The news cycle is getting out of control, there is so much to report on. I've had to cut this blog in half twice. Let's get into it.
PODCAST - you're going to love this.
First off I'm delighted to report that President Trump RT'd a meme confirming Donald J. Trump is the real Commander and Chief!! Sweet baby Jesus our prayers have been answered. #BOOM Now why would he do that? God love him, always communicating with us.


Well well well, looks like the deep state FQQked up badly. The walls are closing in big time this time. LOL Trump got his fourth indictment on Trumped up charges and you might as well call the election over. "There is no step five. -END- Q."

Trump Attorney Habba Says She Expects Georgia Indictment Within ‘Weeks’
4th indictment against Trump expected in Georgia next week - Tracking Trump indictments, investigations: Latest news, where they stand
Dan Scavino's truth of a Graph that is taking off and a rocket taking off has a timestamp of 11:44 EST 23:44 military time. Something is about ready to take off! Are you ready? #LFG
Georgia DA Fani Willis Reads Names Of Indicted By Grand Jury Including President Trump and "18" others
"Donald Trump said he needed only one more indictment to win the presidency. Georgia just sealed the deal." @KariLake
Georgia Trump Grand Jury Foreman - wait til you watch this wild eyed lunatic.
The Walls Are Closing In This Time!!! Trump Indictments Leaked
Trump Announces A Large Complex Detailed IRREFUTABLE Report on Election Fraud in Georgia to be Presented Next Monday at 11 a.m in Georgia by him. BOOM
"I can see a scenario where 2024 elections to not occur - they call them black swan events." General Mike Flynn
Trump's attorney Alina Habba Is outraged they are allowing cameras and the press in the courtroom now. It's all a show!
Trump Has Everything On These Traitors #WeHaveItAll
Trump "I caught the swamp, I caught them all. Let's see what happens." We are witnessing the change of the guard.
This Anon Dos A Great Decode On Chuck Grassley Time To Clean House
Maui Hawaii - Who Caused The Fire? Something Not Right About Hawaii - Hello DEWS!!
President Trump Announcement To The People of Hawaii
All Mega Mansions Survived The Fire Including NOPRAH and many other celebs!
The Insurance companies are now telling Maui residents they have zoning infractions on their land and won't be paying out. @iluminatibot
Biden Only Sending $700 per HouseHold to Hawaii!! Wow everyone can retire.
Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”
Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess. From Nov 2022

"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime. You are ruled by criminals. " Edward Snowden
"Bidenomics is working." Kamala Harris #IZATRIGHT
James Comey's daughter is fighting to stop a judge from releasing Epstein's Client List. Weird
"An International pedophile ring spanning the globe has been exposed resulting in 100's of arrests in US and AU alone." Charlie Kirk
Interesting thing found on "liddle" and Mike Pence Is A Big Old Snake
David Weiss Is The Attorney that approved Sweetheart Deal for Hunter Biden - Weiss appointment as Hunter Biden special counsel violates DOJ regulation, experts warn
The Machinery of Government is Coated with Gunk
Medical Kidnapping For Human Trafficking = Obamacare
How Can We Cure Cancer - We heal through frequencies
US Congressman Ron Johnson alleges that COVID was pre planned by an elite group of people - Event 201
DNA IS IN THE VACCINES and what's this? A Vaccine Injury Support Program in Vancouver - PARDON?
Covid Eris: What to know about new variant EG.5 dominating U.S. cases - Heads up EG.5 = 17 = Q - There are no coincidences. #WhiteHatsInControl
FDA Approved Ivermectin a therapeutic which makes the entire lock down pandemic illegal and moot. #LockThemUp
NYTimes reports one cannot clinically distinguish between a cold, covid, flu or RSV because none are caused by a virus! BOOM! Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is A Lie - They Never Isolated Any Virus!!
The Left Thinks The Right Is Obsessed With Pedophillia?
Vivek Dealing With Questions On LGBT - He Nails It!
What happened to our schools and teachers?
Lebanon, Vietnam and Kuwait move to ban ‘Barbie’ over ‘homosexuality’ and ‘unacceptable behavior’
"Any parent or doctor that sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life." ~Elon Musk
The unobservant be like Illuminati doesn't exist - meanwhile - one eye symbolism is everywhere.
Belgium Has Had Enough Of Child Grooming
"Of course the spokesman for the Ukrainian military is an American Transvestite." Michael Knowles
We are going to show you a whole new world! Q
Wrap up with Sinéad O'Connor - The Funeral. Enjoy the show!

