Holy shit! R u kidding me? Do you see what they have done here? Israel under attach, Ukraine under attack - ro roh. No one cares about these false flags deep states attack on their own people. We are tired of it frankly. Everyone go watch #WagTheDog immediately and get informed and always remember, “Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick."

This is not to suggest the war is not happening, it is, but we need to question their official story and rhetoric we are receiving and then judge who is really responsible for all of this? No sane person wants war or innocent civilians to be hurt ever. Except these neocons #WarMongers - these people have no allegiance to any country or to any people, they are greedy monsters, if there was no money in war there would be no war. The criminal syndicate loves to destabilize regions, cause death and destruction, steal the war oprhans for horrific purposes and then rebuild the nation they just bombed the shit out of. It is such a sick sick game.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (a robot clone actor or whatever) Declares War Against Hamas on Oct 7th = 17 = Q #SavingIsraelForLast

Let's unpack the latest NWO agenda false flag that funds both sides of the war. We have seen more video footage of the war in Israel in the past 48 hours, than of any war in Ukraine, including rumours of rapes, kidnapping and beheaded babies, yet they have not reported on one baby or child from Esptein island.

I can't help but recall - they took the babies from the incubators and left them to die on the cold floor, from the Kuwait war. #WagTheDog comes to mind. Infiltration instead of invasion. They fund both sides of the war to create #WagTheDog all theatre to control the people. #Yawn All of this shit leads back to OBAMA.
Funny they never reported on any babies or children from Epstein island. No arrests or indictments of the pedophile rapists clientele list either.
Beware of propaganda from both sides!

Do you see what they are doing? They are using "Israel" and the ol Jew Holohoax shaming programming to teach you these monsters have been involved the entire time. #JewsDid911AndKennedyAssassination
Didn't these same creatures warn and threaten us that President Trump would get us into WWIII and cause an economic disaster? Um hello. #Projecting
All at the exact same time Speaker of the House has been fired - from both US and CanaDUH, halting all funds to Ukraine. BOOM - Bored now - gotta create a new war, false flag, virus, mass shooting, climate change terror to keep you in fear so you don't think clearly and can be easily manipulated so we can spend your tax dollars freely at will without you ever questioning it. Sweet baby Jesus if you can not see the play book at this point... you know what to do. #EjectYourselfFromThePlanet

Meanwhile Biden gives 6 Billion to Iran and then Hamas terrorists attack Israel? The MOST secure borders and country on earth, with spies in every single nation, where attacked by rockets and HAMAS paragliding in while there are ENGLISH speaking terrorists going door to door in Israel. #QuestionEverything #IsraelEqualsUkraine #SAME
Will we finally learn the truth about WWI and WWII and the #Holohoax? Let's review the latest theatre.
David Ike on Israel
BREAKING: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Declares War Against Hamas After Thousands of Rockets Target Israel
In an emergency broadcast Netanyahu declared gleefully “Citizens of Israel, we are at war. And we will win.”
Trump Statement on Hamas Attacks
Former U.S. President Donald Trump in a statement blamed President Biden for the attack: "We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible."
Trump: We will always stand with Israel
President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023
Hamas Is Going ON A Killing Spree In Southern Israel Using US WEAPONS #BidenFailedUs
Attack on Israel by Fox News - Hamas Is Attacking Israel #SpiritualAwareness - Israeli military says Israeli soldiers and civilians are being held captive in Gaza by Hamas
Flynn: Surprise Attack on Israel Confirms the West Is in a State of Complacency
“If you look at the history, you will find Hamas was encouraged & really started by Israel.” - Ron Paul
WAYNE ROOT: If You Think What Just Happened in Israel is Terrible, Here is What Open Borders & Tens of Thousands of Chinese Military-Age Males are About to Do to USA. We are the Alamo.
Trump Demands Crooked Joe Biden Take Back the 6 Billion Dollars That Caused The War
War. Who is it good for? #JoeBidenHasBloodOnHisHands - Excellent Insight By Burning Bright
Abraham Accords - Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America

