The mask President Biden continues to say gaffe after gaffe this one is one of his worst. Twitter Inc says to reinstate President Trump's account on twitter - look to twitter for "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless. More on Q, JFK Jr + Z connection. #IsraelForLast

Hillary Clinton likens Trump rally in Ohio to the Nazis, first it was deplorables now its Nazis, Clinton also says Zelensky has been a true leader in times of war. #IZATRIGHT
They thought you would follow the stars...
Elton John's actor was flabbergasted when Biden presented him with a medal for being an asshole - The Music Is About To Stop! Plenty more on TrannyGate, the elite's Satanic gender inversion agenda targeting our children and deceiving millions of us. Do not miss, Exploiting Transgenders by Corey's Digs a 4 part series that includes: the manufacturing of an industry, the medical engineering origins, the funders and profiteers and manufacturing a reality.

Biden to someone in the crowd: ‘We go way back a long way. She was 12, I was 30’ - Video
At one point, Biden looked at someone in the crowd and said: “You gotta say high to me. We go back a long way. She was 12 and I was 30, but anyway, this woman helped me get a lot done.”
It’s unclear who Biden looked at or was referring to.

Ashley Biden's Leaked Diary Detailing Vulgar Acts with Joe Has FL Woman in Trouble
In the diary, the president’s daughter wrote that “showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)” might have played a role in her sex addiction as an adult, as well as being “hyper-sexualized [at] a young age” which allegedly involved another family member as a child, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.
Considering “dad” is President Joe Biden, the chief executive and leader of the party which has made drag queens and classroom discussions on sexuality a political rallying point, this is rather significant.

Trump says Biden is shot - more than once. #CORRECT
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.
A Q Time
"Truth is not mean, it's the truth." Andrew Breibart
Both General Flynn and Kash Patel signing books #WWG1WGA

Kennedy Silver Connection

George Magazine: Not Just Politics As Usual
"We decided to take a Q from folks like yourself.." JFK Jr. on GEORGE Magazine in Larry King Interview

Jesse Waters aka JFK JR OUTS Q and The Great Awakening - It's all true!
Z Special Unit (/zɛd/) was a joint Allied special forces unit formed during the Second World War to operate behind Japanese lines in South East Asia. Predominantly Australian, Z Special Unit was a specialist reconnaissance and sabotage unit that included British, Dutch, New Zealand, Timorese and Indonesian members, predominantly operating on Borneo and the islands of the former Dutch East Indies.
The unit carried out a total of 81 covert operations in the South West Pacific theatre, with parties inserted by parachute or submarine to provide intelligence and conduct guerrilla warfare.[2] The best known of these missions were Operation Jaywick and Operation Rimau, both of which involved raids on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour; the latter of which resulted in the deaths of 23 commandos either in action or by execution after capture.
Although the unit was disbanded after the war, many of the training techniques and operational procedures employed were later used during the formation of other Australian Army special forces units and they remain a model for guerrilla operations to this day.
Z also = Zionists = Crush the Zionists

They are the MOST corrupt of all the Khazarian (allegedly "Jewish" Rev. 2:9) Mafia who STOLE the land of Palestine via the "Balfour Declaration of 1917" ... where Hebrew "Jews" lived until around 1948 where the TRUE Hebrew Jews and other tribes were living until KILLED or MOVED OUT!
AND ... The Bible CLEARLY notes that!
Luke 21:20-22 says ... "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know hat the desolation thereof is nigh!
"Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains, and let them which are in the midst of it depart out, and let not them that are in the countries enter thereunto.
"For these be the days of vengeance, that all things that are written may be fulfilled."
In REALITY, the Khazarians pulled off one of the best "identity thefts" in HISTORY ... having ASSUMED a false IDENTITY of being JEWISH ... while having STOLEN the Hebrew Jews LAND!!
You got a problem with the MAGA agenda?

WE are draining that damn swamp

Hillary Clinton likens Trump rally in Ohio to the Nazis
Video of Trump rally with #WWG1WGA Salut!
Hillary Clinton likens Trump supporters to Nazis (video)
First it was deplorables, now it’s Nazis.

