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💥"Vote For Me," And I'll Put The "R" Back In WaRshington."💥 R = JFK Jr. = Mike Lindell

Writer: marlenelove9marlenelove9

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

Mike's Cyber Symposium is amazing, watch it live!! BIG BOOM in Mike's book, What Are (R) The Odds? From crack addict to CEO. Lindell basically admits he's "R" = 18 = JFK Jr., OMG. Preview is over, it's showtime, let's review "R", and a few more of JFK Jr's characters. Will Hillary Clinton be the first arrest? Check out this mind blowing decode on Friday the 13th (this Friday) and HIlldog! Wrap up with devolution and a tale of 2 presidents.

Don't miss Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium, happening RIGHT NOW!

72 hour marathon on election fraud and how we by-stepped socialism went straight into communism. #ItsNotASprintItsAMarathon

UPDATE BREAKING: Joe Biden in Custody - making announcement tomorrow.

The unnecessary capital letters in Trump statement from 8/11:

RCPDDDBN = 197 = Q


Do It Q


Team God



Jair Bolsonaro's son gave Mike Lindell a MAGA hat signed by Trump at event talking about voter fraud

🚨 Mike Lindell: "We get attacked, but we expected it, we have a backup program."

August 10 = 18 = R = JFK Jr. plus a 3 year delta!


Mike's site is under attack - back up link right here:

Yes Mike went there! TGA #TheGreatAwakening #WatchingAMovie

Six Q Posts regarding Popcorn

There are plenty of 18's in Donald Trump Jr. time stamp regarding Jeffrey Epstein. Wonder why he's bringing that up? Where is Jeffrey?

18 = R = JFK Jr.

Mike stands at ease with the "Kennedy" clasp wearing the exact same blue suit and "Kennedy" clasp as Vincent Fusca = Conquering Darkness

Mike's head is strategically placed to conceal HC = 83 = 11

Frankspeecom: 7+5+6 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

Notice the thumbs! It's all about the thumbs up! Who's thumb is holding the magazines?

Is that John's thumb to total 5 digits? 5 = Gods Grace - Victory - Note the famous watch and matching arm hair. Who returned 2020? He's already here folks! He's been here all along. You know what they say about big thumbs? Big feet. And you know what they say about big feet? Big shoes. This man is filling some pretty big shoes that I can tell you. Rumour has it, he is a fan of cowboy boots and jeans, probably rides bareback racing on a beach at sunset holding a Trump 2020 flag. #JuanOSavin

Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (Official Music Video)

Do Not Miss: Movie on Communist China RULES US from Mike Symposium, SHARE SHARE SHARE

#CHINACHINACHINA #CCP = Transnational criminal organization!!!


Mike Lindell Stand down... lol

From Cowboyw2b on Gettr great decode!!!

"R" U Ready?

Big BOOM, in Mike's book What ARE The Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO! "R" YOU READY? The story is a great one, riddled with numerology and entertaining antidotes that have more than one meaning, ups and downs, lots of laughs and sadness that will force YOU to reflect. Mentions back to the future and this whole thing feels like a movie. #IsThatRight - Order it, get several copies, give them out as hostess gifts, to friends and family. It's a powerful story of redemption and second chances with lessons for everyone. $9.97 Don't wait until Christmas or Birthdays - give this gift of love. Disclaimer: I do not know Mike personally, I think he would be REAL fun to chat with though. ;)

If you've been following my blog you will know I believe JFK Jr. is alive, and is playing many roles in the great awakening movie to help awaken humanity from their slumber, one of them is Mike Lindell. I also obsessively point out connections to the number 18 = R = JFK Jr. #IsThatRight #WWG1WGA

I equally obsessively write about #17 = Q

17 + 18 = 35 = JFK 35 + 45 DJT = 17

Speaking of Q's and R's - Oh wait what is this?

Don't miss this 2 minute video by Mark Finchem - Arizona Ballot Integrity Program:

Our future vote will have a unique QR Code on every single ballot. PARDON? Sweet baby Jesus, God Bless them.

Q = 17 - R = 18 = JFK Jr.

17+18 = 35 = JFK

Check out my blogs on Mike Lindell:

Mike Lindell, MyPillow Guy Is JFK Jr. #Uniter #WWG1WGA

Mike Lindell, AKA JFK Jr. with Bannon & ABSOLUTE PROOF Of Election Fraud.