Trump Attorney Habba Says She Expects Georgia Indictment Within ‘Weeks’
An attorney and spokeswoman for Donald Trump said on Sunday that she and the former president’s legal team expect another indictment, this one from a Georgia district attorney, within a few weeks, if not sooner.
Alina Habba told Fox News that she expects the indictment by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis within two to three weeks, though reports on Monday suggested it could come much sooner.
4th indictment against Trump expected in Georgia next week
Tracking Trump indictments, investigations: Latest news, where they stand
Donald Trump is the first former U.S. president to face criminal charges. He has been indicted in three cases and is under investigation in one other — all while leading the Republican field in the 2024 presidential race. He has denied wrongdoing in each case.


"Not going to make any impact because every time they file an indictment we go way up in the polls. We need one more indictment to close out this election, one more indictment and this election is closed out. Nobody has even a chance, we've already defeated the Republicans." President Trump
Dan Scavino's truth of a Graph that is taking off and a rocket taking off has a timestamp of 11:44 EST 23:44 military time. Something is about ready to take off! Are you ready? #LFG
Georgia DA Fani Willis Reads Names Of Indicted By Grand Jury Including President Trump and "18" others

Fani Willis = 1104 = 15 =555 = From Dark To Light
1104 = Trojan Horse, Julian Assange, New Beginnings, J. Kennedy
"Donald Trump said he needed only one more indictment to win the presidency. Georgia just sealed the deal." @KariLake

Georgia Trump Grand Jury Foreman - wait til you watch this lunatic.

The Walls Are Closing In This Time!!!




Trump Indictments Leaked

Trump Announces A Large Complex Detailed IRREFUTABLE Report on Election Fraud in Georgia to be Presented Next Monday at 11 a.m in Georgia by him. BOOM

"I can see a scenario where 2024 elections to not occur - they call them black swan events." General Mike Flynn
Black swan theory
The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. Wikipedia

Trump's attorney Alina Habba Is outraged they are allowing cameras and the press in the courtroom now. It's all a show!

You need to show the people. #PatternRecognition


Trump Has Everything On These Traitors #WeHaveItAll
Trump "I caught the swamp, I caught them all. Let's see what happens."
We are witnessing the change of the guard.

The Man In The Arena


This Anon Does A Great Decode On Chuck Grassley Time To Clean House


Maui Hawaii - Who Caused The Fire?
Something Not Right About Hawaii
President Trump Announcement To The People of Hawaii
1996: Hillary Clinton on "Super Predators" (C-SPAN)
"We must bring them to heel" Hillary Clinton

All Mega Mansions Survived The Fire Including NOPRAH and many other celebs!
The Insurance companies are now telling Maui residents they have zoning infractions on their land and won't be paying out. @iluminatibot
Biden Only Sending $700 per HouseHold to Hawaii!! Wow everyone can retire.

"BREAKING! Joe Biden will be sending HAWAII $26 BILLION DOLLARS IN AID! Meanwhile, a few days ago, Biden asks congress to limit spending & only send Ukraine $700 per household. Oh wait….. The damage in Hawaii is estimated to be around $6 billion, and this senile crooked bastard is only sending them $700 dollars." @MJTRUTH
FJB Tweet
$24 Billion for Ukraine - Biden asks Congress for $24 billion in more Ukraine assistance



Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”
Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess. From Nov 2022

Trumps European Adviser & DoD TaskForce Member, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes talks Continuity of Government, Devolution, PEADS, Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, 5D Chess. This is from an interview in November 2022 Interview… but still wow… •
Operation Mockingbird & the Smith-Mundt Act “Trump announced his candidacy he wanted to test who was going to be against him. Look up Operation Mockingbird, the CIA has controlled… Obama repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act permitting propaganda to Benin broadcasting.
Trump warned the deep-state & the Globalists by calling out FAKE NEWS… he needed to smoke them all out. • Trump The Victim? 5D Chess “What we were working on was taking over School Boards, we wanted to get Nancy Pelosi out! We wanted local councils. He had 23 out of 235 win their seats. But Donald Trump plays chess on a 5D level & you can never anticipate what it’s going to be.” •
Executive Orders, Continuity of Government & Devolution, PEADS “I need people to understand that they need to go to other sources. The media will not tell you about his successes…> They will not tell you about his Executive Orders e.g. 13848 BOOM! & some of the other articles he did.
They won’t tell you about the Devolution, the Continuity of Government Plan that he put in place. The reason Mar-A-Lago was raided, they really wanted to get the PEADS = Presidential Emergency Action Documents, which only Trump knows & the Military that he put in place.
Before he left, Trump declared two National Emergencies. Biden HAS NOT reversed that. Biden renewed three of his Executive Orders to continue. So we have some very fascinating things that are going to come out in the next 60-90 days.” #BOOM @MJTRUTH

"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime. You are ruled by criminals. " Edward Snowden.

