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Rush Limbaugh AKA Jim Morrison, RIP Greatest Of All Time - King Of Radio

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

This blog is in honour of a good man. “Talent on loan from God”. I can't help but feel Rush Limbaugh is an actor playing a role in The Great Awakening. What makes a great movie? Great actors. #JohnDurham #JimMorrison #AndrewBreitbart

Intro to Rush/Jim Blog

PODCAST of Blog:

You don’t know what you don’t know, I’ve certainly shed a few tears writing this blog, no worries, the best is yet to come and we’re watching a movie right? Med beds and age regression are right around the corner for humanity, so perhaps we will see Rush "Jimbaugh" in the near future?

Here we have THE Rush Limbaugh SHOW in GOLD giving us the Great Awakening thumbs up sporting the Presidential Medal of Freedom! God bless him and his craft.

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk king sends dire warning on GOP plans for MAGA - he wrote this 17 days ago, January 31st, 2021 and today is Feb 17, 2021 that is a double Q! 17 days later, on February 17, 2021, Rush Limbaugh dies of lung cancer. That's a triple 17.

17 x 3 = 51 = Area 51

Rush Limbaugh Sends Dire Warning After GOP Plans To Get Rid Of The “MAGA” Movement

“The endgame is the destruction of the entire MAGA movement, even if it means the Republican Party is adrift in the wilderness for 30 years. ‘We’re gonna get rid of MAGA, it’s gonna have nothing to do with the Republican Party going forward.’

That’s the battle within the Republican Party. The Republican Party has its own establishment types. They have members that are as pro-deep state as Democrats are,” he said in response to a caller who asked how it was possible for the No. 3 Republican in the House, Wyoming’s Liz Cheney, to support impeaching former President Trump earlier this month. Where is Liz Cheney the offspring of Darth Vader?

What if?

What kind of a name is Rush Limbaugh? Limbaugh was partly of German ancestry. The name "Rush" was originally chosen for his grandfather to honor the maiden name of a family member, Edna Rush.

According to the 2010 United States Census, Limbaugh is the 18,218th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 1527 individuals. Limbaugh is most common among white (94.83%) individuals.

Limbaugh hosted a national television show from 1992 to 1996. He was among the most highly compensated figures in American radio. In 2018, Forbes listed his earnings at $84.5 million. 8+4+5=17 = Q In December 2019, Talkers Magazine estimated that Limbaugh's show attracted a cumulative weekly audience of 15.5 million listeners to become the most-listened-to radio show in the United States.

15+5 = 20 = 5.5 x 2 = Loud & Clear Limbaugh also wrote seven books; his first two, The Way Things Ought to Be (1992) and See, I Told You So (1993), made The New York Times Best Seller list. President John F. Kennedy's slogan was "I TOLD YOU SO". JFK Jr. wears a t-shirt I TOLD YA, pictured with Carolyn here, but the original photograph includes their dog a German Shepard at the time rumoured to be named Friday after the day his father was assassinated. #Connected #TheGreatAwakening

To clarify we believe there are 10 people on the Q team. #TenOfUs

I believe JFK Jr. told us he was Q in this statement.

I TOLD YA = 584 = 17 = Q = Game Over

Limbaugh became one of the premier voices of the conservative movement in the United States in the 1990s, aided by the repeal of the FCC fairness doctrine. He became known for his bombastic, derisive tone and reliance on grievance politics. He was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame and the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

President Trump SOTU - 2020 - Presents Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh (partial remarks)

"We have launched ambitious new initiatives to substantially improve care for Americans with kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, and those struggling with mental health. And because Congress was so good as to fund my request, new cures for childhood cancer, and we will eradicate the AIDS epidemic in America by the end of this decade.

Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. Here tonight is a special man, beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet. Rush Limbaugh, thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country.

And, Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire, and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

I will now ask the First Lady of the United States to present you with the honor. Please.

(The Medal of Freedom is presented.)