Why Did Attorney General Merrick Garland Bring up the Holocaust? “Me Thinks He Doth Protest Too Much.” Is He Trying to Justify His “Gestapo Tactics?
The Single Most Important Reality About Israel's War Against The Savages
JUAN O SAVIN- ISRAEL, CONNECTIONS and the WAR- NINO 10 07 2023 - The Trinity of Globalist Control
Great Tucker clip on neo con war mongers beating their drums, Nicky Hailey, says "FINISH THEM speaking of Iran and Tucker on Israel Music Festival Shooting
Today it's Israel, tomorrow it is us. Never ever give up your guns!
"Our 9/11," Says Israel As Nearly 1,000 Killed In War With Hamas: 10 Points - interesting head line.
MSNBC: "I couldn't think of a better gift for Benjamin Netanyahu right now that this kind of incursion." (they don't even hide it)
MBP Calls Out The LYING JEWS RE WW2 and Zionism
Fox News On Israeli on 911
US to let Israelis enter visa-free, citing less discrimination
Donald Trump Does it Again & shows the Presidential Seal & it says THE PRESIDENT on his portfolio. Do not miss - President Trump in Wolfeboro, NH

Ep 3182b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood,Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures - X22Report
Ep 3183b - Warmongers Are Being Exposed, Missile Warning System Transferred To SF, Stage Is Set - X22Report
Clinton on Reprogramming for MAGA - Dinesh on HRC Deprogramming MAGA Comment Is Dangerous
Here is list of MAGA is against - Now Ask Yourself Who Is Targeting The MAGA Movement?
Biden Restarts Trump Border Wall - Where Are All The Apologies? Time to start mass deportation.
Who runs the fake news and propaganda? #JewWorldOrder
Lectures On The Holocaust HandBook - Controversial issues cross examined - 612 pages of facts!
Geraldo Rivera accuses Trump of sounding like Adolph Hitler after former president said migrants are 'poisoning the blood of our country'
The Greatest Story Never Told By Dennis Wise - The very difficult truth about WWII
JFK diary calls Hitler 'stuff of legends' and Trump VS Hitler - Let's see what happens.
Next November, we are going to Make America Great Again! President Trump
Get Out Your Popcorn AND Enjoy the show!
Note the blue and yellow colours in the FOX map below. No coincidences only constant brainwashing off the tel LIE vision.

Will we finally learn the truth about WWI and WWII and the #Holohoax? Let's review the latest theatre.

David Ike on Israel
Remember the inflatable plane from Afghanistan with painted windows and fake engine sounds with 911 written on the side of it?

BREAKING: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Declares War Against Hamas After Thousands of Rockets Target Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war against the Gaza-based terror group Hamas after the militant group fired over 5,000 rockets at Israel.
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman spokesperson Lt Col Richard stated Hamas militants have “entered Israel from Gaza by land, by sea and by air using paragliders.”
Shortly after Hamas’ surprise attack Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war against Hamas.
In an emergency broadcast Netanyahu declared gleefully “Citizens of Israel, we are at war. And we will win.”
Oct 8 - 3 year delta on Q 4832

Oct 4, 2018 - 5 year delta on Q drop 2337 Israeli intelligence - stand down.

Trump Statement on Hamas Attacks

Former U.S. President Donald Trump in a statement blamed President Biden for the attack: "We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible."

Trump: We will always stand with Israel

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023

Hamas Is Going ON A Killing Spree In Southern Israel Using US WEAPONS #BidenFailedUs
Guess who else stands with Israel? The gay actor that loves to dance in latex clothing and high heel boots, Zelensky. #DancingWithTheStars

Terrorist Speaking In English?
"Terrorists speaking in English? Where is Biden why isn’t he commenting- O that’s right he just released money to Iran that funded this" #Biblical @KarliBonne
Attack on Israel by Fox News

Israeli military says Israeli soldiers and civilians are being held captive in Gaza by Hamas
The military states that a number of Israelis have been kidnapped after Hamas infiltrated the country and stormed communities in the southern parts of Israel.
Hamas Is Attacking Israel #SpiritualAwareness
Biblical - watch.

Flynn: Surprise Attack on Israel Confirms the West Is in a State of Complacency

“If you look at the history, you will find Hamas was encouraged & really started by Israel.” - Ron Paul
THAT IS ONE HELL OF AN ASSERTION by Ron Paul. But, it PERFECTLY illustrates how the GLOBALIST PUPPET MASTERS who are really pulling the strings, FUND BOTH SIDES.

