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Kennedy/Trump Connections - Trump 6/5/21 CPAC Speech - The Storm Is Upon Us

Writer's picture: marlenelove9marlenelove9

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

TRUMP CPAC Speech June 5/21 - Trump says "Sooner than you think" = The Storm Is Upon Us! This is a very long blog but worthwhile, Trump's legendary speech was 1.5 hours, I took the time to transcribe his speech from North Carolina GOP Convention and then found it transcribed in full in CAPS on C-SPAN website. ARGH, insert eye roll. Link included to CPAC video and the full transcript. #WorkSmartNotHard

Many of President Trump's speeches, rallies, announcements and statements are all consistent, he never waivers from the truth and works tirelessly for the people for free as does his family. His speeches are now meant to continue to inspire us and address the newly awakened and millions worldwide looking for answers that will not be televised. Finally.

In what sounded like a SOTU for normies, Trump's remarks on Sunday, June 5th (7+6+5 = 18 = R = JFK Jr 8+1 = 9 Highest Power) cover his administration’s record on the COVID-19 vaccine development, the economy, and securing the U.S.-Mexico border. He criticized the Biden administration, Dr. Fraudci, and Facebook then referred to the election as a “third world country and the crime of the century.” Trump spoke for 1.5 hours and did not disappoint with plenty of statements, announcements and communications. I've added a few connections, there are a tons more in every single thing he says, every action, every hand signal (get on Signal) and movement just like the Kennedy tap of the podium! Get in the zone and enjoy the show!

President Trump speaks in code and addresses 5 different audiences in no particular order, Normies, Anons, Military, Deep State and Galactic White Hats. You must understand this otherwise he may sound like a lunatic to some people but these same people have no idea what is actually going on, so at this point if you are still in the "Orange Man Bad" camp, which is racist, you need to take a hard look at the man/woman in the mirror and ask yourself, where do your thoughts come from and are they your own? Do you know that or do you think that? We all had to check our ego at the door, start over and realize there is only one way out of this. Are you not entertained?

"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled." ~Mark Twain

The occult uses numerology, symbols, timestamps, words, hand gestures, signals, clothing, jewellery, everything has meaning and nothing is random. They use them to cast spells, gain power and manipulate us. We are taking back all of our numbers, rainbows and symbols into the light. #DarkToLight #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownFall

13 Occult Freemason Symbols #ICYMI

"We'll take back the White House sooner than you think." ~President Trump


1512 = A John F Kennedy Jr Avenge Death

The famous phrase from Q post 55 "Look to twitter: My fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us....... God Bless". Note the seven dots = E in Mores Code, which = 5 x 7 = 35 = JFK. It was not posted on twitter, unless you count the time John F. Kennedy Jr. posted The Storm Is Upon Us tweet last year. Now do you think I can find that? No, but it happened. Q never said who would post the famous phrase awaited by millions worldwide. I believe we are already in the storm folks, it has arrived... oh wait what is this?

“Things are happening at a much faster pace than most people understand." President Trump
"Next time I'm in the White House." President Trump
"We're gonna take back the White House sooner than you think." President Trump

President Trump = 863 - 1188 - 198

Sooner Than You Think = 1512 = The Storm Is Upon Us

1512 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

A John F Kennedy Jr. Avenge Death

Christ Consciousness

One Hundred Forty Four

The Second Coming Of Christ

Badge Of Honour Military Grade

Information to Follow

Eleven Eleven Eleven Eleven

Q Post 55 - November 2, 2017 - 4 year delta this November

1111 = FOUR = He Has Risen - Bless America - Agent Orange

Queen of Hearts = The Storm Is Here

IGWT = 1016 = 17 = Q = Ten Days Of Darkness

Queen of Hearts = The Storm is Here

POW/MIA = 15


Time Travel

Christ Consciousness

The Truth Is Out


The Return Of The King

Everything Has Meaning


Humanity Is Awakening

Supremely Confident

Wealth of Information

Queen of Hearts = The Storm Is Here

55 = Diana, I'm back

What if Diana plays Melania and Sidney?

Same height, same slender figure, same hands, same call of duty

Barron is a dead ringer for Diana

Expand your thinking

What If?

Remove All The Masks We Are Watching A Movie

Don't miss this jaw dropping clip on latex masks!

Oh wait what is this? You know what to do patriots! Get it trending on twitter:

"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.

Biden Warning of a dangerous storm on twitter. Weird.

Trump Shows Off His Wall Of Famous Magazine Covers

Anyone else notice that massive GOLD boomerang and the famous picture of JFK Jr. and Donald, rumoured to be very good friends. ;)

BOOMERANG = O Lord God - Big Problem - Mossad - Blue Beam - Peace To All - A Great Man - Team America - I Am The One

Who else was on the cover of Magazines? Who Is 27?


17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Fun Facts:

John was born 2 1/2 weeks after his father was elected to be the 35th President of the United States of America. The election was on November 8, 1960, John was born November 25th - the difference is 17 days. You don't say?

Did you know the first issue after John's disappearance was George's farewell issue with Trump and Melania on the cover with the headline Political Fling? GEORGE folded 18 (R) months after Johns disappearance.

Political Fling = 87 = Vincent Fusca

GONE TO SOON? Famous headline misspelled intentionally?

Missing an O = Juan O Savin. Drop the O = 17 = Q

Savin Hill Station

Savin Hill is a rapid transit station in Boston, Massachusetts. It serves the Ashmont branch of the MBTA's Red Line. It is located at 121 Savin Hill Avenue adjacent to Sydney Street in the Savin Hill area of the Dorchester neighborhood

Guess what else is at Savin Hill?

John referred to himself as Juan in University, is the O for the lovely Jackie O and the Savin for Savin Hill in Boston?

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 6, 1888, Joseph Patrick Kennedy was the son of Mary Hickey and Patrick Joseph Kennedy. September 6th is my birthday, I have a 46 birthmark on my leg and my husband 's second name is Kennedy. On Friday, July 16th it was 3 months since I stopped drinking booze lands on the day JFK Jr. disappeared 22 years ago. There are no coincidences. ;) LOL

22 = 11:11

Does everyone remember the Field McConnell show and the character Mad Dog with the BOSTON accent? I miss Field and Mad Dog = Michael, aka Junior interviews! I learned a lot from their interviews and all about the nasty Piggy Palace in BC, Canada. #Wicked #SaveTheChildren

FBI Records The Vault - John F. Kennedy Jr. Part 1 of 1

JFK Jr. submitted this investigation 11/3/94 (18 = R = JFK Jr.) calling Senator Joe Biden a Traitor. You know what you get for being a traitor? Was Biden involved in the attempted kidnapping August 26th? Search for yourself!

Use Freedom of Information and Recovery Act to Research

Joe Biden - Who Is This Guy on the right?

In Luke 10:18 Jesus says, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."

"President Trump will be back in the White House soon. I promise you that." @GenMFlynn
"God is hope. your past life is a testimony, your future is hope - so if you give up hope in effect you know, you give up on God. Don't give up on God, don't lose hope and in the real world don't give up on Trump. Trumps going to Trump them all." ~Lin Wood

President Trump, Speech at the 2021 NC State GOP Convention 6/5/21

Note time stamp of pic and length of speech, come on now. ;)

No one in the media gives President Trump any credit for his magnificent speeches. He would be the envy of any orator with is ability to command an audience and speak to thousands of people live, without a teleprompter on Q, with babies in the audience and they never seem to cry while you can hear a pin drop as the audience hangs of his every word. #QBaby #SaveTheChildren #ShowTime

Trump combines spontaneity, paralipsis, rarely uses ums or uh's like Juan O Savin, he chooses silence for effect. He uses ambiguity, common grievances, audience participation and suspense. Once you get President Trump, you love him. He does not use a teleprompter and manages to get signals, gestures hand points, start and finish times down to a science every single time. There is much more going on here. #5DLevelChess #StableGenus #GodLoveHim

There is no going back and once the world learns what this man has actually accomplished they will all love him. Trump will emerge from this hatred as one of the most notable heroes in history, he is what legends are made of. #Patton

President Trump looks out at the crowd and says the following statement finishing at exactly 8:17 of the conference to a fantastic round of applause. #IsThatRight

"Wow that's a lot of media, it's hard for them to cancel when you get great ratings."

