. Simpson died in April. Cancer they report, but didn't he campaign for the vaccination? OR was that phoney too? I don't believe the Nicole Brown Simpson murder story, if they can convince us, for the past 80 years of the lie that 6 millions Jews were cooked in ovens, turned into lampshades and soap, kept all their rings, shoes and hair as evidence but managed to dispose of every single body without a trace, they can convince us of anything.

I don't believe the Nicole Brown Simpson murders ever happened, just another big old Hollywood production to start another race war, like the Charles Manson murders, highly suspicious. I believe it is quite possible that most serial murderers are psyops that they let happen.  It's all very suspicious. These greedy demon goblins masquerading as people are very sick.

The Simpson Trial was also to convince us that reality TV was a form of entertainment, enter Court TV, the Kardashians and ridiculous housewife shows. Now look at the mental state of the world, people can name every Kartrashian but they have no idea about the Holodomor or Bolshevik Revolution while their low IQ's and retardation are celebrated.


It's all theatre folks. Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love and always remember, it's the jews.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6

Who is this handsome fellow?




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