I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 when I was FIRST able to vote, because I fully understood this VITAL concept at the age of 18. I also wrote Ron in for the 2012 election.
This AWFUL event, like MANY before it, is being used to create an even DEEPER DIVIDE between people. Because, THAT is what they crave, the MORE we are fighting one another, the LESS we are focused on THEIR SICK CRIMES.
They ABSOLUTELY HATE US & we are nothing more than pawns in their SICK game. The MORE of us that DIE, the BETTER for them. They create the “boogeyman” for each conflict & dangle it in front of you like a carrot, hoping you will bite. STOP FALLING FOR IT.
We ALL have a COMMON ENEMY & it sure as hell isn’t EACH OTHER. @ThePatriotVoice


WAYNE ROOT: If You Think What Just Happened in Israel is Terrible, Here is What Open Borders & Tens of Thousands of Chinese Military-Age Males are About to Do to USA. We are the Alamo.

No one cares what whiny Freddie the Jew has to say that I can tell you.


One month ago, President Trump predicted that Iran would use the $6B bribe that Joe Biden gave them (on 9/11, no less) to fund terrorism. Now, look what’s happening. Once again, Trump was right. @KariLake

Trump Demands Crooked Joe Biden Take Back the 6 Billion Dollars That Caused The War


War. Who is it good for? #JoeBidenHasBloodOnHisHands
Excellent Insight By Burning Bright
From Kabul to Ukraine to Israel, the Collective Mind is being shown what happens when you not only install an incompetent Proxy President, but one who owes his allegiance to a shadowy cabal that profits off of the very wars Donald Trump and his Administration cut off at the knees.

Trump is reminding the people of the Doha Agreement and the Abraham Accords today as a means of threading the Peacemaker narrative throughout the War of Stories, and beyond the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
The fact that he's now highlighting the recent funding from the Biden Admin to Iran (or its proxies,) is icing on the cake, and represents Narrative Convergence between Anons and Trump in real time. This implies that we've entered an accelerated timeline regarding exposure.
Now, what's more controversial to say is that ... we don't know what or IF anything truly horrible is happening, just because we see videos of smoke on 'X.' We're in a War of Stories by BOTH sides. Focus on Net Effects. By @BurningBright
Abraham Accords

Abraham Accords, series of agreements to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab states. The accords, all of which were signed in the latter half of 2020, consist of a general declaration alongside bilateral agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco. The name of the accords was given in reference to the supposed common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, the biblical Abraham, and as an expression of brotherhood.
Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America
Signed in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar, in duplicate, in Pashto, Dari, and English languages, each text being equally authentic. You can go to the link and listen to the article to get the full picture or click on link and read the document in full.


Why Did Attorney General Merrick Garland Bring up the Holocaust? “Me Thinks He Doth Protest Too Much.” Is He Trying to Justify His “Gestapo Tactics?

The Single Most Important Reality About Israel's War Against The Savages
This is a very detailed document shared by Mark Levin. I have not had time to read it in full.
The reason we are looking at conflict Globally is because of THREE NATION STATES and is now a DECLARED WAR in ISRAEL.. is a bit deeper than just an Action to deflect what is happening here in the USA. Nino keeps pressing Juan like it has to do with US.. IT DOES NOT. Juan explains several dynamics.. the facts are that LONDON the center of our FINANCIAL GLOBAL MONEY POWER CENTER, since the 1800's is interwoven with ISRAEL. Remember the ARAB SPRING. Try and follow the Historical PROGRESSION from the Original return of the JEWS to control of the Holy Land.. and the rise of the Vatican POWER STRUCTURE in response.

Roseanne Barr knows the significance this year of the day OCTOBER 7, 2023 that was the celebration of The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. This is the 3rd great annual pilgrimage festival when the Jewish people gather together in Jerusalem not only to remember God's provision in the Wilderness but also to look ahead to that promised Messianic age when all nations will flow to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.. Vulnerable on the Sabbath? Yes and Hamas (and ISIS) are a construction of the CIA and US players like McCain and Islamic Terrorism .. and Serbia and the rise of the IRAN payoffs under Obama. Hard to keep track of this progression of Evil that is now killing and wounding Grandmothers and Children and women that are the innocent victims.
WAR serves NO ONE. We are all going to have our stories to share after this is over. Hang on tight. To those you love.
Nino's battery ran out.. this ends abruptly. Don't buy into the media frenzy. And know the END OF DAYS for the Globalists is Close at hand.
The Trinity of Globalist Control


Great Tucker clip on neo con war mongers beating their drums, Nicky Hailey, says "FINISH THEM speaking of Iran
Great Tucker clip on neo con war mongers beating their drums, Nicky Hailey, says "FINISH THEM speaking of Iran, and Lindsay Graham, who has no skin in the game, 70 yrs old and childless - photographed with degenerate John McStain and ISIS supplying their weapons.
Like many, we remain highly suspicious of this declaration of war and can't help but think of #WagTheDog
Tucker on Israel Music Festival Shooting


