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UK Hidden Shadows Documentary - Ivana Trump Dead At 73 #RIP

Writer: marlenelove9marlenelove9

UK Hidden Shadows - is UK's version of Out of The Shadows - Ivana Trump dead at 73, RIP, Trump announces on Truth Social first - let's review a few qlues. One on one interview with President Trump. Trudeau got a dumb and dumber haircut to help the sleepy Canadians label him as so, but not before it made headline news. #Sheeple It's a public humiliation ritual. Where's Sophie? No real wife would ever let this happen. Everyone knows his massive dome and skull can not support a short haircut without looking absolutely retarded. #Correct #SocialConditioning #ItsHappening


Durham requests 30 subpoenas for testimony in trial against Steele source Igor Danchenko, Trudeau vs. Canada with Jordan Peterson and Rex Murphy - Canadian Court Rules it Was Legal To Deny Unvaccinated Person Organ Transplant - eek! The Dumbing Down Of Society - Dr Russel Blaylock - Aspartame - MSG - Mercury - Aluminium - Fluoride #UsualSuspects

Settling the virus debate, take action for kids, what it's like to be a sheep with JP Sears, social engineering in the 20th century.

A 10-year-old child was raped by a man who should never have been here, and all Joe Biden wants to talk about are abortion rights while sending $1 bn in food aid for the Middle East. Hunter Biden can bring the whole house of cards down! More on trannygate, get ready to have your minds blown and then we'll wrap up with some inspirational messages.

The most important relationship you'll have in your entire life is with yourself. You can never divorce yourself, you can never run away and you can never hide from yourself. Enjoy the show!


UK's Hidden Shadows

This is UK version of Hollywood's Out of The Shadows. #Wicked

Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana Trump dead at 73, former President announces on Truth Social

Former President Trump announced her death on Truth Social

"I am very saddened to inform all of those that loved her, of which there are many, that Ivana Trump has passed away at her home in New York City. She was a wonderful, beautiful, and amazing woman, who led a great and inspirational life. Her pride and joy were her three children, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric. She was so proud of them, as we were all so proud of her. Rest In Peace, Ivana!," Trump said.

See how major headlines get posted on Truth Social FIRST! Boom.

73 = 10 = 5.5 = Loud and Clear - Or is it? #RedTie #RedPill #RedDress

Interesting the timing - anniversary of JFK Jr's plane dissapearance.

All I see in Trump message is an unnessary capital R for Rally - R = 18 = JFK Jr. #Friday #Truth

Searched Ivana and JFK Jr and this image came up. #trannies #royals #people #divorce #trash

Ivana Trump's Friends Worried That House Hid a Lurking Danger... Then Her Body Was Found Next to It

Vintage Pizza Hut commercial starring Ivana and Donald Trump #shorts

Trump Makes Unexpected Stop for Pizza in Biden's Backyard

Orders pizza with sausage on it. Ground up WHATEVER in a casing then fried in oil.

One on One with President Trump

REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball Talks January 6th Hoax, Bidenflation, The Border Invasion & More W/ President Donald Trump, 7/13/22

Durham requests 30 subpoenas for testimony in trial against Steele source Igor Danchenko

In other JFK Jr. news, July 16th was the 23rd anniversary of JFK Jr's plane that reportedly went missing 17 miles off of Martha's Vineyard.

Vincent Kennedy - Hunter Hacked Helmsley ft. @Bryson Gray

‘They’re F*cked’: Joe Rogan Says Canada has Gone ‘Communist’, Rips ‘Gross’ Trudeau as ‘Dictator’

By Kipp JonesJul 15th, 2022, 4:23 pm

The entire push vaccines on children and then to retract that mandate as potentially dangerous is to teach the parents its dangerous for adults too as in all humans. #WakeUp #Focus #UnvaccinatedArentDying

Canadian Court Rules it Was Legal To Deny Unvaccinated Person Organ Transplant

A judge in the Canadian province of Alberta has ruled that a woman did not have her rights violated when she was denied an organ transplant due to not being vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus.

Really? I'm absolutely fine with this. If we were supposed to be opened up God would have provided us with zippers and here we are. Organ transplant is not the way we heal. I believe they are doing this to bring attention to organ harvesting crimes. #Pray

Trudeau vs. Canada - Jordan Peterson - Rex Murphy

There is a collective dementia happening with Canadians. Watch In this episode, Rex Murphy and I discuss the strange times in current Canadian politics, the perpetual scandals of Justin Trudeau, media censorship and the appalling Bill C-11, fascism on the Left, Zoom parliament, and much more.