BACON TRIPLED = 119 = 911 = America Is In A Bad Place

"Bidenomics is working." Kamala Harris
James Comey's daughter is fighting to stop a judge from releasing Epstein's Client List. Weird.

"An International pedophile ring spanning the globe has been exposed resulting in 100's of arrests in US and AU alone." Charlie Kirk

Interesting what he found out about "Liddle"
Great overview in 3 minutes for those with an attention span of a gnat.

Trump timestamp 7:46 - Q Drop 746 - Look into Mike Wallace
Wallace had two children with his first wife, Norma Kaphan. Their younger son, Chris, is also a journalist. Their elder son, Peter, died at age 19 in a mountain-climbing accident in Greece in 1962.
Mike Pence Is A Big Old Snake

David Weiss Is The Attorney that approved Sweetheart Deal for Hunter Biden

Weiss appointment as Hunter Biden special counsel violates DOJ regulations, experts warn
Weiss, the sitting U.S. Attorney for Delaware, has been pursuing an investigation into Hunter Biden for years.

The Machinery of Government is Coated with Gunk
The juxtaposition of the Department of Justice’s handling of Hunter Biden with its outrageous treatment of Donald J. Trump justifies Scott Adams's view: "We can now see all of the machinery of government, from influence peddling to fake news to intel-supported hoaxes to political persecutions.” Diving even deeper, as have Jonathan Turley, James Freeman, Dan Bongino, and David Samuels, it’s beginning to look as if Barack Obama knew of Hunter’s corruption and the danger it posed to national security and did nothing about it. In exchange, he’s serving a third term as president behind the scrim while the demented present officeholder serves as a front.
Medical Kidnapping For Human Trafficking = Obamacare
How Can We Cure Cancer

US Congressman Ron Johnson alleges that COVID was pre planned by an elite group of people - Event 201


So you need to be an organ donor match correct? People will be infertile in the next 5 years.

Vaccine Injury Support Program - PARDON?
Covid Eris: What to know about new variant EG.5 dominating U.S. cases
Heads up EG.5 = 17 = Q - There are no coincidences. So just in time for election season. Every election season they release a "virus" to keep you in fear and make you stupid so you don't pay attention. Refuse their lies, refuse their poison - do not comply or be part of their experiment.
Don't miss this ladies rant on COVID and BYEDONE! She's right and she tells you the way it is.
FDA Approved Ivermectin a therapeutic which makes the entire lock down pandemic illegal and moot. #LockThemUp

NYTimes reports one cannot clinically distinguish between a cold, covid, flu or RSV because none are caused by a virus! BOOM
These symptoms are part of the periodic detoxing of the body. They are purging functions to cleanse out accumulated broken-down toxins.
Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is A Lie - They Never Isolated Any Virus!!
The Left Thinks The Right Is Obsessed With Pedophillia?
Vivek Dealing With Questions On LGBT - He Nails It!

What happened to our schools and teachers?

Lebanon and Kuwait move to ban ‘Barbie’ over ‘homosexuality’ and ‘unacceptable behavior’
Vietnam also banned the movie Barbie. Heads up the two leads in the movie are trannies.
"Any parent or doctor that sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life." ~Elon Musk
The unobservant be like Illuminati doesn't exist - meanwhile - one eye symbolism is everywhere.
Belgium Has Had Enough Of Child Grooming

"Of course the spokesman for the Ukrainian military is an American Transvestite." Michael Knowles
We are going to show you a whole new world! Q
Sinéad O'Connor - The Funeral
I've shared this song in a past blog it is hauntingly beautiful. I love it. Sharing in honour of Sinead O'Connor's passing. God bless her and her troubled tortured past.
Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6
Podcasts of Blogs & Introductions:
Truth Social:
Marlene Love ❤️ Your posts, research and information on proves to me and all those who have read your research and comments understand that 2 things are absolute and without any doubts, 1. You truly do love freedom. 2. You are spreading the truth for those who have been watching and are being fooled by the main stream media. God has a plan to save his people, this I am confident of. The Military and Donald J. Trump our current commander in chief along with the Q movement are apart of God’s plan to save his people! Where we go one we go all! WWG1WGA🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎 God bless you Marlene Love for spreading the TRUTH!