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It Never Happened! - Watch Europa - Cover Of Time Magazine "Viruses"

Writer: marlenelove9marlenelove9

Hey frenz in my computer! Took a much needed break from blogging and podcasting. We went on a wonderful holiday in Mexico, great friends, food, sand, ocean and sun with a lot of grounding.


Speaking of Mexico, a wicked story about social justice coming out of Taxco, Mexico on Easter. One of the most holy days for Christians in Mexico. Very sad and disturbing. Extremely violent, graphic and shocking, yet deserved. I don't want to report on it in detail, I can not unsee what I have seen. But what I will say is we have no justice system, many are involved and all take part of this horrific behaviour. Society must take justice into their own hands when it comes to baby killers. What if it were your child? May this little girl Camila rest in peace. #Camila #Justice

Warning - Graphic

SHOCK IN MEXICO: Camila, an 8-year-old girl, was kidnapped and murdered by the mother and father of her best friend and neighbor in Taxco.

"The jewish idea of free speech is to have porn and trans propaganda readily accessible to your kids, but for it to be completely illegal to criticize jews or Israel." @Apolitical3678

A.I. Deciding Who To Kill For Israel - Welcome to the machine - A.I. Software Called Lavender - Now they can conveniently blame A.I. for all the war crimes. This is very dangerous and a slippery slope.

Speaking of graphic and facts...

Review of: "This guy had more balls than any current politician you think is coming to save you." Bullzeye

Kanye West Is Right About The Jews

The Holocaust Is Logistically Impossible

Bullzeye Gets Into It With Guns & Roses OG Guitar Player Tracii Guns - a JEW


Blood Libel = Ritual Murder - Clip

Thousands of cases of Jews have been accused of blood libel but the most famous is Simon of Trent

Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Documentary

"I have never met any Holodomor survivors because it was an actual genocide." @The_Nose

The HOLODOMOR Thread by @Amaleks_Rising

Holodomor VS Holocaust - Without Jews There Would Never Have Been Bolshevism.

Meet Genrikh Yagoda - A Bolshevist jew responsible for the slaughter of 10 Million White Russian Christians in Soviet Russia.

BREAKING: Red Heifer in Israel expected to be ‘slaughtered’ before the end of April, 2024

Jesus Was Not A Jew - Jews Are Not Israelites - Thread by Bullzeye

Jew Leaders Call For New Editions Of The Bible And Koran - Highlight Trigger Warnings Highlighting Anti-Semitic Passages

Does pride in your race = hatred of other races? By Bullzeye


"Political correctness is politics that doesn't allow political opposition." Gilad Atzmon

Zionism Is The New Nazism - NO IT'S NOT Lucas Gage

Anti Jewish Hate Thread By Bullzeye

"Just because you're offended, doesn't mean your right. Offence is about feelings and feelings are personal." Ricky Gervais - Shabbos Goy

Reject Degeneracy - Fuel Your Brain With Facts, Decency and Jesus

Speaking of Satan and degeneracy - imagine injecting yourself with poison and believing this will make you immune from non existent diseases. #NotTodaySatan

This needs to stop. There are no viruses, germ & contagion are myths, you catch nothing. Tune in to your pattern recognition skills, break the mind control. #NoVirus

"So, the body is amazing & intelligent enough to keep its heart beating, blood circulating, lungs breathing, eyes seeing, ears hearing, however not good enough that it needs manmade interventions to survive. We need to reevaluate our knowledge of the body's true abilities." @3dom13

The state of the world for off roaders...

Remember to be Human - Enjoy the show!


I'm in X/Twitter jail for a week for telling Elon Musk to go purge himself as he fake pretends to purge bots. Jail - straight to jail. Hate speech they say. I think he's a pussy, another Shabbos Goy robot. Back to Auschwitz to let the world know who controls you!

Jail - Straight To Jail

As usual the gong show continues on the social media platforms. Lots of theatre and drama to keep us distracted from Ben Shapiro firing Candace Owens for anti semitism, they are supposed to debate the word which would be quite interesting. Then we have the P. Diddy expose, he is being outed as the black Epstein, and that most rappers are homosexuals. The tricks, lies, deceptions and distractions are in full force. Meanwhile, the words Nazi, Anti-Semitic, racist and sexist no longer have any power what so ever. Neither does #MUHHolocaust. Which one right? OR blood libel = human sacrifice. NO ONE CARES!

Many are awakening to our real history and facing the truth and at this point I really do believe nothing can stop what is coming. Be careful who you follow - there are many grifters out there.

They are going hard on Amazing Polly, shadow banning, limiting her views, doxing her and her entire family for exposing these grifters. They are all connected and all owned by you know Jew.

So I'm preheating my oven to cook 6 million cookies for my husband. How many ovens will I need?

I remain very cautious and on the fence about Trump. I've taken a break from him for now. He needs to denounce every Jew that practices the Talmud and admit Hitler was right about everything. I don't believe anyone is coming to save us but I still have hope in helping to awaken humanities consciousness.