Dumb And Dumber Haircut

The Dumbing Down Of Society - Dr Russel Blaylock - Aspartame - MSG - Mercury - Aluminium - Fluoride

The Dumbing Down Of Society - Dr Russel Blaylock 3.5 Minutes

Naomi Wolf on Pfizer Trials: “This was a Clinical Trial that They Knew by August 2021 Was Failing – Vaccines Were NOT Safe and Effective” (VIDEO)

Naomi Wolf: “It looks to me, this is not an overstatement from what I’ve seen, that this was a clinical trial that by August 2021 Pfizer and the FDA knew was failing, failed, the vaccines were not safe and effective. That they weren’t working. That efficacy was waining… They rolled it out anyway.”

Low Demand for Young Kids’ Covid Vaccines is Alarming Doctors

Dr. Fauci: COVID-19 vaccines don’t protect ‘overly well’ against infection

Says shots can still stave off bad outcomes, citing himself as example

Watch: Fauci Decrees That CDC Should Be Above Authority Of Courts


Take Action for Kids is a new initiative providing education and support so you can make informed decisions, regarding your child’s medical health.

I, ADV, have been made an advisor for this group and will ensure that the information regarding the false germ theory and the truth about disease is available under the science directory.

Please help us to educate parents so they are calm, centered and knowledgeable, not merely reacting to illusory fears invented by agenda 2030 controlled governments.

Let us work together to stop the evil trying to destroy and control mankind. Let us protect our children from these monsters.

What It's Like Being a Sheep! By JP Sears

Human Resources - Social Engineering In The 20th Century

This Documentary Examines The Role That Science And Technology Play In The Exploitation And Control Of Human Beings. The Desire By A Small Group Of The Ruling Elite To Control Others Epitomizes Their Psychopathy As Well As The Pathology Inherent In Technocratic, Sociological Philosophies. Topics Include Behaviorism - Scientific Management - Workplace Democracy - Schooling - Frustration/Aggression Hypothesis - Eugenics - Human Experimentation.

The Child Rapist Is an Illegal Immigrant - The Patriot Post on July 14, 2022 by Douglas Andrews

A 10-year-old child was raped by a man who should never have been here, and all Joe Biden wants to talk about are abortion rights.

This is the sickest, most disturbing, most God-awful of stories — the single story that most appalls us and most loudly cries out for jailhouse justice.

As it turns out, a 10-year-old girl was indeed raped and impregnated, just as Joe Biden and his fellow pro-abortion activists told us. And now — only now — we learn that the suspect is an illegal immigrant. As Fox News reports:

The man charged with the rape of a 10-year-old girl in Ohio is a Guatemalan illegal immigrant, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source told Fox News Digital on Wednesday. The Columbus Dispatch first reported that Gerson Fuentes was arrested after police said he confessed to raping a child on multiple occasions. He has been charged with rape, and the outlet reported that he was possibly in the country illegally.

Possibly? How hard might that info be to run down?

Our Nate Jackson, who does God's work on matters of life, first covered this story on Monday, when its specifics were nowhere to be found and its veracity was highly suspect. Everyone who reported on it sensed that something was amiss. Now we know why.

"The tragedy of her rape," as Jackson writes, "is certainly more outrageous than any political games played by Biden and the Leftmedia. But the irony was compounded given that the alleged rapist is an illegal alien. We don't know when this criminal entered the country, but Joe Biden has intentionally opened the border, which has exactly these consequences. Yet he's mad only because the girl supposedly couldn't get an abortion. Reprehensible."

Indeed, as Biden put it last week: "Ten years old. Raped, six weeks pregnant. Already traumatized. Was forced to travel to another state. Imagine being that little girl."

Imagine being an American president so beholden to the abortion lobby that he trumpets a little girl's unspeakable trauma for purely political purposes. What a good "Catholic" he is.

Our Emmy Griffin, herself a young mother, is similarly appalled. "Both the whistleblower and the president," she writes, "lay the crime at the feet of the innocent unborn child and his or her mother. The real outrage should be centered on the rapist and his even being in this country to commit this crime. If there were any justice in this world, that man should forfeit his life."