During the conference President Trump speaks - sounding like another State of The Union, mentions the "Power of Endorsement".

19 = POTUS for The Restored Republic

45 = POTUS of The Corporation

Power of the Endorsement = 1713 = 21

Together We Are Strong

Are You Ready To Rumble


Look at that Kennedy point!

Power Of Endorsement = 1578 = 21

Rigged Election

We Will Win

Truth Is A Force of Nature

Plans Put Into Motion

Thank You North Carolina

The Plan To Save The World

Year Twenty Twenty

If You Know You Know

Q Plan To Save The World - Released 3 yrs ago.

'Ten trillion' is code for NESARA to be activated. It is already activated in Russia, Canada and parts of the UK ~Utsava Prophecy.

Patriot Video with glimpse of JFK Jr. ICYMI

I took the time to transcribe President Trump's speech from the NC GOP Convention on June 5th, 2021. Not gonna lie, I did take my time to transcribe his speech. It's a few months old but will go down in history as one of his most remarkable speeches as our 19th President of the United States FOR the Republic not OF. #Negative48

President Donald J. Trump Speech - June 5, 2021

Partially transcribed with gematria connections and comments in italics with Q drops links or memes.

Before starting his speech Trump mentions Ted Bud and endorsements, he did not know about this until 15 minutes before I walked to the podium.

Fifteen = Biblical Endings - Legends - Bill Hicks - Tiffani - Seven - Barack Obama - Do It Q - Prince - Team God - Abundance

We have been very very successful, literally hundreds to one, hundreds to two, in terms of the endorsements, the power of the endorsement, because people respect what I do I want to Make America Great Again, we were doing that, we were doing it at a level that no one has ever seen putting America first, ahead of China and ahead of all these countries and people know that thats where we were before the pandemic came into our shores we were doing numbers in history there has never been anything like it, for every group, for everybody it was the best its ever been. We are up to 160 million people that we were never even close to a number like that. #MAGA

Date of Q Post 1112 4/9 mirror 9/4 talking about witch hunt and Hillary - could this match up to our week to remember prior to the 20th anniversary of 911?

Make America Great Again - God Confirmation - Eyes Wide Shut - Invisible Enemy - Jeffrey Epstein - Jesus Is Coming - End Child Trafficking

1+6 = 7 = Seven = Savin, Bill And Hillary Sacrifice, Skull Cross Bones

And then we had this horrible thing come in from China, and we got that one right too, by the way, it's called a lab, that was an easy one, Wuhan, but you had this horrible problem come in and like every other country we went down, and they were saying look how well India is doing, well India is not doing so well right now. We've done an incredible job, most importantly with the vaccine, coming up with it, but we've done an incredible job, so many things have happened, we've built the economy not once but we built it twice. Because we built it we had the highest stock market, best job numbers, and then we had to regroup, we had to do a lot of things. We, we became the ventilator factory of the world. Making them for everybody, And we had, our cupboards were bare, federal cupboards where bare and so where the state cupboards where bare.

Ventilators = Arrests - China destroyed our military, all our banks, the federal reserve and much much more.

We've done a tremendous job, we never got the kind of credit that we deserve for that, one thing we do get the credit for, from everyone, even the other side, even though they disparage as much as possible, was the vaccine. Coming up with the vaccine and we did something else that people don't talk about - I made a bet and I shouldn't call it a bet because maybe you say speculation as oppose, but it was somewhat of a bet. We bought billions and billions of vaccine and all forms of getting that vaccine into your body, the needles, the bottles the whole thing. We bought millions and billions actually of dollars worth of the vaccine and we saved a period of a year, maybe more, you wouldn't have the vaccine. Right now this room would be empty because they would ask me to be here and I would say no thank you, and you would say the same thing, this would be an empty room right now, and your state would be in a lot of trouble and so would your country because you wouldn't have the vaccine until probably October might have even been later than that.

What if??? I made a bet - he bought billions and billions of all the poison vaccines - so you wouldn't have the vaccine, replaced the majority with saline - not all sadly - it had to be this way. He will have saved millions and millions of lives. I heard there was antidote but you have to ask President Trump for it. ;) #StartDetoxingImmediately #FreeWill #Research #InformedConsent #NPC #HippocraticOath

One of the things I'm most proud about is we did the vaccine, we developed the vaccine and I pushed the FDA, they have never been pushed like that would you say, Mark Meadows, they have never been pushed like that, he was there at a lot of the meetings, those were not nice meetings, they do not like me too much that I can tell you. And, frankly the drug companies don't like me too much either because I did a thing called Favored Nations, where we have to pay whatever the lowest is in the world that's what we have to pay nobody can believe I instituted that and if they leave it alone, you'll soon have the lowest drug prices that we have ever had by...

Most Favored Nation Prescription Drug Pricing EO

That doesn't mean that they like me, they spend millions of dollars against me and that's ok, they have to do what they have to do, but we did things that nobody's ever done, has done, I'm very proud of the biggest bet. The greatest bet ever made in the history of the world because we saved a year, we bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked and because of that we've all most of you I guess all of you just about in one form or another um you've had your shots or jabs as they like to call it, I actually like the other word better, but you've um, we've saved a lot of lives, we've saved all over the world, we've saved millions and millions of lives and I'm very proud of it and nobody can ever take it away from us because that is something that is very very special and the people in this room are very special.


Why did Trump push the vaccine and warp speed? I’ll tell you why. Because without Operation Warp Speed, they would have kept you and the world in lock down for YEARS while developing a vaccine. Also, while we’re locked in, the NWO, great reset and other agendas would have taken place by now and humanity as we know it would have been enslaved. But because he did what he did, we’re out of lockdowns and people have started to question vaccines and people are waking up in masses!!! Through all this as well, he has exposed the Deep State, Fauci and their agendas for the whole world to see. As he said in a recent interview, he’ll do something when the time is right, that’s when the “pain” comes. Chess not checkers. The right decisions sometimes require the most difficult choices. Thank you President Trump. 🇺🇸🦅

October = Military Tribunals = Red October

Vaccines = Military

Virus = Pedophiles

Arrests = Ventilators

Trump Vaccine = Hydroxychloroquine

#HCQ Works

Goodbye Medical Industrial Complex

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

The Biden administration seems to be putting America last, you look at these negotiations where so many bad things have happened. 48 thousand jobs were lost by President Biden day one rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline, why? For what reason did they do that? If you like the environment the pipeline is much better than railroad tracks it' s much better than trucking, it's great and they ended it on just about day one. 48 thousand jobs not 8 thousand like they said. It's 48,000.

Forty Eight = Bible God Prophecy - Forty Fifth - Alien Apocalypse - Zero Delta

Think of it, he rejected "R" pipeline, but he approved the Russian Pipeline which I had completely stopped going into Germany and all parts of Europe. So I stopped Russia and I have a very good relationship with President Putin, but there's never been anybody as tough on Russia than I was and you look at these horrible cyber attacks you look at all of the things that are happening and we're in a different world than the one we were in just a few months ago yet there is no better example of Biden's failed agenda than the catastrophic and you look at it.. it's...

"You look at all of the things that are happening and we're in a different world than the one we were in just a few months ago" President Trump

Q Post 4636 - Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight (listen to this, it will change you)

What is going on at the southern border, I mean you look at it, not like anything you have ever seen like what is going on the southern border? And people are coming in from South America and Latin America but they are coming in from the middle east they are coming in from all over. When I left office we gave the new administration the most secure border in US history we had the most secure border in the history of our country and that included drugs, and that included human trafficking which is a magnificently horrible and big business mostly trafficking in women. And the numbers were down to levels like you hadn't seen in many many years and all they had to do was just leave it alone, just leave it alone. It would have gotten better and better the fact that we built almost 500 miles of wall in just a few months it would have been completed. It took 2.5 years of litigation to get to build the wall and what an impact it had, but it would have been completed, totally completed in just a couple of months and they stopped it, now I understand they are starting it again, ahh that one was just too easy.