Rush and Kathryn, congratulations. Thank you, Kathryn." ~President Trump

Who else got the Medal Of Freedom and does it have a double meaning? Free from blackmail? #YoullFindOut

Limbaugh expressed controversial viewpoints on race, LGBT matters, feminism, sexual consent, and climate change. He supported U.S. military interventions in the Middle East.

Rush Limbaugh on:

Chelsea Clinton (CC worships Satan) During the Clinton administration, while taping his television program, Limbaugh referred to media coverage of Socks, the Clintons' cat. He then stated, "But did you know there is also a White House dog?" and a picture of Chelsea Clinton was shown. When questioned about it, Limbaugh claimed that it was an accident and that without his permission some technician had put up the picture of Chelsea.

Michael J. Fox In October 2006, Limbaugh said Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, had exaggerated the effects of his affliction in a political TV advertisement advocating for funding of stem cell research. Limbaugh said that Fox in the ad had been "shameless" in "moving all around and shaking", and that Fox had not taken "his medication or he's acting, one of the two". Fox said "the irony of it is I was too medicated", adding that there was no way to predict how his symptoms would manifest. Limbaugh said he would apologize to Fox "bigly, hugely if I am wrong in characterizing his behavior on this commercial as an act.”

Bigly and hugely, where have we hear those words before?

Michael J Fox rumoured to be a women, a shameless greedy women that raised 180 Million for the disease through his charity.

Limbaugh embodied Wordsworth's concept of the "Happy Warrior," which conservatives have come to embrace as their own.

The long-time radio host was always having a good time — and so were his listeners. It's why he was successful, and cleared the way for an entire genre.

Rush Predicts Network Calling Biden Election Prior to Polls Closing - Now how did that happen?

Rush Limbaugh Last Broadcast:

Thank you Jon McNaughton, your parents are very proud of you and so is humanity. We adore GOOD men and women we stand beside you. #DigitalSoldier #HoldTheLine #GodWins #WWG1WGA

"Rush once asked me about cowardice, even on the right, he knew being hated is a byproduct of truth telling." ~James O'Keefe Project Veritas "There's a good reason for the media hating me, one of the toughest things I had to do was learn to psychologically accept the fact that being hated was a sign of success” ~Rush Limbaugh
"Rush Limbaugh was a legend." President Trump on Fox Live

Trump on Fox News, Sean Hannity, called "Rush the King of radio!"

President Trump speech on Fox Live - Rush Limbaugh:

"He was a future person, he was disappointed by what was happening with the country, very disappointed he thinks it will all work out, he was very open, that's why his show did so well, record number of fans.

Rush wants to learn from the past, very important election, more than anything else we became very friendly, he loved sports any sport he could talk about any sport, totally brilliant guy, very unique, maybe it was the voice?? Why do some people have more viewers, there is something in the air, the voice, the brain power, he had something very special.

His support happened so early, Rush felt very early that we are going to win, from the escalator ride down. Never had to think about it he was there so early so gracious so good to me amazing. He loved Kathryn, it was a tough time, tough period, he was married to an angel, the help and the devotion, you could see when I gave him the award. Loved his family and he loved Kathryn."

"But you would be the first one to say and -- that he was there first. And he was a brilliant guy, just a totally brilliant guy. And he could do things that a lot of people couldn't do. He could just talk for three hours, no phone calls, no anything, just talk. And everybody found it spellbinding." President Trump on Rush Limbaugh

The Incredible Adventures of Rush Revere

Did you know Rush and his wife Kathryn wrote a series of children's books called Rush Revere regarding time travel adventures and discover more about the most remarkable Americans in history?

REVERE: to show devoted deferential honor or to regard as worthy of great honor From the nationally syndicated radio host and #1 New York Times bestselling author Rush Limbaugh comes this special boxed set of four exciting Rush Revere titles, perfect for those who want to discover more about some of the most remarkable Americans in history! Starting with the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, you can join these daring English settlers as they arrive in America and celebrate the first Thanksgiving. Follow that with Rush Revere and the First Patriots and discover just how the talk of revolution and liberty spread from the bustling streets of 1760s Boston. Join the fight for freedom with Rush Revere and the American Revolution and be on hand for some of the most important battles of the war. Experience America’s first days as a nation and meet James Madison as writes the Constitution in Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner! And finally, learn about all the first three presidencies of the United States directly from the men themselves and get to see George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson in action in Rush Revere and the Presidency!