Many remain in a coma of apathy all by design, but Israel really screwed up with Oct 7th Hamas attack. #BibiKnew Israel has revealed themselves to be the oppressors on stolen land that created this war, murdering more innocent children and civilians. Where are all the world leaders outrage and sanctions? There are none because they are all owned by Israel, blackmailed pedophiles that print the money and do as their masters say.

A.I. Deciding Who To Kill For Israel - Welcome to the machine.

This is very scary, you have a group of people that hate Whites controlling AI - they could easily kill all of us which is their actual end goal.

"This guy had more balls than any current politician you think is coming to save you." Bullzeye @utism_

Kanye West Is Right About The Jews

The Holocaust Is Logistically Impossible

Debunk THIS!!!

Bullzeye Gets Into It With Guns & Roses OG Guitar Player Tracii Guns - a JEW

Needless to say Tracii got WRECKED in the comments and blocked Bullzeye. We are winning, people are waking up and the Jews are scared. Thank you God.


Blood Libel = Ritual Murder - Clip

"Since Blood Libel seems to be trending, here’s one of my fav videos. Fun fact: I researched the term last year and found out it was made up by jews to attack those that spoke up Ritual Murder. “Blood Libel” is a fake term, used to cover up the very real history of Blood Sacrifice." @CueBacca17

Thousands of cases of Jews have been accused of blood libel but the most famous is Simon of Trent

"Thousands of cases of Jews have been accused of blood libel but the most famous is Simon of Trent. A two-year-old boy disappeared but it took the police days for the father to convince police to search the Jewish quarter. He was found brutally tortured to death with his blood drained in the basement of Jews. 15 men were convicted and burned at the stake women were also involved but they weren't allowed to torture so they got light sentences. In history it's hard to know what Is and isn't true but you will find 100’s of stories just like this." @jakeshieldsajj

Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Documentary

Don't miss this documentary. Many of you already know about this abhorrent behaviour that gets the Jews kicked out of over 109 countries and counting. They admit to it, but they NEVER tell you why.

2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder

Jewish Ritual Murder

"Since they removed the tweet and denied my appeal, let's just put it back up again. Adrenochrome is addressed at the 58 minute mark. They don't want you to see this. Jewish Ritual Murder," @Mofobian
"I have never met any Holodomor survivors because it was an actual genocide." @The_Nose

The HOLODOMOR Thread by @Amaleks_Rising

Holodomor VS Holocaust - Without Jews There Would Never Have Been Bolshevism.

Meet Genrikh Yagoda - A Bolshevist jew responsible for the slaughter of 10 Million White Russian Christians in Soviet Russia.

BREAKING: Red Heifer in Israel expected to be ‘slaughtered’ before the end of April, 2024.

The Red Heifers Sacrifice

Jesus Was Not A Jew - Jews Are Not Israelites - Thread by Bullzeye

I podcasted a couple of threads by Bullzeye that I included, Jesus was not a Jew and is being proud of your race racist? Again, I recommend you go follow him immediately. @utism_ on X/Twitter. The learning never stops and he knows his history. Well done.

Jew Leaders Call For New Editions Of The Bible And Koran - Highlight Trigger Warnings Highlighting Anti-Semitic Passages

Does pride in your race = hatred of other races? By Bullzeye


1. Racial Identity

2. Religious Identity

3. Nationalist Identity

Atzmon exposes how jewish supremacy exploits these 3 identities to confuse non-jews & gain power over them.

"Political correctness is politics that doesn't allow political opposition." Gilad Atzmon

Zionism Is The New Nazism - NO IT'S NOT Lucas Gage

Anti Jewish Hate Thread By Bullzeye

This is excellent, I plan to podcast this. He absolutely nails it.

"Just because you're offended, doesn't mean your right. Offence is about feelings and feelings are personal." Ricky Gervais

Reject Degeneracy - Fuel Your Brain With Facts, Decency and Jesus

"Reject degeneracy. Shame it. Abolish it. It's not welcomed here." @cafessdove

Speaking of Satan and degeneracy - imagine believing injecting yourself with poison and believing this will make you immune from non existent diseases.

This needs to stop. There are no viruses, germ & contagion are myths, you catch nothing. Tune in to your pattern recognition skills, break the mind control. #NoVirus


Flu = COVID = Detox/healing - every human does it seasonally, the worse your symptoms are the more TOXIC YOU ARE. No one is coming to save you.

They will never ever stop until you break your mind control and programming.

The state of the world for off roaders...

I know a lot of what I share is dark and difficult to accept, but damn it I'm so fed up with the lies, deceit, mind control and crimes against humanity.

Remember to be Human

Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6




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Ben Sichkaryk
Ben Sichkaryk
Apr 09, 2024

I agree, good post Marlene.


Apr 08, 2024

Marlene Love so glad you’re back! Hoping your well rested, relaxed and ready to spread the TRUTH to the World 🌎❤️🙏


Apr 07, 2024

I missed you


Apr 07, 2024

A much deserved holiday! Welcome back!


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