Women = 1025 = 17 = Q - Love Goddess - Christ Alive

One Hundred and Forty Four =

Jesus is Coming Soon - Human Evolution -

The Media Is The Virus

But wait until you see what those contractors are going to do to them, oh wait, this is going to cost 5 times more money cause we weren't prepared, you know the old story, there the greatest negotiators in the world, they may not have gone to the greatest business schools but they are the greatest negotiators. But we negotiated historic agreements with Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador to stop illegal immigration. We ended asylum and asylum fraud, the fraud that was going on at our border was unbelievable. We instituted rapid removals on the border, really rapid, I call it one day turn around of criminals coming into our country. = 575 = 17 = Q

I call it "one day turn around of criminals coming into our country" = 575 = 17 = Q

575 = Trumpet - It All Falls Into Place - Mary Magdala - That Makes Sence - Protest - Golden Nuggets - The Strong One - Electric Storm

We were sending people home in record time, we have times that nobody ever heard of before. We ended catch and release, that's where you catch somebody, could be a horrible criminal, you can catch somebody, a rapist a murderer could be a drug dealer and we release them. It's called catch them and then we release them into our country. Well we didn't do that we empowered ICE to do their jobs. ICE is incredible, border patrol is incredible, by the way your police force in North Carolina, I've gotten to know them very well they are incredible, thank you very much. There is a lot of them here tonight. We cracked down on sanctuary cities deported gang members by the thousands and dealt a crippling blow to MS13, who is, that is the most vicious gang of them all, and we took them out of here by the thousands, thousands and thousands and thousands brought back to where they came.


MS = 32 = 23 = PAIN

13 = 13 Bloodlines

MS = Obama, Media

And those countries didn't want them back and the little story I said what do you mean you don't want them back, they didn't want them back, they sent them out they didn't want them back and I said that bad and they told me that sir we can't take them they wont let us land planes, they are putting other planes on the runway so we can't land the planes they won't take the buses . I say "How much do we pay those countries" Sir, we pay them 500 Million dollars a year - Oh you do - tell them we are not paying them anymore and the next day I got a call from all 3 countries we'd love to have MS13 back we think they're wonderful people. We never had a problem and now they blew that one too. I'll never forget, we'd love to have them back it would be our great honour to take them back, those runways opened up like nothing you've ever seen anything open up.

But under Joe Biden illegal crossings are nearly up 1000 % compared to the same period last year, they are emptying their prisons they are sending murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers and others just as bad to the United States let the U.S. take care of them, remember it's called America last. In April alone over 175,000 illegal aliens were apprehended and mostly released. You know where they were released right? They were released into our country. And we saw the largest number ever of unaccompanied minors we've never seen anything like it, if you just watch some of the semi fair television, you don't have to watch fair, semi fair they talk about it because I think they have no choice and I think your going to see it more and more. You don't see it too often on the evening news, but you're going to see it. Because they are destroying our country but it is much wore than that because there are at least 1000 aliens who are simply getting away every single day as the radical democrats have intentionally ruthlessly and systematically dismantled the sovereign borders of the United States of America.

Where people are just walking into our country, nobody knows who they are where they are from there is no vetting there is no anything and some of these people are very very bad people. Much as I said, on that beautiful morning when I came down with our future First Lady at the time, right? Melania, who sends her regards. But we came down that beautiful GOLD escalator in Trump Tower and I made that statement and people hated it, it turned out that my statement was very minor compared to the actual facts, it was very very minor, it was another thing we were right about. Without a border you cannot have the nation certainly not a great nation. We fight for other countries borders but we don't fight for our own border, think of it we fight for other countries borders but not for our own. That changed under my administration but now they are going back more rapidly than anyone thought possible.

Melania Trump = 143 = 17 = Q

It's a Pattern

All Good Things

Federal Reserve

Jesus Is King

Wizard of Oz

Matt Groening = To Be Blunt Game Over

Who is this Matt Groening?

He looks familiar, maybe he's an actor too? He sure knows about predictive programming. White Hat? Time Traveller? Actor? Who dat?

Simpsons - Predictive Programming? Time Travel? White Hats? Is that Vincent Fusca talking to JFK?

Melania Trump = 143 = 17 = Q

We Love you

Pro Life Vote

Ground Zero

The Big Picture

The Punisher

I Am The Truth

"But we came down that beautiful GOLD escalator in Trump Tower and I made that statement and people hated it, it turned out that my statement was very minor compared to the actual facts, it was very very minor, it was another thing we were right about." President Trump

Here we have Trump looking over at JFK Jr., in sunglasses under the Currency Exchange sign as Melania starts towards the GOLD escalator to make their announcements to the world. JFK Jr. has been here all along and I believe this moment in history changed the world. #GESARA #ThisIsIt

Nobody ever thought that they could do this kind of destruction to our country so quickly. Some of those Executive Orders that are signed are absolutely insane. Biden has halted wall construction, suspended removals and even removables of just horrible horrible people, stopped enforcement shredded our ground break - remain in Mexico, so we had that ground breaking plan that took us a long time to get because Mexico like the other countries were taking advantage of the United States, everybody was taking advantage of the us. And we have an agreement, stay in Mexico as opposed to stay in the United States. And a lot of people weren't coming when they realized they had to stay in Mexico. So the enforcement was so much better. And it was getting to a level that nobody has ever seen, nobody has ever seen anything like it.

They turned America into a sanctuary for criminal aliens and effectively they were abolishing ICE through agency directives, what they've done to ICE and what they've done to our Border Patrol heroes is incredible. It's incredible and these are some of the finest people you'll ever MET. (not MEET) I got to know so many of them and they're among the finest people you'll ever meet. It's true. (round of applause) They love our country. Despite the worst border crisis in history we've had the smallest number of illegal alien removals ever recorded. 92% of illegal aliens we removed in 2020 had criminal records can you believe over 90 and even substantially higher than that.

Ninety Two - We Look No Further - September Twentieth - I On The Prize

Twenty Twenty 22 = 1111 = The Project For A New American Century

Nine = Highest Power - Mr. K - Delta - YMCA

YMCA = Exhibit A - Operation MAGA - Old Soul - Rigged elections

Anyone else notice Trump finishes his rallies to the song YMCA now and not You can't always get what you want? :)

Translation/More than one meaning: Look up MET what are they up to located in New York City Central Park with access to underground tunnels and 17 curatorial departments? What does live art mean? Who has access to the port and shipping containers? Watch the water.

"I've always felt that a lot of modern art is a con, painters are often better salesmen and promoters than they are artists." Donald J. Trump - Art of the Deal

Now imagine if all our truckers worldwide blocked every port and roadway and we all backed them? Australia is planning this! Us against them. United we can do anything there are billions of us, they are the minority, we have the strength in numbers and brilliance, many still don't know about their power. Everyone hear about the Boycott of all businesses this 911? Don't buy anything.

Metropolitan Museum of Art -

The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City, colloquially "the Met", is the largest art museum in the United States. Its permanent collection contains over two million works, divided among 17 curatorial departments. Right near the Soloman Guggenheim Museum, brother to Benjamin, one of the richest men in the world to do down on the Titanic or was it the Olympic? #FederalReserve

Jeckyll Island Conference

Around 92% had criminal records and now they are all being released and set free back into your communities they don't want to bring them back and if they take them back they actually have a new policy if we take them out they're going to let them come back in, its the most incredible thing I've ever heard. But the border is just the beginning of the Biden disasters. As you know we handed the Biden administration the greatest economy in the history of the world, we passed massive tax cuts, largest ever, my great friend Ronald Regan record regulation cuts historic pro American trade deals and achieved American Energy independence. How's your gasoline price doing? Actually I heard you were hit worst than any other State I understand, and on the cyber attack. It's incredible it's a lack of respect.