Mike Lindell Over The Target

"We Have Everything" - Mike Lindell & Q - Cyber Symposium

JFK Jr. Is Alive - And A Master of Disguise

Wow - I went to scan this blog written October 23/2020, blogs got more reach when I was on twitter and facebook, kindly share. Check out the number of views today on my JFK Jr. is Alive - Master of Disguise blog:

36,972 = 999 = 666 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

#IsThatRight = IZ@RITE?

That felt like a sign from God

You can imagine my surprise reading Mike's book when on page 285, (555 folks = From Dark To Light - Prison Planet) Mike shares a story about meeting Dr. Ben Carson during the presidential campaign, with a friend named Stephen Baldwin, who was well connected to the 3 fork crowd. He mentions being nervous and his friend Stephen breaks the ice with:

"Mike, what would your slogan be if you ran for president?"

- He was set up for the punchline they had discussed before based on the way Mike pronounced "wash" in his commercials.

💥💥💥💥"Vote for me," and I'll put the "R" back in WaRshington." 💥💥💥💥 ~Mike Lindell - page 285 of his book What ARE The Odds? - From Crack Addict to CEO.

What ARE the Odds = The Son of Justice - Forty Five - Power To Good - November Fourth

PARDON? Head 💥💥💥💥! Boom Boom Boom Boom #ThisIsIt
WASH = Drain the dirty swamp with bleach just like Juan O Savin said.

1827 = 18 = R = JFK Jr. August 9 - 17 = Q

Showtime = 1111 - 15 - 13 - I Am The Light

OH wait, what is this? JFK Jr. post photo on June 23 (pain) of GITMO's Camp Delta - No photography allowed. Is that our Delta variant for COVID? Come on now. #GitToGITMO

Speaking of DELTA - 22 = 1111


Original message from R - I wonder who R could be? ;)

20 year zone JFK Jr. Secret Plan to Run For President!

Masks: Not new to the characters in the Great Awakening. Here we have Vincent Kennedy, Michael Jackson and Lady Diana all sporting a mask like they were warning us like they are on the same team. ;) God love them.

Michael Jackson - Behind the Mask (Official Video)

Behind the mask video ends with this cyber shot like someone is controlling this matrix of our minds. #SocialConditioning

5 = Gods Grace - Victory

Michael Jackson - Live At Wembley (July 16, 1988)

Michael met with Lady Diana prior to his concert to present her with a cheque for Charles charity, she was wearing a distinctive yellow dress, same one that Jackie O is wearing in the below photo, same colour as the Q flag. July 16th is the same date JFK Jr. disappeared. Probably nothing.

Princess Diana pictured wearing a mask as she watches an operation on a child at Harefield hospital, Middlesex in 1996

Florida SWAT Officer Is Demoted After Wearing QAnon Patch Next to Mike Pence

Guys name was Patten. Trump is Patton reincarnated.

John tried to warn us about CHINA and CCP in his interview with IMUS so many years ago. Who's IMUS? Who else did an IMUS interview? Mike Lindell, he included a photo in his book. ;)

Timestamp: 6:34 = 13 = 13 Bloodlines




🇺🇸 National Audit Watch Channel: @AuditWatch - All 50 State Audit Watch Channels

Watch Mike on MSM headline "Mike Lindell refuses to leave the cyber symposium stage for 72 hours, but lunch is available in the hallway..." LOL MSM


My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has spent $17 million of his own money documenting and uncovering what he calls nationwide election fraud that happened in the November 3, 2020 election. This does not count all the money he has lost being kicked out of national chains selling his products. Lindell says, “I don’t care how much money it costs because if we don’t get the election fraud stopped, I won’t have a business anyway.” In Lindell’s ongoing attempt to shine a light on the fraud is his upcoming “Cyber Symposium.” It’s a 72 hour non-stop marathon - August 10 – 12 on

Lindell said 'anyone that sees this - even if it’s nine Supreme Court justices - every one of them would say: 'Wow, this is an attack on our country'' Follow and Share👉🏻@thegatewaypundit_news

MUST SEE: Mike Lindell on War Room Lays Out Day-by-Day Schedule on What to Expect at Much Anticipated Cyber Symposium This Week (VIDEO)

Video duration: 12:17 - #IsThatRight

Popular Trump supporter and MyPillow owner and founder Mike Lindell joined Steve Bannon Monday on The War Room the day before his much anticipated Cyber Symposium!

