Well well well, look's who on the cover of Time Magazine? I do believe the storm has arrived! Can they be stopped? We all know the answer to that! #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #BestIsYetToCome
QAnon Candidates Are Winning Local Elections. Can They Be Stopped?
Check out https://qagg.news/ for Q posts and news or https://qalerts.pub/
List of MSM articles over the past 2 days on Q
by CJ Truth on Telegram
FBI looking 'very seriously' at QAnon violence; unclassified report expected soon
QAnon conspiracy theorists potentially capable of violence are a cause of concern for the FBI, Christopher A. Wray, the bureau's director, testified before members of the House and Senate this week.
Q has not posted in 4+ months and nothing that Q posted was ever violent. The fake news media and the anti-Q cabal cannot seem to stop talking about "QAnon" (which there is no such thing). What is all the panic for a LARP that HBO thinks already knows who it is (that narrative totally flopped by the way)? If you thought "QAnon" was just a conspiracy and you saw the media continue to talk about it, wouldn't you think there might be something to these Q posts? PANIC IN DC
Posts the past 2 days:
FBI looking 'very seriously' at QAnon violence; unclassified report expected soon

Sabmyk creator says QAnon style conspiracy just a game
QAnon conspiracy theorists think Ivanka Trump FAKED getting her vaccine and Photoshopped pics of herself getting the jab
FBI Director Concerned About QAnon's Potential for Violence https://www.voanews.com/usa/fbi-director-concerned-about-qanons-potential-violence
23-Year-Old Coder Kept QAnon Online When No One Else Would
'A long way to go:' Why TikTok still has a QAnon and COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy theory problem https://www.cincinnati.com/story/tech/2021/04/14/tiktok-qanon-covid-vaccine-conspiracy-theory-crackdown/7213611002/
'Deprogramming' QAnon followers ignores free will and why they adopted the beliefs in the first place https://news.yahoo.com/deprogramming-qanon-followers-ignores-free-123744059.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr
HBO’s ‘Q: Into The Storm’ Exposes The Strange Truth Behind The QAnon Delusion via @forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2021/04/13/hbos-q-into-the-storm-exposes-the-strange-truth-behind-the-qanon-delusion/
From a Harrop: Should a QAnon-believing teacher be banished from the classroom? https://omaha.com/opinion/columnists/froma-harrop-should-a-qanon-believing-teacher-be-banished-from-the-classroom/article_5978cb78-9c8d-11eb-a100-ef40fee7f9f6.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share
QAnon’s Conspiracy Theories Stoked by China, Russia: Terrorism Expert https://thecrimereport.org/2021/04/13/qanon/
QAnon Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Biden of ‘funding TERRORISM’ with ‘outrageous and appalling’ payout
Steve Bannon, QAnon adherents praise UFC for upcoming Florida show with crowd http://a.msn.com/02/en-us/BB1fEd1p?ocid=st

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