Ninety Two = 1644 = Without Regret - Look No Further

After the pandemic began, we launched the fastest economic recover on record we produced 3 vaccines and numerous therapeutics to beat the virus, you know they don't talk about the therapeutics but we came up with things that are incredible and I think extremely effective. #HCQWORKS #StableGenius

All Joe Biden has to do is sit back and do nothing and it was taking off like a rocket ship, no one has ever seen it, between the economy and all of the other things we did, the border. Instead the economy is going to hell and inflation is going to cause a catastrophe in the near future. The New York Times who I don't often quote, just stated "A million jobs a month seemed within grasp not long ago. Think of it a million jobs a month seemed within grasp not long ago but now it looks like wishful thinking. Isn't that sad?

JUST IN - US Treasury Secretary Yellen now sees "several more months of rapid inflation" and worries about the impact on home buyers.

Now we would have done much better than that. But that is the New York Times saying it. Monthly job numbers have missed expectations for the last 2 months in a row. And you saw what was released on Friday, devastating job numbers. Inflation is now at the highest level it's been in 13 years it's going to go up very substantially, it's going to cost you a lot more. They're posing a stealth tax on hard working Americans especially on middle income Americans. Biden reentered the job killing Paris Climate Accord for a terrible deal that is Pro China Pro Russia and Anti American and will cost America trillions of dollars over the years. This is a deal that is so one sided against us like practically no other deal, but they are all bad. But this one is a real beauty.

But it sounds so nice, Paris, environmental accord. Gas prices have increased almost 71% since one year ago. Think of it. Democrats are now attempting to pass the largest tax hike in American history. And it will effect everybody, they're saying it's against the rich it's against everybody, and a lot of the rich will take off and go to other countries, a lot of the companies I brought back are going to leave and go back, to other countries where they do not have to pay all those profits in taxes, we're talking about the biggest tax hike in history by far.

They are also pushing a 2.25 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that's not infrastructure it's the kind of things that you don't want. 9% looks like it might be infrastructure but mostly it's not infrastructure at all. The Democrat legislation also includes an extreme plan to abolish single family home zones which would obliterate home values, increase crime and destroy the suburbs all to satisfy the far left agenda of AOC, Bernie Sanders, Rashida Talib and Ilan Omar who's telling us how to run our country, it's a great experience. She comes from a country that has done a wonderful job of running their country now she's telling us how to run our country.

While Democrats push economic policies designed to punish American workers. Republicans must keep on fighting to protect promote and uplift the American worker, who we cherish. And that begins to standing up to Communist China. Last year China inflicted an estimated 16 trillion dollars of economic debt damage on to the United States with a virus that I call the China virus because I want to be accurate that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens. And look at the world, look at what happened to the world it's not just us, it's the world. And had we not come up with a vaccine you would have had a 1917 Spanish Flu number, they lost they say up to 100 million people, you would have had those kind of numbers, you would have had numbers that were just unthinkable.

But because of what we've done as a nation because of the speed that we came up with a vaccine the world will not have that. Many places in the world are getting better even India today announced that they are starting to heal. The media the Democrats and the so called experts are now finally admitting what I first said 13 months ago the evidence demonstrates that the virus originated in a Chinese government lab. Couldn't say it, you couldn't say it. And Dr. Fauci, who I actually got along with, he is a nice guy, he's a great promoter, you know, not a great doctor but he's a hell of a promoter. He likes television more than any politician in this room. And they like television.

Fauci likes television more than any politician.

But he's been wrong on almost every issue and he was wrong on Wuhan and the lab also very wrong. and we ended the payments, they started in 2014, I can tell you Mark Meadows came in and I talked to him and he saw what I saw and said I said what the hell is going on, when did that start in 2014 and we ended it, our administration ended it. But generally speaking I went the opposite way of what Dr. Fauci was saying, for instance when Fauci said do not close our borders to China or Europe. But I did it anyway. Months later he admitted I was right and saved thousands of thousands of lives. He said it was the right decision, but he did not want to close that border.

I said, wait a minute there is tremendous infection over there we can't let this happen and I think we saved hundreds of thousands of lives, do you remember the number was 2.2 million people in our country that were expected to die? Fauci said powerfully at the beginning no mask, remember that? No masks - they don't work, don't worry, and then he went into masks and then he became a radical masker. I would call it if you have 3 if you have 4 get a pair of goggles also if and lets wear them for another 5-6 years...but Fauci has probably never been more wrong than when he denied the virus and where it came from. The time has come for Americans and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the CCP - communist party of China. #GESARA

PARDON? Let's repeat that phrase - Smells like GESARA to me folks!

"The time has come for Americans and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China." ~President Trump #GESARA

We should all declare with one unified voice that China must pay. They must pay. The United States should immediately take steps to phase in a firm 100% tariff on all goods made in China. You saw what was happening with our tariffs, the Democrats were fighting the tariffs well, he hasn't taken those tariffs off he doesn't want to, billions and billions of dollars, 25% tariffs on China, billions and billions of dollars are pouring in and frankly if you raise them - a lot of things would happen to China. I think they'd stop building their military, I think a lot of companies would move back to the United States and I'm not only talking China I'm talking about others because you know what China does is they sell through other countries, they are very ingenious they are very smart, had a great relationship with President Xi, until the China virus came in then it was real tough.

Donald Trump Says Billions And Billions And Billions

Billions and Billions and Billions = 18, 21 and 17

God Is You - Ready Or Not - Insurrection Act - Hillary Rodham Clinton - Trump Begins World War Three

Seven Hundred And Seventy Seven = Twenty One

1776 = 777

We had a tremendous deal for the farmers, you know farmers are doing better than they have ever done because of us, because of me, because of what we've done with all their administration. Better than they've ever done, look at wheat prices and virtually all prices the farmers are doing the best and one of the reasons is China is buying tremendous amounts and they want to keep us happy, they want to keep me happy. I don't think they want to keep Biden happy I don't think they care too much about Biden to be honest.

"The farmers are doing the best and one of the reasons is China is buying tremendous amounts and they want to keep us happy, they want to keep me happy. I don't think they want to keep Biden happy, I don't think they care too much about Biden to be honest." President Trump

They want to keep me happy and they were investing with our farmers they were buying so much of our product and they continue to do so, they made a great deal but after the virus came in I just felt differently, you know a trade deal with China didn't mean very much it didn't .. it was a whole different mindset - does that make any sense? I used to talk about the trade deal I would drive these guys crazy the trade deal was great look at our farmers they are starting to do great. You look at beef you look at cattle you look at all of the different things, corn wheat look at it what a great deal. When the virus came I don't even talk about the trade. This is the first time in a long time I've even mentioned the trade the deal. And it's really been very beneficial and it's so tiny compared to the devastation that has been caused. We should reinvest 100% of all that money that we collect from tariffs to help bring back jobs factories from China and other places back to America and back to the great state of North Carolina where they belong.

You know over the years I've built lots of hotels and lots of things and I used to buy my furniture from North Carolina, are you a furniture guy? Great quality, not anymore so much is made in China. And we were stopping that, it was all stopping, we had to slow it down a little after the pandemic. But it was all stopping and it was all coming back here and from other places. And I will tell you I bought a lot of furniture and a lot of things that you would put furniture made in China into a hotel room and it would break, somebody sits down in a chair and if you dont' sit down lightly the damn thing would collapse. Then I get sued as usual, you know. But they.. nobody ever made it here like you make it here, so just stay tuned OK cause we were all set to bring it all back, it was all coming back.

In addition all nations should work together to present China a bill for a minimum of 10 Trillion dollars to compensate for the damage they have caused and that's a very low number. The damage is far far greater than that. All countries should collectively cancel all debt that they owe to China as a down payment on reparations.

'Ten trillion' is code for NESARA to be activated. It is already activated in Russia, Canada and parts of the UK ~Utsava Prophecy

Check out this tweet, almost a 1 year delta from President Trump's speech recommending the exact same thing?