Mike’s symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota will take place August 10-12 starting at 9 AM Central time.

The Gateway Pundit is sending two reporters to cover this historic event.

On Monday Mike Lindell told Steve the symposium will cover 25 states on Tuesday, 25 states on Wednesday and a recap on Thursday.

Mike Lindell, “I would recommend we melt down the voting machines and use them as prison bars.”
Lindell, “On the stage, 200 politicians will be here, we will have a whole page on all the states. We are going to start on the east coast and go across the country like they do on election night… You can go to Frank Speech every day.”
Mike Lindell, “We are going to have 5 people on the panel. We are hoping we get you up there. Some of the states we won’t spent much time on. Dr. Frank’s up there we’re going to show you what they did with the 2010 census. Right below me is a cyber center. You can go up there at any time and put in a county and you’re going to find out what the real count is. Anybody here can do that. On the last day I want those cyber guys to say – this data correctly correlates what the data says. We are going to bring them out and question the cyber guys. ‘What do you think?'”

Americas First Audits Already Wants All 50 States Examined As Cyber Expert CONFIRMS Votes Can Be Altered From Overseas

I noticed Blessed To Teach episodes advertised on Mike Lindell's Rick the host of Blessed To Teach is lovely, he interviews Gene Decode ALL THE TIME. Gene Decode describes underground tunnels, saving children, dumbs, and closing Cheyenne Mountain (just like Juan O Savin mentions) I believe GENE DECODE & Juan O Savin are both JFK Jr's characters.

Juan O Savin book: The Kid By The Side Of The Road. Order your copy now, you won't regret it. In it, he describes the story of Cane and Abel as below.

Savin Hill Subway Station in Boston - Kennedy library is located on Savin Hill? WHUT?


Hilldog Clinton - will her clone or double be the first arrest?

Will HRC be the first arrest? It will be a four year delta from the first Q post on October 28th indicating HRC would be arrested on October 30, 2017. Was Q posting in reverse the entire time? Go read the first 150 Q posts - I'll bet they are a matchup to what is going on right now.

Tucker Carlson tells us to Buckle Up! Trump has known all along.


Q Post #1 dated - Oct 28, 2017 - This October 28 will be a 4 year delta, Q says Hillary arrest on October 30, 2017. #13Bloodlines Will the public finally be made aware of her arrest and execution? Nice decode by @Danon1776 - let's see what happens.

Minnesota National Guard Soldiers Activated, Ready To Respond To Unrest In Minneapolis

DC National Guard activated as rioters lay siege to capitol

Interesting DECODE by @DANON1776:

Devolution 8 Part Series

CM_ Patriot - @IMPatriotRU

The Two Presidents?

Trump, the master strategist, shocked us all when he stepped aside on January 20 and handed the country over to communists and their puppet president. But was this all part of a much bigger plan? Did Trump ever truly relinquish control, or did he step aside just long enough for the enemies to expose themselves for all to see? Was this the only way to avoid massive civil war, while giving the American people time to wake up? And if so, what could we expect to see in the near future?

Look how slim President Trump is in this photo. He's NOT FAT, he wears a fat suit. God love him. I sincerely apologize if this is not the case and the President is chubby. lol. Who dat in the background? Look at Melania, like a boss with her green bomber jacket.


Hope you're enjoying the show. Thanks for reading. Kindly share the love.


Christa Slater
Christa Slater
Aug 12, 2021

Hello I don't know who you are, but your content is always on fire🔥🔥 You are my news source and with you I can't get enough. You deserve to have way more viewership and you will. When I'm stealing your content or as I like to think of it as being a redistribution agent I always add your site. I deeply appreciate the hard work you put into this site and the mind blowing truth you put out here.

Thank you kindly,


Marlene Love
Marlene Love
Aug 12, 2021
Replying to

Wow, thank you Christa for your kind words of encouragement, they are sincerely appreciated. Share share share, that is the gift, share the information, do your own research and choose knowledge! #DarkToLight = #IgnoranceToKnowledge they are choices, we need to pick a lane, it's good vs evil and the time is now. Best really is yet to come #WWG1WGA.


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