What a wonderful collection of history and patriotism for children to learn and enjoy.

A few of my favourite quotes by Rush Limbaugh, the exact kind of patriot that should be writing children's books.


With all the rumours of Trump cards, the King of Pop and the King of Rock being alive, King of Shock is dead and now we lose the King of Conservative talk show at 70 to lung cancer? RIP Rush Limbaugh, did his character have to die off so Jim Morrison can finally reveal himself? Is the Queen of peoples hearts, another Trump card? Could be wrong, I mean no disrespect.

JM = 23 = Pain/Punisher

W = 23

I AM = 23

I don't believe Rush is done

Castle Rock = Mount RUSHMORE - let's see what happens

Did you know Rush comes from a prominent family of lawyers?

The family includes many lawyers, including his grandfather, father and brother; his uncle, Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr., was a federal judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. His cousin, Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr., is a judge in the same court, appointed by George W. Bush. Limbaugh's grandfather, Rush Limbaugh Sr., was a Missouri prosecutor, judge, special commissioner, member of the Missouri House of Representatives in the 1930s, and longtime president of the Missouri Historical Society.

Was Rush H. Limbaugh Jr. also an attorney? What if he is the illusive John Durham? The special prosecutor President Trump promised to hire to look into Hillary's disgusting emails. The one AG Sessions appointed and President Trump swore in 2 days after the first Q drop.

John H. Durham Sworn in as United States Attorney

Mr. Durham has served as the interim U.S. Attorney since October 28, 2017, after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions signed an order appointing him to the position. President Donald Trump nominated Mr. Durham to serve as U.S. Attorney on November 1, 2017, and the U.S. Senate confirmed his nomination on February 16, 2018.

I also believe it's possible that John Durham could be played by JFK Jr. who is also an attorney. Here is my blog on that topic.

Interesting announcement from U.S. Attorney John H. Durham on February 17, 2021, same date as Rush H. Limbaugh's death announcement. 3 Assistant United States Attorneys nominated to be Connecticut Superior Court Judges - he mentions restoring the rule of law. #NothingToSeeHere


We love the Doors. Did you know Jim’ Morrison's father was a military man? George Stephen Morrison (January 7, 1919 – November 17, 2008) was a United States Navy rear admiral (upper half) and naval aviator. Morrison was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964, which sparked an escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War. He was the father of Jim Morrison, the lead singer of the rock band The Doors, who died in July 1971.

Awful lot of 17's in that statement.

Green Eyes

Jim Morrison is Rush Limbaugh 100% screens shots video source:

Riders on the Storm, was the last song Jim Morrison recorded. He went to France and died a few weeks later. The single was released in June 1971 shortly before Morrison’s death. 1971 = 18 = 666 #RedeemingOurNumbers

Riders On The Storm:

Strongly recommend enjoying one of the worlds favourite song Riders on the Storm at 432 Hz, healing music, like native music, from frequency of joy, kindness and love.

Riders On The Storm Driving With Jim | (432Hz) The Doors

Who picks up Jim in this black mustang? Does this man have a white hat on? Juan O Savin mentions a man in a black mustang in one of his interviews. #IMUS #Whitehat

You can never tell with these time travellers. ;)

DON'T MISS Rush singing This is THE END by The Doors! Sweet finale! God love him.

Don't think for one second Rush/Jim are not connected. #ColoursMatter #TheGreatAwakening

Mark Levin on Rush Limbaugh, great interview:



I've just started podcasts to draw attention to my older blogs and to lend my voice to the movement the great awakening. Please subscribe so you are notified when I add a podcast.

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