"In addition all nations should work together to present China a bill for a minimum of 10 Trillion dollars to compensate for the damage they have caused and that's a very low number. The damage is far far greater than that." President Trump
"All countries should collectively cancel all debt that they owe to China as a down payment on reparations." President Trump

GESARA = Global NESARA = National

The nations of the world should no longer owe money to China. China destroyed so many nations. We came out better than anybody, our economy is stronger than any other nation, no one has recovered like us because of what we've done, because we laid a great economic foundation and because of what we've done with the vaccine and the also what we've done with the distribution, the distribution of the vaccine. But China should owe money to the nations of the world, they've been destroyed, these nations have been destroyed. Sadly, the current administration is very timid, and frankly corrupt when you look at all the money that they've been given as a family by China.

But instead of holding China accountable the Biden administration shut down the US government investigations into the origins of the virus, shortly after taking office what is going on? Now Hunter who had no experience walked out with 1.5 Billion dollars to manage. You now how much money you make on 1.5 Billion dollars to manage? They needed Hunter's advice, they don't use the smartest people on wall street, they don't want that, I spoke to someone on Wall street, I won't mention his name, get him in trouble, talked to somebody I asked who is one of the biggest? I said do they do this? He said I can't get money. And this guy's record is better than anybody.

Trump Winning - Donald Trump Loves God - Today Now Or Never

No that's a disgrace. We must never forget that Joe Biden and his family took millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party, they bought them off they flagrantly lied about it to the American voters. Remember it was a big deal, they didn't want to talk about it, big tech and the fake news and the media didn't want to talk about it you could talk up a storm in fact I'll guarantee those cameras are starting to go off right now. It's true. Ya those red lights what network are you with? This guy is going to lose his job.

The American voters and now Joe Biden are doing what they are doing is just terrible and to the American voter and to our great country. Our great country because we are greater than China, there is nobody like us, nobody has the people that we have, nobody has the genius that we have, nobody has the things or the system that we have when it works, but it's broken right now, corrupt its broken whether it's elections, whether it's business, whether its taxation whether its so many things so many different things, nobody has what our country has.

"The FRAUD has been PROVEN. There is no more argument to be had. It is now an irrefutable FACT that there were MASSIVE discrepancies in AZ in the 2020 Election. This CANNOT be ignored, it doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you are on. What should be focused on is that THIS HAPPENED IN AMERICA." QAnonJohn17

The Biden administration has been one shameful and embarrassing foreign policy disaster after another and you know the former secretary of state he said Joe has never made a good foreign policy decision. Biden cravenly lifted sanctions on Iran. Oh Iran... OH...I would have had a deal in one week. One week, I even told him I said you know what, let's get the election over with and let's make a deal, it would have been a great deal, now they are actually asking for money. Here we go again, remember they got 150 billion plus 1.8 billion in cash now they are actually asking for money. They never asked me for money, it's unbelievable, it's so sad to see. So many things that's JUAN/ONE. Look at what's happening with North Korea, remember when I first came in, we were going to war with North Korea, war is inevitable, nuclear war we're talking about. He is pretty well stocked up and I get along with him. It started off a little rough, but we got along great , I liked him, he liked me, we got along great. And there were no problem, now you don't even hear about North Korea.

Now you're starting to hear, he doesn't seem to like Biden much, there is nobody to talk to. Kim Jong-un he is a different kind of a guy, it takes a different kind of a guy to talk to him too. But I got along with him. Got along with him. Remember when I had the meeting, he has given so much, he has given so much, I said I haven't given anything. They said hmmm that's a problem, all right, then they said NO NO, you agreed to meet. I said, well what the hell is that, it's a plane trip back and forth, that's ok. But you know the sanctions were all left, nobodies ever been sanctioned like them or Russia. And by the way Russia, not only the pipeline but look at the sanctions on Russia nobodies ever but I got along great with Putin, but I got along great with Kim Jong-un, I get along great with everyone, not all of them like me.

Germany is ripping us off on trade they understood that so when I want to reduce 52 thousand soldiers take out 25 thousand soldiers which costs us just tens of billions of dollars, everyone goes crazy, but I did the right thing and they would have done anything but now they want to put everybody back it's a shame. Biden's also beholden to Americas enemies, that and so beholden, nobody has ever seen anything that he actually criticized Israel the Jewish home land was under attack by thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles launched by Iran. It was launched by Iran and it was a betrayal of Israel when you look at what happened in Congress. It used to be 10 years ago 15 years ago everybody was with Israel, today I guess it's just not in vogue. But you look at some of these radicals they have in the house of representatives we have to deal with them all the time. And um Israel is almost really OUT.

It's a very very terrible thing. Biden foolishly eliminated the travel ban on terror afflicted countries, I said I don't what people in from countries that blow up each other, I don't want them in. I don't want people in who are going to blow up our shopping centers. I don't want people in who are going to blow up our cities and I won in court. They said I didn't win, and they were right, I lost at the lower courts I lost at the second court then I won at the supreme court and we have a travel ban and now they want to give it up.

When the press talks about the travel ban they say "he lost in court" they are right, I lost here and I lost there and I won.

"When the press talks about the travel ban they say he lost in court they are right, I lost here and I lost there and I won." President Trump
Senator Rand Paul says "We shouldn't be doing here or there" with regards to gain of function. #LookHereLookThere
Look there, or here, or there, TRUTH IS BEHIND you. Q
JFK Jr. last interview with Katie colon cancer Couric "Look here, look there, look behind you."

Look Here - Look There - Look Behind You - JFK Jr. last interview with Katie Couric on May 19, 1999.

Rand Paul on whether there's 'criminal culpability' regarding Dr. Fauci

TIMESTAMP: 7:30 = 10 - 6/ 2 = 8 - 10 + 8 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

Told you? Is that right? Where have we seen that before?

We got the travel ban, they don't mention the last one, come on but we have a travel ban and they are ending the travel ban as I understand it so they don't mind people coming in that like to blow things up and kill people and he's taken action to increase the number of refugee admissions by 700% this is a step back, but it will soon be over 2000% it will go up and up and up. I don't know what they're doing they don't need them for voting, a lot of people said they need them for voting, but they don't need them because they cheat so much in the voting you don't have to go through this process OK.

Travel Ban = WIN - I Know I Am

Up and UP and Up = 87 = Michael Jackson

They don't need them, they don't need them for voting, they just throw the ballots in there, what do we need we don't need people coming in we will just throw those ballots in there and many other things, YUP they are destroying our country and now Biden is being openly mocked by China's negotiators and Russian President Putin. They are taunting him and they are laughing at him they're humiliating our country and do you ever notice when he had a hard time going up the stairs on the plane. Nobody talks about that nobody talks about that the news didn't cover it not one network covered it.

Now when I made the best speech I've ever made they said it was at WestPoint and it was pouring and I had a ramp that was an ice skating rink and I called and I said to the general, general I may have to grab you because the last thing I'm doing is going down. So I walked gingerly down, that was on every news cast in the world and I thought I never went down... I NEVER WENT ON MY ASS I'll tell you. I wasn't going to fall I think that was a booby trap, I think I'll never forget that ramp it was like a sheet of ice it was cold and rainy that ramp was long and thin and steep, I said General I might have to grab you but I'm not going down and unfortunately I wasn't wearing American shoes I had Italian shoes nice leather, leather it's like an ice skating rink they made that a big story but they didn't make the Biden fall, I call it the triple fall. #RedShoes #RedTie

You can watch Biden Triple Fall in Trump new commercial exposing much more than that.

"I made the best speech I've ever made they said it was at WestPoint." President Trump

Donald Trump West Point Commencement Speech Transcript

President Trump Finishing Remarks WestPoint

"As long as you remain loyal, faithful and true, then our enemies don’t even stand a chance. Our rights will never be stolen. Our freedoms will never be trampled. Our destiny will never be denied and the United States of America will never be defeated. With the grace of God and the heroes of West Point, America will always prevail. Nothing will stand in your way. Nothing will slow you down and nothing will stop the West Point Class of 2020 from achieving a true and lasting victory. God bless you, God bless the United States Army, and God bless America. Congratulations, thank you very much. Thank you." President Trump

Watch Trump's Strong Finish!

