This is a very powerful relevant poem. Enjoy the show! Please share, keep this moving patriots!!
Poem - Love is Our Superpower
Author Unknown
Video duration 3.41 = 17 = Q
Colours match The Great Awakening and we have our Kennedy/Trump blue ;)

I transcribed below:
It's been like this forever, this isn't a change of weather
Freedom is hanging by a thread here while we binge Netflix and Tik Tok,
Now I'm not here to judge you, I know we're all scared and tired and
we've been so hard wired media fuelled the wrong fires,
We're depressed we're dying while billionaires are crying of laughter,
while we are just running faster away from reality well, why wouldn't we?
They've got guns and we've got families, this isn't conspiracy, theories have been brought to light throughout history, we are in a cave thinking we are free wont go to the light its easier not to see.
Can we go back to dictionaries when definitions where clear? Words manipulated we didn't know existed, let teachers fix it so parents can be distant, mess with child development just leave it to the government, let them draw our paths cause we gave them the pencil...
We can still erase this if we face it!! Us against the faces of people that convince us that drugs will solve our problems while they profit from our consumption.
Stop listening to stars and politicians, and begin using intuition, discerning facts from fiction, stop paying into our addiction of listening to a system that is turning us into victims of our lack of wisdom. If you don't see it now, it's ok to be confused, but don't throw rocks at those who do, take a step back and you'll see who is piloting this ruse. A bunch of individuals profiting from your residuals putting our money into propaganda and riot police instead of into our failing healthcare system?
They've always done this, tell us they need our money to fix the roads while they ride private jets and fancy boats no wonder we can't stay a float.
We're right where they want us, distanced and thoughtless, avoiding each other so we can't discuss what's wrong with this picture? Instead we discuss our feelings CAP LOCKS ON with words vomiting out of our thumbs without knowledge of real arguing. Why can't ideas be shared without ruining friendships and careers, just because someone got offended never learned emotional intelligence, your feelings have no relevance in the crusade for truth.
If they gave any credit to the people we would not have censored information we get just one side on every station pushing separation amongst each other, so we're too busy judging mothers who wonder why their kids are being smothered, masks in gym class call out the other when he pulls down his mask, how do they even learn in class?
Add selling problems not solutions, our institutions told us following was the solution cause if you think for yourself you go nowhere with an F.
But I can tell you the people who came out independent, we are the one's who were observant, I had to unlearn to become present and I'm still working on it.
But I make decisions for myself, this isn't about health, if it were they would tell us get your vitamins, go for walks, whenever you can, do sports, eat well, have interactions real human connections, raise your kids with healthy immune systems instead they punish insurrections that fight for freedom from the infectious disease that is control.
They swallow us whole, keep us indoors, special treatment for big box stores, give us fines, when we're unsure what martial law is in place today. Give us cheques to stay on our good side, keep us lost and afraid cause we can't afford a rising mortgage or rent cause we lost our pay it was never going to be just a few days.

“It Should Be that He Is Simply Reinstated, That a New Inauguration Day Is Set” – Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Fraud Is Exposed (VIDEO)

Anyone else think Sidney could be Diana? Not the first time I said this. Wearing an ace of hearts, not the Queen of hearts. #SnowWhite
Advocate Sidney Powell spoke at the For God and Country rally this Memorial Day weekend in Dallas, Texas. Where she was asked what would happen if at least some states reversed the results of their 2020 presidential election?
′′ We are definitely in uncharted territory. There are times when elections are cancelled, but there has never been a presidential level that has been applied to. This doesn't mean it's impossible. There's always a first precedent. And as far as I know, we're dealing with the first case of fraud and coup so atrocious in the United States of America. So we definitely need to take care of it. It should be possible to simply reinstate him (Trump) by setting a new day for the inauguration (there was a storm of applause at this point). And Biden is asked to leave the White House. President Trump needs to be brought back." ~Sidney Powell

UPDATE! Here we have the back of Sidney Powell with a Queen of Hearts! Look behind you!
“I'd like to be a queen in people's hearts but I don't see myself being queen of this country.” ~Princess Diana

Don't miss Rachel Maddow - MSNBC melting down over Sidney Powell's remarks and the Q Anon Conspiracy Conference!
Confirming my unwavering commitment to the Great Awakening colours, our cat and a potato and EQQ salad recipe. ;)

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