Suffice it to say that the crime is monstrous, and the outrage on the Left is grotesquely misplaced. That includes the actions of Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an activist abortion doctor who's been a frequent and public advocate for abortion on demand. Bernard, it turns out, was the single source behind this story, which was first reported in the Indianapolis Star in the context of the victim reportedly having had to cross state lines to Indiana to get an abortion due to Ohio's laws. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, though, said that exceptions to Ohio law would have allowed the girl to obtain an abortion in the state.

Bernard is also in legal trouble, and not just because she may have failed to report the alleged crime to authorities. As Fox News's Aishah Hasnie reported yesterday, Bernard's employer "has filed a HIPAA violation against her for sharing details about the young patient." (HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which was passed in 1996 to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.)

One of the most disturbing details of this awful story is how long it took for the alleged rapist to be apprehended. As PJ Media reports:

"The day after [AG Yost's] appearance on Fox News, the alleged rapist was arrested and confessed to Columbus Police. According to the report, the Franklin County Department of Child Services received a report of the incident on June 22 from the child's mother. It is not known how long it took DCS to give that report to the police, but the fact that the suspect was not arrested until after the story went viral raises questions."

What was this monster doing on the loose for weeks after the girl's mom reported the rape? And where's the outrage on the Left about this man's presence in our country?

An American president's first duty is to defend the nation and protect its citizenry. In this respect, Joe Biden couldn't possibly be a more miserable failure, and his intentional border malfeasance looms ever larger as an impeachable offense.

Postscript: The normally conservative editorial page editors of The Wall Street Journal disgraced themselves deeply in their coverage of this story today — first by failing to condemn (worse, tacitly applauding) Joe Biden's despicable demagoguery; second by choosing to reiterate and thereby promote their own deeply disappointing pro-abortion stance; and third by failing to even mention the illegal status of the child rapist. "Correcting the Record on a Rape Case" runs the Journal's headline above a subhead that mumbles, "A man has confessed to a crime that got the President's attention." With "friends" like these, who needs a Leftmedia?

Those who shook hands with Zelensky were removed.

Biden to announce $1 bn in food aid for Middle East: US official

We Are Screwed - R. Brand #FoodCrisis

Or do WE have all the power?

RB: This week I spoke with Vandana Shiva about the current global protests, such as the Dutch farmers, and the historical push to curb the production of healthy clean food in place of more profitable GMO produce. #junkfood #bigfood #diseases

Speaking of GUNS, not knives, not vehicles, not planes,

It's open season on Joseph Roubinette Biden Jr. 🔥

Just When Team Biden Thought it Couldn’t Get Worse, Now Snoop Dogg is Brutally Mocking Joe

Daily Wire reported that Snoop Dogg trolled President Joe Biden over the weekend by tying the bumbling commander in chief to a strain of marijuana.

“Sleepy Joe OG.” The package features an image of a confused Biden and the words, “Where Am I???”
“You won’t even remember what country you are in!” the package says.

Desantis makes a valid point IN 17 SECONDS. #AGREED #REALMEN

I believe we can all agree worldwide justice and consciousness appears to be taking a long time, but we can also agree we are no longer attached to time or the need to "be right" = all EGO based, now it's more a feeling of let the universe work her magic, God is in control, let's see what happens. #BestIsYetToCome #StrongVibes #YouControlTheGame #WorkInProgress #Breath

EXC: Biden’s Energy Dept Drag Queen Gets Top Secret ‘Q Clearance’ Alongside Six-Figure Government Salary.


#QChatSpace for 13 - 19 year olds. EEK. If you can not see the obvious reference to Q, we can not help you. Where is the Q? Who is Q? Nothing to see here, move along.

CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.

Called Q Chat Space, the platform is advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Youth Resources page, archived here. The chat service, which describes itself as “a community for LGBTQ+ teens,” is available for those ages 13-19, can be hidden from parents, and focuses on a number of mature themes.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Doctors & Psychotherapists: Butchers & Liars

This is a 14 minute video by Dr. Jordan Peterson and he nails it on Transgender doctors and psychotherapists are absolute butchers and liars. He also reviews child sacrifice through the ages. Do not miss!

I've seen video of a transgendered female to male - and what they actually do and it's barbaric. It's disgusting and revolting and it's a crime. #MentalHealth #Lockthesepeopleup

World is a Stage

Michelle Obama’s Changing Sexual Identity

In the American Thinker.... wow!!!