"I never went on my ass." President Trump

The Crime Of The Century

The King Of The New Jerusalem

Home Is Where The Heart Is

True God Of All The World

I Shall Destroy Lucifer

Barrack Hussein Obama Is A Clone

The Universal Truth

The Truth Is To Be Told

I Told The Truth

We Must Legalize Cannabis

The Triple Fall = Let The Games Begin - Old Soul

President of the United States Corporation Joe Biden actor driving in my neighbours dirty Suburban? I don't think so folks. Where is the beast? This is what strong leadership looks like. Biden carries his own umbrella and tacky overstuffed brief case with a sloppy newspaper slipping up the stairs 3 times in "the triple fall" with a mask covering his entire face. No full shots of Air Force One, just a Suburban, set of stairs and a green screen. #wakeywakey #TheStormIsUponUs

Take the mask off Joe Biden - who's underneath the mask? What actor? We should make bets. I'm going to bet on James Woods. This actor is 5.9 ish, the real Biden is 6 feet tall and six feet under with Lucifer.

Under my administration America was respected again totally respected, we withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear deal. We stood with Israel recognized Jerusalem, as its eternal capital. And recognized Israel sovereignty over the Golan Heights, they've been working on that for 55 years and I got it done. We decimated the ranks of the worlds top terrorists you know that. We got our allies to pay their fair share we stood up for our freedoms and for our country and we stood up to Americas adversaries like never before. Nobody has ever done what we've done. I got other countries with NATO to pay we were paying for NATO I got them to pay 430 Billion dollars, nobody knows you don't read about that. The head of NATO is probably my single biggest fan. Secretary General of NATO you know they couldn't believe you know if you look at NATO they were spending we were getting ripped off on trade, ok and on top of it we were protecting their military. And how about Germany? They pay Putin they pay Russia billions of dollars for energy, and then we protect Germany from Russia.

430 = Best Gematria - Human God - God is Human - Nuts - The Meaning Of Eight

How does that work, think of it, they pay Russia billions and billions for the pipeline, that no one even knew it was being built until I started making it a big case I said why are you doing that? You're paying them billions of dollars and we are protecting you from them. What the hell kind of deal .. what are we doing? It's not believable - I could name so many I could say so many different things, South Korea I got them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year, they hadn't paid for years and years and years and anything substantial. My deal was they were going to pay billions of dollars and it would have already taken place. And I refuse to renew the deal and the deal expired he knows better than anybody, I said we'll go on a month to month basis, we want a 5 year deal, I said NONONO no no no because you're not paying us.

Trump "We'll go on a month to month basis" China, "We want a 5 year deal", I said, "NO NO NO" because you're not paying us.

President Trump NONONO to the power of 3! Watch!

Have you ever noticed President Trump say NONONO? Enjoy the show!

NONONO = 27 = JFK - God Kills Biden

522 = Vincent and Junior God Coming

The Truth


Why are we protecting you, you took our television business, you build the ships, you build everything, You're making a fortune and you're not paying us for military protection. And we are protecting you against a very hostile nation. Why? And they were very angry, they're great negotiators, but finally they agreed to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, because their budget had been passed, I said that's ok, but in January February we're going to meet and you're going to pay us 5 billion dollars a year. and they said NO NO NO, but eventually they said, you know I can tell when they are about ready to fold so we didn't renew the deal and we were going to get billions and billions of dollars through South Korea who we protect. and they're great, everything is wonderful but we were being taken advantage of. Again kill us on trade and kill us on military.

And what happened they just renewed it for the cost of living increase think of it a cost of living increase so we've been protecting them for 85 years and um they'll pay if you ask them. Nobody asks in fact they said, I said why are we paying for your military? Because that is the way it has always been. Well that's not a great answer I didn't think. But that won't be the way, but it turns out he may be right, they just got a cost of living think of that a cost of living increase of less than 1%, we would have gotten at least 5 billion dollars from them.

85 = 13 - Thirteen = 99 = Judgement - Karma is Real - Evergreen - Big Problem -

Michelle Obama - I See You - The Event

ONE = Diana - Neo - Canada Failed

Five Billion - Michael Jackson - Back to The Future - Our Children - Unmask Our Children

We fully rebuilt the US military and created the new branch in armed forces in 75 years called the Space Force. So desperately needed lot of people lot of things happening right here on this Space Force, we ended the forever wars in Iraq Syria Somali Afghanistan and we brought them back home and this is just the finishing the liddle. We brought them back home.


There are very few soldiers in any of those places and um I'm very proud of it, these were the endless wars, so bad, so bad I visited soldiers at Walter Reed hospital.

What the doctors are truly fantastic what they can do but I'd see these young people that were just blown to pieces, it's just so sad. I'd be at Dover where these magnificent machines would come on these big cargo planes and that door would open up and there would be a coffin in the back and the military soldiers would take that coffin and walk it off the plane and I'd be with the parents about an hour before and I'd be talking and I'd say to the general in charge, general the parents seem to be ok, and he'd say no sir they are not ok, general I'm having a great conversation and the mothers would often say oh my son was such a great football player, sir he had an arm that was so powerful he was so strong, he could throw a ball so far he was such a good player or other things, they would tell me these stories about...they were just so in love with telling stories about their son or their daughter, in some cases their daughter, and then I'd look at the general and say it's amazing how they can handle it, and then the plane would come in and the general said sir, it's not going to be good. And that door would open up that big back door right? Would open up from this incredible powerful machine that could lift up army tanks like its nothing.

And it would open up and there would be one or two or three or four coffins and I would see the same people talking to me so jubilant about their child how great the child was, would start screaming like screams like I've never heard before, it was the most terrible thing to watch and the General in charge would say sir your going to see things that you may not have seen, Like what General? Mothers and wives and even father sometimes breaking through the military ranks and jumping on top of the coffin. And I got to see that one time where a mother she was absolutely devastated.

She jumped on the and these extremely fit soldiers are taking that coffin and she would jump on to that coffin and they would keep walking. They wouldn't do a thing they would just keep walking. And the mother was on the coffin. And this is for Afghanistan. Iran and for these other place where so may mistakes, we are moving them out.

Not one single person has been lost in Afghanistan since 21 years you’ve heard 19 its now 21 years and we have not a solider since January not one single soldier has been lost. Pretty amazing.

Twenty One = 141 = I Am The Storm -

I Know Who I Am - Unstoppable - I Donald Trump Fire Dr. Anthony Fauci

The Kennedys are Here = 190

Universe Of Light = 190

The Star Of Bethlehem = 190

Parallel Universe = 190

This Is Prophecy = 190

God Proven Gematria = 190

Trust Numbers = 190

Jesus Is Here Now = 190

Who Wins In The End = 190

Giant Red Wave Coming = 190

Good News Trump = 190

Trump Will Win = 190

The United States = 190

Robert F Kennedy Jr = 190

Biden administration continue to move them out. Stopping would be very hard, honoured that Biden is continuing to move them out, bring them home where they belong. We have to be respected, as a military power because if we are not respected these other countries will take advantage of us and you now what I mean by that. So we can not be doing what we’ve been doing for the last very long period of time. When we got into Iraq, I said as a private individual many years ago don't go but if you're going to go, keep the oil, we didn’t keep the oil and they make a lot of money with that oil. I know how much money they make, they make a lot of money. And we are looked upon as not very smart, people and not a very smart country. So, we’re doing things that nobody thought were possible.

The radical Democratic party has become consumed by the unquestionable thirst of power, you know that. I don’t know I’ve heard the term they want power power power, I don’t know power I think its money its a lot of things not just power, its too ridiculous take away freedom of speech take away religion liberty, Biden introduced legislation to take your guns, I told you all these things. Nobody thought these things would happen.