Hillary Clinton offered a sharp rebuke of former President Trump’s most recent campaign event in Ohio, saying it reminded her of a Nazi rally.
“I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler. How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people?'” Clinton said Friday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.
“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night, Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, ‘What is going on?'”
Hillary Clinton: Zelensky has been a true leader in times of war

Listen to the interview with MF George Soros and hear the facts out of the horses mouth!!! George Soros the Biggest WAR criminal alive and walking around as a free man in our country!!!! Russia has given orders to their Military when Soros would put one foot on Russian soil to execute the MF on sight!!!
Ex-Clinton adviser predicts Dems will ‘dump’ Biden in favor of Hillary in 2024
Democrats plan to “dump” President Biden and call on Hillary Clinton to run for a third time in 2024 out of fear that a more radical left-wing candidate could end up on the ticket, veteran political consultant Dick Morris said in a new interview.

Freemasons & Jesuits
They thought you would follow the stars

Mask President Joe Biden Surprises Elton John's Clone/Actor with Medal During White House Concert: 'I'm Flabbergasted'
The music living legend was honored for his songbook and his work to fight the global HIV/AIDS crisis
John performed many of his biggest hits, receiving seven standing ovations for his beloved and well-known catalog including "Tiny Dancer," "Rocket Man," "Your Song" and "I'm Still Standing."
John has been on his farewell tour for months and will continue to travel the world performing well into next year. During his appearance on the Hits Radio Breakfast show with Fleur East earlier this month, John shared that he will take a break once his Farewell Yellow Brick tour wraps for good in Sweden in July 2023.
"After next year when I finish in Stockholm, I'll go on a bit of a hiatus and figure out what I'm going to do next," he said.
Elton John Presented With National Humanities Medal #GONGSHOW

Video duration 4.50 = 45 = Trump
Heads up Elton John is a pedophile lesbian period. Watch this absolute gong show where Biden presents Elton John with national humanities medal and boy does Ellie, I mean Elton look surprised. Also, they created AIDS - on purpose. #Depopulation #GayAgenda #Embezzle #FakeResearch
Meanwhile at the White House lawn the Resident is partying w Hellywood artIst, slurring words & spending MORE money. In a garbled speech he says that 6 BILLION of our tax dollars this month went for HIV something or other (testing maybe) can't understand him! Now add the billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine. BUT he can't send a cent to help with securing our border or help border states with the influx of illegals, drugs, child traffickers & murderers. It's f..ked 🆙 But it's #ByDesign #BidensAFailure WHEN is #enoughisenough @Gapeach3102
MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP = 1234 = Nineteen Seventeen Nineteen = President Trump 19th President for the United States of America under the restored republic of the 1776 constitution
Seventeen = Q
202-456-1415 = White House phone number
202 = 11:11
45 = Trump
6+1+4+1+5 = 17
Article date: 26/09/2007 = 8+9 = 17 = Q

Elton John defends photograph seized in 'child porn' art raid
Article date: July 17, 2016
Elton John LOSES four-month battle to stop YOU from discovering he has settled his sexual harassment case with British male worker
Singer, 69, spent four months trying to keep case from being made public
Ex-employee brought sexual harassment claim against him last August
The case was settled out-of-court and all accusations were withdrawn
But Court of Appeal dismissed Sir Elton's reporting restriction application

"If you honestly knew, what some of your favorite big superstars REALLY did behind closed doors, if you knew, you wouldn't follow half the people. I'd put doctors on that list, I'd put CEO's on that list, I'd put the everyday person on that list cuz they're getting paid for the agenda. People are wrapped up, watching the news, listing to their stars, because that's the way you've been programmed your whole life. We're still in the Roman Empire baby : Feed them & entertain them just enough & we shall control them through fear & they will do whatever we want." : Jim Breuer
Given the Epstein / Ghislaine Maxwell timeline happening right now & every high profile POS who's panicking, this message from Jim will become very relevant.
People don't trust doctors, hospitals & 'scientists' anymore. They're coming to learn our entire way of life, is a synthetic nightmare we're stuck in.
& we all want out...

Elton John Says Members of the Transgender Community Are His Heroes: 'They Are the Bravest People in the World'
“They are the bravest people in the world,” John said. “And the fact that they are being murdered, the fact that they are being treated as non-existent and not important…These people are heroes to me…To take away their rights, to make them feel less than is an absolute disgrace to humanity.”

Elite Gender Inversion: The Documentary (Jon Humanity)
Do not miss and please share with your normie friends and family.

Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry (Corey's Digs)
Still Got it: Child Celebrities Who Just Got Better With Age
By Liz Turner - ARG
Shakira Tranny Hips Don't Lie

SRC: The following is copied from a friend from RAVEN on Facebook This is an excellent overview of the transagenda.

Not only do and did MEN have ribs removed to give them a smaller waist, the corset was developed in order to give MEN the feminine curves of the classic hourglass figure.
Clothing that used high necklines, tall collars, ties, ornamental scarves and chokers were designed to hide the male Adams apple while seeding the idea that a long, wide or slender neck in a woman is lovely. Women do NOT have Adams apples though some may have fuller tracheas but woman have thinner, shorter necks than men since the female head and cranium are far smaller.

Wigs were designed for MEN to wear for two reasons. The first reason was because men rarely washed their hair in the colder months so wigs were to hide their greasy euro filth and the other reason was to feminize their masculine hairline, brow bones and other more prominent features like their jawlines.
The brassiere was developed in order for MEN to stuff making their chests appear feminized until the female horse urine, filled with extremely high levels of estrogen, grew buds and breasts in both young boys and men.
Large, prominent hats were quite beneficial in bringing the unsuspecting eyes upward away from the face to help cleverly disguise the heavy brow bone of the MALE cranium and the colder eyes that men tend to have.
Makeup was not designed for the ladies but for the MEN to create rosier cheeks, redder, fuller lips, to bring forth their cooler eyes hiding their deep brow bones and foundation (pancake makeup) and powder to cover their facial shadows (hair growth).
Makeup helps to feminize the MALE face beautifully (as does the modern day electrolysis), softening strong masculine features as we can see in MTF transbaphers like Sandra "Bullocks", Angelina "Joel-ee", "Glenn" Close, Marilyn "Monroe" and Julia "Roberts" to name a few. Selling makeup to women perpetuated the myth that WOMEN wore makeup and not men but makeup was original created for the male to female transbapher, transvestite and those who were inclined to feminize their features.
Earrings were developed to hide the larger ears of the MALE by making the lobe appear smaller with jewelry and draw the eye down towards the shoulder and the long neck.
High heels were designed first for MEN to lengthen their leg muscles and add a sway to their more rigid, vertical male backside, helping to arch their straight backs along with the corsets and rib removal surgery. Women wore flat shoes ordinarily or slight heels for themselves.
Perfume (per the bodies odorous fumes) were created to hide the stench of the unbathed body that were layered in loads of silk brocade and velvet, sweating beneath volumes of fabric, using only a bowl to defecate in behind a screen, bound up by corsets, bloomers and stockings and other bizarre paraphernalia. Perfumes and talcs were used to cover the odorous fumes pouring from the unclean flesh that was more fake and distorted than anything attractive .
Shaving was for MEN to remain clean of face and of body in their feminized male bodies. Besides their face, their chests, legs, arms, backs, et al, were shaved to mimic women who have minimal overall body hair due to low amounts of testosterone.
Wide shoulders cut into the clothing showing a male V so shoulder pads were designed to "hide" the broader shoulders of MEN and their larger upper arms under fabric and styling. In the 1900s, shoulder pads made it into womens clothing hiding the male shoulders and widening womens to hide the fact that we were being duped into believing actresses were actually women when, in fact, they are all men.
Men's shoulders are wider than their slim, straight hips while women's shoulders are as wide as their hips in either an hour glass shape or that of a pear shape. These fashion designers made it look like women had broad shoulders and slimmer hips like in MTF beauties Katherine Hepburn and Linda "Evans" who had and have wide shoulders with no hips at all.

The pencil skirt worn with shoulder padded blazers were also designed to slim the hips while broadening the shoulders. These garments were generally worn with hats that had lace veils to hide the MALE brow bones, contouring the heavy eyebrows of the male, followed by the female who copied such practices, throughout the early to mid 20th century.
Long and short gloves were made for the MALE hand to hide the size of their hands, wrists and to slim down the forearms of their masculine arms.
Belts were made to draw in the waist on MEN aaaand
true male attire for actual MEN like button down shirts with collars, ties, belts and cufflinks were all developed to symbolize the male white collared worker, going to his office daily, "chained" to a desk, the system, choking on his obedience as the worker drone slave humans they'd become.
The "blue blood lines" that consider themselves as royalty...
kings and queens, lords and ladies....
who are also the A list actors holding all the "star" positions in Hollywood from movies to reality TV;
top global politicians, top CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations and various others;
high freemasons, high-level satanists like Aleister Crowley who was, in fact, a FTM transbaph, sacrificing his son, Barbara Bush, to the transbaph disreality system along with ALL of first ladies of the now 46 masonic US presidents, ALL bluebloods, freemasons, illuminati lineage, were and are transbaphers.