Found a new transvestigation channel called Holo Haux that is still up, he does some really good work and I found some shocking information.

Many of the playboy bunnies are dudes just as we suspected! Shocking NOT! AND guess who Hugh Hefner's mentor was? Kinsey the homosexual pedophile rapist who believes 80% of men are gay. HATED women. #Same #BirdsofaFeather #SICK

The MEN of PlayBOY International: A Transvestigation

UM, do not miss, just as I suspected. EGAWD - right in the name. Play Boy. ARGH #VOMIT #Playboy #Transvestigation #GenderInversion #PornMakesYouStupid

First "model" is an admitted transgender. You trying to tell me the rest of these are real women? Who likes their women with massive skulls, big fake over processed hair extensions, fake tits, straight up and down torso, fake nails, with man bums and loads of plastic surgery throw in all that makeup and perfume to mask their undeniable man gaze and maleness and who they really are. #ManGaze #EEK

Satan at work right here folks.

I thought she was a TEN! EGAWD Bo and Derek in it's name.

Photos on the angle, long hair to hide shoulders, flat back, very narrow hips, looks over botoxed. #bestiality #fakenews

According to the left, Sandra is a woman.

Kamanla Hairass: Vice President of the Transpocalypse

I'm not convinced that Kamala is a man, but we know she is wearing a mask and loves trannies, there is no denying this. Check it out for yourself.

World is a Stage

Semen Bile - Transpocalypse

Symbolism will be their downfall. So will their Adonis belts.

Bradley Cooper is 'dating former Clinton aide Huma Abedin': Couple have 'secretly been together for MONTHS, were set up by mutual friend Anna Wintour and even went to Met Gala together'

Here comes the Muslim Brotherhood Hollywood style - add the Telford horror show of Pakistani men targeting, kidnapping, raping and torturing young white female children for sexual abuse and exploitation that resulted in murders and many abortions. #Tulford #ChildAbuse #TipOfTheIceBerg #WorldWide #ReallyBad


Bradley Cooper’s full dating history: All of his girlfriends and an ex-wife

Every single one is a tranny including himself. #SoPretty

Who on earth would wear this hideous dress?

Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty to Federal Obscenity Charge

Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

Article is from 2016, old news, not going away.


We all probably feel like we need a shower to wipe off that wicked energy. #CutEnergyTies #SNAP

Look at how your thoughts make you vibrate. This is why being conscious, present, living in the now with a grateful happy heart is so important. YOU do this to YOU. Learn breath meditation. No excuses, it's in you to connect with and it's free. Take the time to connect with 3 good breaths several times a day.

The most important relationship you'll have in your entire life is with yourself. You can never divorce yourself, you can never run away and you can never hide from yourself. You'd better love yourself.

Being constantly busy is not a sign of success it is a sign of avoidance - when you let go of attachments, you let go of your story of me and you also let go of the trauma. If you don't feel worthy your manifestations and intentions will not work, the universe gives you what you feel worthy of. YOU are in control of YOU. Do you bound out of bed like a kid getting ready to go on a field trip with all the excitement of the new? Do YOU look in the mirror every morning and say I positive things to you? You are amazing. You are me, I am you, we are the collective. Our job is to raise the collective conciseness .. that's it. Are you with me? I already know you are, with all our imperfections and beauty - we are one, I love you, I Love me. and so it is. xoxo

We are all yearning for peace, which feels like boredom for people who grew up in chaos.

Change is always going to happen, we can't control that, but what you can control is how you respond to it it and adapt to it.

Peace is a result of retraining your mind to process life as it is rather than what you think it it. Set your intention - use your breath to manipulate energy. Believe.

Success is not to make a billion dollars, most billionaires are miserable. Success it to wake up in a good mood and bound out of bed to have a good day, be happy and leave behind joy. Be like that little girl in the video above, show up for yourself every single day because you're worth it. That's it. #SelfLove

You Are More Than You Think

This guy nails it on consciousness. We are all supernatural life is so amazing and it's only getting better. #StrongVIbes #

"I'm telling you fellow beings - listen to this." Marz

Pineal Gland Activation & Decalcification in 31 Minutes (Binaural Beats) ♫73


Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6

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1 Comment

Jul 28, 2022

Thanks again for posting the TRUTH! Love your posts!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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