In Texas, I said we were going to win, we won Texas by a lot, but they were against oil, guns and God and you listen to the fake news and they say it's going to be a very close race. It was not a close race. It wasn’t very close at all.

Republicans must never waiver in protecting the second amendment, to keep and bear arms, we must have the power to keep and bear arms if we don’t we will have problem like nobody has ever seen before. But they want to take away your guns, I said it before the election, I said it after the election.

WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD BE INTO GUN CONTROL recommended by our rogue corrupt government run by psychopathic aliens? Who would be ok with the government military and police force only ones allowed to own guns? HELLO??

WARNING WARNING WARNING = 3231 = Skull And Bones Whats Our Next Move

Biden administration also issued regulations to indoctrinate Americans school children with poisonous and divisive left wing doctrines, promoting critical race theory against our belief that we are all created equal in the image of God.

We have a group of people I dont know where they come from but its... #InfiltrationNotInvasion

Just like in the state of North Carolina, Critical Race Theory - Republicans should move immediately to ban it in our schools, ban it in our workplace ban it in our states and ban it in the federal government and it should be done immediately.

Should be done very quickly - The matchup word in Gematria are mind blowing.

Washington Democrats legislation to spend billions and billions of dollars on phoney civic education giving students academic credit to show up at protests make themselves into left wing activists and how badly do they treat people that tend to be on the right compared to the people on the radical left. Look at what happened in Portland. Nothing is happening with these people and they do kill people and they burn down buildings and they go after federal buildings and nothing happens. And people are damn angry about it.

Oh wait what is this?

BREAKING: California High School AP Gov Teacher Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students

Admits to giving students credits to show up and protest!


If government run schools are going to indoctrinate children with radical ideas, Republicans must immediately pass legislation to empower every parent in America to opt out of the insanity and send their children to the public private charter or religious school of their choice.

OPT OUT = 107 = 17 = Q

The socialist Democrats quest for whatever it is they are looking for because nobody knows, I don’t even think they know, truly knows no bounds, the slander that they toss, they slander our country disparage our founding divide our children and as we have seen time and time again in recent years the left is willing to weaponize the law itself to persecute their political opponent. There are people in this room that have been persecuted.

In New York the radical left prosecutors right now are spending vast amounts of time and money threatening families and trying to destroy the lives of innocent people, really really good people. In their crusade to inflict pain on me the radical left movement in new york there is no place were it is worse or more corrupt and most importantly to stop our movement 75 million voters +++ that’s what I say.

At 1:12:46 trump says +++ Video link to Trump speech where he says "75 million voters, plus plus plus = +++"

There are often dual meanings and references. Could the 123 reference also include Diana, John and Michael? Diana destroys the royals, John destroys the governments and Michael destroys the entertainment industrial complexes. #DarkToLight

Hundreds of thousands of dollars of radical left Democratic money have been paid to these prosecutors in the form of campaign contributions. Go get Trump, go get him and now a new group of far left democrats are seeking the prosecutors office all fighting for who will be the toughest on Trump. They are going to get elected, whoever is the most vicious they don’t know anything about me. We gonna get Trump, what did he do, well we dont’ know but we’ll figure it out.

Washington Post did an article the other day, did he do a deal, they go through every deal I made, millions and millions of pages, the comma mistake, if it’s a misspelling it’s a problem, you know what it’s a disgrace to our country. It’s prosecutorial misconduct. They're in search of a crime it’s a fishing expedition and The Supreme Court should not allowed it to happen, shouldn’t have allowed it. And they mentioned it can’t be a fishing expedition, it's the ultimate fishing expedition.

It’s been a five year long witch hunt hoax after hoax, Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine, The Mueller hoax, The Mueller Scam. How well did he do before Congress? Wasn’t too good was it? Lie after lie, corrupt investigation after investigation. Do you remember when it wash Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that paid for the phoney dossier the fake news dossier it was Hillary Clinton and they got more than the great James Patterson, they got Christopher Steel I don’t know who the hell he is but he sure as hell hated me.

Christopher Steel = Ten Days Of Darkness

It was a total phoney deal paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton and nothing happens to them. And by the way where’s Durham? What happened to Durham? Where’s Durham? Has anyone seen Durham? All of this for nothing, it’s a shame. It’s a shame. They do things differently, we will never let it happen again.

Where's Durham? Nunes: John Durham report is coming, some people will go to prison

Ranking member of the powerful House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes told me on The Sara Carter Show podcast that he still expects Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham to release a damaging report on the FBI’s debunked investigation into former President Donald Trump and Russia. He also expects it will lead to prison sentences for some former senior Obama officials.

Now they just send information to the no collusion no Mueller investigation to corrupt politicians they send everything to New York over and over, let the radical left prosecutors handle it. Just give it a shot, give it a shot.

Check out the word matches.

They failed in Washington they failed all over the place. Between the impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax number two, all of these investigations, awe shit we failed. Let’s send it to the radical left prosecutors in New York, maybe they can have more luck. They’ll never stop until November of 2024 - they won’t stop.

PARDON? Is this confirmation that this goes until November 2024 like Vincent Kennedy suggested in his tweet? You decide.

There is no better example of the Democrat and media corruption than the 2020 Election Hoax. As you know the evidence is too voluminous to even mention, all you have to do is read the article in Time Magazine, cover story, I’m not particularly a fan of TIME Magazine, but I was on the cover a lot probably a record, a lot, I got to the point if I was ever on the cover, I was on the cover on Time before I did this political thing and I read every word and I said I wonder what that means?

There was actually a very good story, I used to actually get good press. Can you believe it? I guess that is how I got to be President when you think about it. But I used to get press, but Time Magazine did a story, they couldn’t help themselves, they had to brag about what they did in November they had to brag and that story just goes 25% of the way, but if you take it a little further you read that and you will see how corrupt. But that is the least of it.

Trump on the cover of TIME Magazine "35" times!

35 - JFK 45 - Trump = 17

You look at what happened on that evening when the election was won and all of a sudden vast amounts of votes where taken and just in certain states, swing states, swing states that I was leading by a lot, then all of a sudden, oh, something happened. It was a disgrace to our country and if you think people don’t see it? People see it. People have seen it. #YouHaveToShowThePeople

The 2020 Presidential election, that election 2020 Presidential election by far was the most corrupt election in history by far, they used COVID and they used the mail in ballots to steal an election, it was the 3rd world country like we have never seen before. I want to congratulate by the way, Republican State Senators un AZ for their great work. That they are doing, that they are exposing this fraud, and maybe again I have nothing to do with the AZ situation they’re doing it the State Senate of AZ because there are so many discrepancies and so many problems and they have heard from so many people about the corruption and what took place so there doing it, let’s see what happens, they’ll be finished in 3 or 4 weeks, it will be very interesting, but I’ll tell ya, maybe they’ll find nothing and they will say oh it was a wonderful perfect election. But Maybe not.

AZ = 1 + 26 = 27 = JFK - Lets see what happens = Humanity Saved

And now they are looking at it Pensilvania and they are looking at it in Georgia and they are looking at it many other states because the same thing has happened to others.

That election will go down as the crime of the century and our country has been destroyed by people who perhaps have no right to destroy it.

Zuckerberg broke the law spending millions of dollars, don’t you think he broke the law? Millions of dollars to get out the vote efforts in highly Democratic areas, you know they used to call the Whitehouse and ask can I have dinner with you, sure, can I bring my wife? Absolutely, yup he walked into the office one day in front of numerous people, Congratulation sir, Why? He said, you number one on facebook. He said to me your number one on facebook, he said, your number one on facebook. Thank you very much I appreciate it I said, then we had a nice dinner, the day I was out, well he became rather, well I guess its human nature. But I guess we can not let the world run on that kind of human nature can we? Zuckerberg, another beauty.

Another Beauty = Michael Richard Pence Where's Pence?