It is unwise to judge me as a bigot of "poor, conflicted" people like so many have before. I am not but I am a conveyor of truth when it comes to the SATANIC and LUCIFERIAN practice of torture, abuse, and sacrificing of children in order to give homage to their black occult psychopathy they perpetrate on the innocent worldwide.
If you did not know, the plan concerning OUR organic wholiam children of today are ALL slated to be terra (terror) formed into transbaphs beginning in the Netherlands as we navigate like sleepwalking zombies through this kon-vex tide of change.
EVERY CHILD, IF we ALLOW the new normal to come to pass, will be forced to live in this HUGE shop of horrors.

The blueblooded babylonians are NOW marching in the Luciferian New Age World Order as we speak. Behind their masks. Behind their fading humanity, giving power to the dark authorities, forcing our own disconnection with ourselves and our loved ones, as well.
Our beloveds who are afraid, biting down hard on theirs and our survival as the totalitarian changes are thrown upon us like shackles. This is while most sit totally deceived of the very dangerously real agendas at play striking like bowling balls and grenades against us though we are so numb and blind to truly notice.
The Physical Differences between Genders for Identification

1. Eye distance:
Male eyes are usually set wider apart with larger orbital sockets
Women's eyes are closer together and smaller
2. Brow ridge:
Male eyes are deeper with a much more prominent ridge
Women's are softer with the brow ridge not protruding much at all
3. Forehead:
Men's foreheads are wider, thicker, can have more defined protrusions and slope backwards into their hairline
Women's foreheads are smaller, softer, with very little knobbiness and are straight up and down

4. Jaw:
Men's jaws are wider and much more angular overall. Their chins are more squared, can be cleft, with the jaw angled at the skull
Women's jaws are softer, chins pointier, less angles at the skull, rarely cleft. If there is a cleft, its very soft
5. Ear placement:
Mens ears are larger, may protrude more, are lower on the skull, larger lobes
Women's are smaller, higher, tighter, smaller lobes
6. Hair line:
Mens hairline is straight across, lower or missing
Women's hairline has a widows peak and rounds on their more rounded skulls
7. Necks:
Men have longer, thicker necks with larger tracheas, Adam apples, apples that are more pointed and protruding with thicker tendons
Women have shorter, thinner necks with softer tracheas, no Adam's apples or if a woman has a bit of an apple, its softer, rounded, not very perceptible. Their tendons are softer and non protruding.

8. Clavicle:
Mens clavicles are thicker, more obvious, protruding and are straight across connecting to the shoulder. Shoulders tend to be straight across like a table.
Women's clavicles are softer, not as obvious, as they raise up into a V, shoulders sloping downward with softer lines.
9. Shoulders:
Mens shoulders are wider than hips by nearly double leaving the male body looking like an upside-down V
Women's shoulders are even with their curvy hips
10. Chest:
Chest muscles in MEN are squared and flat without mammary glands. Men can't milk.
Chest muscles in WOMEN are round so even if breasts are removed, the muscles built up, the chest will be rounded not squared.
11. Adonis belt:
Men have the muscles that protrude on the sides of the abdomen, beneath the waist, forming a muscular V that holds the male genitals firmly, in a way, pointing towards the family jewels
Women have NO Adonis belt. NONE. A well muscled, six pack woman will have softer muscles, hip bones lower down with a curve at their waist even if just a little but there is no Adonis belt unless a modified inserted one is added.
12. Eyes:
Men have harder, less emotional eyes
Women have warmer, more emotional eyes
13. Finger length:
Mens fingers are generally closer to the same length all the way across.
Women's pinky fingers are much shorter and lengths have more discrepancy.
14. Belly button:
Buttons are higher in men closer to or above the waist
Buttons are lower in women, below the waist or midway towards the pelvic bones.
15. Torsos:
Men have long torsos with legs around the same length or a bit longer
Women have much shorter torsos with longer legs
16. Arms:
Mens arms are long with fingertips that hit around mid thigh
Women's arms hit right at or right below their hips
17. Calves and knees:
Mens calf muscles are higher, more sinewy, muscles are very defined with boney knees
Women have softer knees, softer shaped legs, sloping without powerful accentuated muscles
18. Feet:
Men have much larger feet and hands ordinarily no matter height and thicker ankles even if ankles and wrists are smaller
19. Height:
Men tend to be between 5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet 5 inches, ordinarily
Women tend to be between 4 feet 10 inches to 5 feet 10 inches, ordinarily
20. Backs:
Mens backs are straight up and down with wider shoulders, thicker waists that are hip wide
Women's backs have an S curve to it with narrow shoulders, curved in waists, rounded, wider hips
21. Waists:
Men are straight up and down at the waist.
Women curve in, at least in the backside.
22. Shape:
Men are an upside down triangle or straight up and down
Women are an hour glass shape or pear shaped
For me, if I'm doing a review to see who is an inverted BAPHY-halfsies-gender-bullshittery, I have to see AT LEAST 5 points to do a full look and see. It can be grueling especially with men because of suits that can hide so many glaringly obvious hints once the jacket and tie comes off. But I've seen Mrs. Bradley Pitt in suits with very curvy hips and a soft, full belly, fattened face, etc..... with Jolie thin as a rail carrying a silicone baby bump.
People like singer Pink is so, so obvious. Shoulders. The way his muscles are shaped. His enormous adonis belt. Thick muscles. Thicker jaw. But others are not so identifiable and needs care in scrutinizing.
The first photo I saw of a very pretty Melissa Gilbert and the gorgeous Linda Evans, well, the shoulders tell me everything. You cannot have straight, wide shoulders and no hips and be female. Still, each bio-male had to fit my 5 point rule.
Melissa, if you watch "Little House on the Prairie", as she grows into adolescence, you can see his shoulders widen into a tabletop, no hips, very flat chest and other very masculine attributes but an adorable little "girl" as a child which is disheartening. Same with Nellie Olsen. That child always looked very male with male eyes, jaw, tone and physique no matter the costumes he wore.
Melissa also was an adopted child like her brother, who played Willie Olsen on the show. Apparently, Sara Gilbert, was "birthed" in their mothers second marriage when "mom" couldn't have children in her first or third marriage. Gilbert also was the first husband who adopted Melissa and her brother, whilst Sara was allegedly born from the second marriage though the kids share the same last name. Meanwhile, Sara is a bio-male though harder to identify due to her clothing and being married to a very, very dark bio-male musician AND, Sara looks like she easily could be Rosanne Barrs natural born daughter. Sara doesn't look anything like her supposed parents or family but does look so much like Rosanne. Ironic, huh?

Suits hide curves and shoulder pads widen shoulders. There are so many tricks in the bag for entertainers. Adam's apples are often shaved. Others are implanted.
In the Miss Congeniality movie (is that the name?), Bullocks hips were made to look wide and curvy in the black dress with a body suit but in Gravity, she had no hips at all. In Speed, her adams apple kept popping out in nearly every scene and her thicker legs left negotiable conversation because some women have thicker legs. But yes, Bullock is a castrated male, that's for sure, adopting black babies to prove entertainers are progressive, kindhearted folk even though they are anything but that at all.

American Transformation Sandra Bullocks!
But people like Rachel Welch, who admitted she is biomale, shows a curvy waist and rounded hips because these males have had ribs removed with larger breasts that are estrogen given and silicone added to. Staying slender, because men hold far less fat, helps but she failed my 5 point rule making her shine as a biomale.
Like Farrah Fawcett who was also biomale dying from anal, rectal and colon cancer from real, physical reasons that happen to children and adults that have endured allot of sodomy over their lifetime. Im not being sarcastic. This is tragic!
Then there are people like Meg Ryan, who I went to high school with and was her lab partner in photography of all subjects, who is biomale but man, how feminized is he and always was. Yet, when I finally summoned up the courage to research her, she was one of the most obvious yet, I never saw it. Never. Why would I look at a classmate to see if they are transbaphed at 16 years old?
You see, baphing themselves dates back to ancient Egypt where they used horse urine to help modify and augment breasts. Transgendering is nothing new. Remember, makeup was created in ancient Egypt for men primarily. Wigs. Heels. Ruffles. Rouge. Tights for men. Robes for men. Men acted in both male and female roles on stage. Think of all the "pancake" makeup, rouge and coal tar eyeliner that would feminize any man. All originally for men.