But they say they may allow me back in 2 years, not that I’m too interested in that, they allow me back in 2 years, we have to stop that. 22 = 11:11

We can’t let it happen. So unfair, they are shutting down an entire group of people not just me the voice of a tremendously powerful, in my opinion, much more powerful and a much larger group because when the Democrats say defund the police, open borders, sanctuary cities, all of these horrible horrible cancel cultures things. Their policy is terrible. And I say that a lot now, there is no way they go 50 50 who in the hell wants to defund the police? Crime is going out by 50 60 100 percent. 131% in one city, they don’t even know what to do.

5050 = The Occultists Are Using Unlawful Means To Keep Humanity In A Constant State Of Suffering

131 = Mask - Anon - Coca Cola - NSA

561 = Hidden Info Pattern - Another Dimension - Strong Heart

But they keep doing it. The policy is so bad you know what they’re smart and I said, they’re vicious and they stick together, I don’t believe its 50/50 because our country is not there, we are not a 50/50 country to defund the police and have sanctuary cities where criminals are allowed to be protected. I’m telling you a lot of these elections where they seem to have an advantage, I can’t believe some of these states that are blue that they are blue? I know those people and they are smart people and I see so many people that they love me because they love what I stand for, and then I look into these things and there is something going on and we have to be very very careful with our election process. Because I don’t believe we are a 50/50 nation where these states are split they can’t be split this is corrupt elections possible and we allow it to go on. And I can tell you and you're going to see it because more and more it’s coming out. The things that happened in the recent election, dead people voting, dead people. Dead people voting that had to apply to vote. It’s true. You had people that were dead that applied to vote. And by the way I’m talking about thousand of people. Thousands and thousands of dead people.

Dead People = 83 = I am Batman - Election - Negative48 - 83 = 11 = JJ

They have illegal aliens voting Indians getting paid to vote in certain states including AZ and Nevada, being paid to vote, you're not allowed to be paid to vote. It’s a terrible thing that is going on. To clean up those roles we have to do so many things, but we are not going to have a country if you don’t have election integrity and if you don’t have strong borders our country can be run like a dictatorship and that is what they would like to do. I don’t even think Biden is the dictator, if anyone knows who is running the operation cause I don’t think it’s Joe but who the hell knows maybe it is. Maybe it is.

And with all of the things currently going on especially the prosecutorial misconduct at a level that like no one has seen for many many years. That is all that is happening, its been happening for many years, they want to silence YOU, they want to silence your voice,

Remember I AM not the one trying to undermine American democracy - I’m the one that is trying to save it. Please remember that! I AM = 23 = Pain

We all know what happened with the election and we can never never let that happen again. And we are going to go forward, continue to look and things are being found that is not even believable, but we have to do that because without going back you not going to go forward, The thing that I get the most is “sir we can’t let that happen again” if we are going to work and work and spend money and make contributions sir will the same thing happen again in 2022 to Ted and to other people? Will the same thing happen that has happened in 20? We have to be able to say absolutely not, that’s why I love what they have done in Texas. I love what they’re doing in Florida and done in Florida. I would like to see Georgia be much tougher they don’t have signature verification, they don’t have things, but Georgia needs to be tougher, I love whats going on in so many states, 41 different states, because they saw what happened in this last disaster, they don’t want it to happen again. And the only way you're going to be able to really solve that problem is to find out exactly what happened. And you know what they are going to be able to do that. In light of so many outrageous wrongs, Republicans across the country are pursuing voting forms to ensure election integrity. One of the things that I hear is election integrity.

Forty One = 731 = Satan Fears Him The Most - Kill Corruption

Election Integrity = 982 = 19 = President Donald Trump

Joe Biden calls these common sense reforms Un-American but the thing is really Un-American is election scams that is UnAmerican. Around the world they say, oh they are the land of the free, they have great elections, we do not have great elections. We have elections like probably very few countries have and that is in a bad way not a good way.

What happened to this country in that last election is a disgrace and it’s being laughed at all over the world and I can tell you China is extremely happy about it and Russia is extremely happy about it, they are all very very happy about it, probably in order China then Iran then I would say many countries, China and Iran are certainly happy.

Happy = 529 = Lord Gods Killing it - I'm Ready - Clearly - Patriotism

The bill passed by the house democrats HR1 = MAGAIN, is ever signed into law there will never be another fair election in our country. It can’t get worse, but it would almost as bad as the most recent President election. To fully secure our future elections we must have photo ID, universal signature verification, citizenship confirmation, chain of custody integrity control, updated voter roles for every election you have to update the voter roles not people that have been dead for 9 years. Can’t have illegal aliens vote, strong protection of pole watchers. Our pole watchers, our poor poor pole watchers, what happened to them in Philadelphia and what happened to them in Detroit where they were literally thrown out on election for days and were actually afraid for their lives. And we can not have drop boxes paid for by Facebook and Zuckerberg.

Where by the way massive numbers 95 - 96% of the vote is for Joe Biden - doesn’t happen. Ever see these drop boxes? Some of them came back very late, they got lifted, taken, where are they? Later, where are they? Oh there coming, oh great, that’s wonderful. 96% for Joe Biden.

96 = September Sixth - Joe Kennedy's and Marz's Birthday ;)

We must eliminate the absurdity of mass mail in voting and people should vote in person on election day not over weeks and months where all sorts of things can happen and they’re not good things for our country and there should have to be a legitimate reason for someone to vote absentee.

There are people that deserve it, they are sick they are at a certain age, they can’t make it and they love our country, there is a certain group of people, military but to do what you did where you are sending out millions and mill- and by the way, I don’t know if those of you that are really into the world of politics, you know I called this long before when I heard what they were doing, how they were allowed to do this with millions and millions of ballots. Some people got six some people got 7 ballots to send out millions of ballots to allow that to happen to our country.

Millions and millions - 225 = 27 = JFK - Happy Presidents Day - Dont Worry Be Happy

We know the radical left will stop at nothing in their efforts to destroy the America we love but with the help of righteous American patriots like all of you in this room, they will fail.

"Our movement is far from over in fact it is just getting started" = 4482 - Everything Is Alway Working Out For Me

Here in North Carolina across the country the Republican party will continue to fight for strong families, safe communities and secure and sovereign borders. We will fight for more jobs lower taxes and pro American trade deals result in more North Carolina workers forging more products stamped with beautiful beautiful phrases but in particular Made in the USA, Trump points to someone in the crowd and says "Mr. furniture manufacturer.” We will shut down outsourcing, bring back our supply chains, crack down on trade cheaters and violators and ensure America not China dominates the future of the world. We will protect innocent life we will defend our glorious constitution and we will up hold the Judaeo Christian values and principles of our nations founding. We will break up the big tech monopolies, reject left wing cancel culture, restore free speech in America, and demand free fair honest and transparent honest elections. We will strengthen our military, support our great police, and always take care of our amazing veterans. Do you know we got a 92% approval rating with respect to the VA, they rated us 92% approval rating, it’s never been anywhere even near that number. Very proud of that.

92 = 911 - Ninety Two = Without Regret - Look No Further - September Twentieth

And with the American pride that fills our halls we will teach our children to love their country. honour our history and always respect our great American flag. Tomorrow marks the 77th anniversary of one of the most epic military trials in the history of the world the Allied invasion of Normandy on D Day. As we remember this incredible achievement lets summon the spirit of generations of Americans before us gave their blood sweat and tears for beloved county. All of us in this room inherit the legacy of the selfless patriots who won the battles crossed the oceans, foraged the steal, made the break throughs, climbed the summits, these great beautiful summits. Tamed the frontiers and seized the victories that pulled America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world. And that is where we want to keep it. That is our magnificent American inheritance. And there is nothing like it anywhere in the world and there never will be. So let us go forward to night, moved by their sacrifice, motivated by their example and inspired by their resolve, committed to their values, and more determined than ever to make America prouder, freer, stronger and greater than ever before. Thank you North Carolina, God Bless you and God Bless America.

Seventy Seven

Thank you for reading. Good for you if you made it to the end of this blog. I hope you are enjoying the show. Stock up on popcorn and kindly share the love.


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