You see, this is all about the anu blue bloodlines that adore the baphomet body: half male, half female. Penis with breasts. Vagina with no breasts. Their obsession with the penis is undeniable. Ask every obelisk erected.
Satanist Aleister Crowley brought home the passion for this ideology and transformation by giving dual genderism the name "baphomet". Crowley, bio-female, breasts removed, worshipped herself as male in the mirror but after viewing naked Crowley, uhm, its obvious what gender she was. Her son, Barbara Bush, would very much agree and yet, Betty White, Barbs sister, was a female, we think.

The entertainers around the world, politicians, monarchy, religious leaders, corporate heads, famous authors, musicians.... the famous, the wealthy, no matter color of skin, the satanists revere the baphomet body and eagerly relish in them.
The ability to terraform is astonishing but, in the end, they are fakers and are disgusting admonishments against true univine nature.
What you know as reality is NOT what they know or want us mere humans to know. They want men lusting for men and women for women. They want us arguing on what is what and who is who. They want us yearning to be them not knowing they are inverted. Transbaphed and despicable characters in every way yet we idol worship them. We "love" these hollowed out satanists that sold themselves to hell long, long ago or were born into it, shattered into a million pieces just because they were brought into existence by "them".
They want progressives to overlook this level of torment and abuse by thinking that everyone must decide for themselves who they want to be. And they encourage conservatives to dismiss without thought based on how the sick aren't worth our consideration.
Division serves them in every way. Divide by class. Divide by color. Divide by religion. Divide by economics, status, politics, career, age, gender, sexual orientation, geographics, language, education, mental and physical health, good/bad, yin/yang, north/south, east/west, up/down, in/out, even to the point of fracturing the mind by abuse and torture to divide our souls, to divide our truths, our peace, our unification from the rest of who we are until we are fragments over being whole and therefore, vibrant and fully actualized.

The transbaph agenda is the torture of children and the horrific destruction of the human soul. It is the absolute dismantling of the family, "society" on the whole, our future, our sovereignty, the termination of women altogether as wombs are no longer needed and the feminine energy is no longer wanted.
Men, unless they are weakened and subordinate, effeminate and controllable are no longer needed nor wanted.
Only children are necessary for the eternal transhumaned pods and the flesh food, sex and adren-o-chrome that is vital to the predatory sustenance and hells dominion over life as we don't even know it and can never even conceive of it. But what I do know is, by 2054 at the LATEST, life here on terror earth will be so horrendous, so putrid, so tormenting that even a prison sentence in Alcatraz would look like a love story on a summer day.

Why does this agenda matter?
The death of the human species is already in process with this very agenda (and the co-vit/d insanity moving forward) and it, this transbaphery, is to be OUR future, yours and mine, along with the torture of eternal transhumanism, without our souls, unless we STOP it right now. That is 200% up to us.
This is NOO distraction. This is the core of everything as the rest of this nightmare, like tentacles from hell, spreads out over us all like a net that won't stop fishing.
So the question is is "what the hell are we going to do to stop all of this once and for all?"
Remember the #ThighGapRage ?? All dudes.

Well well well look which tranny is playing at the Superbowl. T-REX Talons RIE RIE! #ThreeHeadsAcross

Every human being needs to listen to this testimony
Please listen to Chloe's story of mutilation and misguidance.

New Jersey schools must teach middle schoolers about anal sex, pregnancy options or risk 'disciplinary action'
One school superintendent warned schools could lose federal funding if they fail to implement new sex ed standards

Perez Hilton and Candace Owens Discuss Parenting and Gender Dysphoria in Children
Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children...For Profit!
Andrew Tate: Gettr and Rumble are the Future of Humanity.

Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.
Life According To Marz, Story at 6
Podcasts of Blogs & Introductions:
Wow, Marlene you are bringing the harsh truth and reality now for the sheople!!! Boom things are getting really ramped up now, one hell of a movie 🎥 🍿!!! Love it 🙌❤️🇺🇸