Today it's Israel, tomorrow it is us. Never ever give up your guns!
"Our 9/11," Says Israel As Nearly 1,000 Killed In War With Hamas: 10 Points
MSNBC: "I couldn't think of a better gift for Benjamin Netanyahu right now that this kind of incursion."
MBP Calls Out The LYING JEWS RE WW2 and Zionism


Fox News On Israeli on 911

US to let Israelis enter visa-free, citing less discrimination
This article was written on September 27th - before the war was announced. Weird.
Donald Trump Does it Again & shows the Presidential Seal & it says THE PRESIDENT on his portfolio.

LIVE - President Trump in Wolfeboro, NH
A few of Trump's statements:
We are going to terminate the department of education, we are going to let the states run the education.
China's the top country on education, Trump says
Mug shot was not supposed to be in the family. Sorry dad. Mug shot turned out quite good over nothing.
Trump just called Ukraine a SCAM! BOOM
Trump just mentioned Ted Kennedy, who was a friend of mine for certain reasons. Ted Kennedy = 107 = 17 = Q
Biden doesn't even know he's alive.
Everything he has done is a failure, we have no allies, they dont respect us. China is our best ally with him, they have to cuase they paid him so much money.

Trump on Biden and Chris Wallace - He got 3.5 million from the Mayor of Russia - How's Chris Wallace doing? Not too good.
I'm always a couple of years a head of schedule, thats all right.

Do you see the difference? #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything
All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures by X22 Report

Ep 3182b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood,Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures
Ep 3183b - Warmongers Are Being Exposed, Missile Warning System Transferred To SF, Stage Is Set

Clinton on Reprogramming for MAGA
Dinesh on HRC Deprogramming MAGA Comment Is Dangerous
#BringThePain - This has double meanings, IMO, it will be pain for the deep state and their demise, but also the pain for normies of waking up to the truth. Everybody gets the red pill in the end, many of us took it orally, the rest will be getting it as a suppository. We tried to warn you.
Here is list of MAGA is against - Now Ask Yourself Who Is Targeting The MAGA Movement?
Biden Restarts Trump Border Wall - Where Are All The Apologies?


Time to start mass deportation. Q🔥Q🔥Q🔥Q🔥Q
Who runs the fake news and propaganda? #JewWorldOrder
Lectures On The Holocaust HandBook
Controversial issues cross examined - 612 pages of facts!

“It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust. It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror. Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest. As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent. In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.” President Donald J. Trump on Jan 27, 17 on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, tweeted on that same day that Trump did not even mention Jews as victims of the Holocaust, thus triggering a deluge of similar attacks on the U.S. President for not having expressly mentioned the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The White House countered a day later that it wasn’t just Jews who died in the Holocaust, but that five million gentiles were killed, too (Tapper 2017), who also deserve equal remembrance, referring to an article which had appeared two years earlier (Ridley 2015).
Geraldo Rivera accuses Trump of sounding like Adolph Hitler after former president said migrants are 'poisoning the blood of our country'
Geraldo slammed the remark as 'disgusting' and 'hearkening to the Nazi era'
In interview, Trump said migrants were 'poisoning the blood of our country'
His spokesman defended it as 'a normal phrase that is used in everyday life'
The Greatest Story Never Told By Dennis Wise
I wonder if President Trump, our Commander and Chief and Exposer in Chief is trying to tell us something? He is finishing what JFK started.
JFK = 35 = Trump = 45 = 8+9= 17 = Q
JFK diary calls Hitler 'stuff of legends'
A diary kept by President John F Kennedy as a young man travelling in Europe, revealing his fascination with Adolf Hitler, is up for auction.
Kennedy, then 28, predicted "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived". "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made," he continued.
Kennedy wrote the entry in the summer of 1945 after touring the German dictator's Bavarian mountain retreat. It is thought by historians to be the only diary ever kept by the 35th US president.
Trump VS Hitler - Let's see what happens.

This video was ReTruthed on Truth Social by President Trump, and that is seen as confirmation by President Trump that we are witnessing the destruction of the old guard and total takedown of the cabal. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!
The video is by @Reversemocking1 on Twitter.
Next November, we are going to Make America Great Again! ia.donaldjtrump.com/

Anyone else get the feeling our whole lives are synthetic and separated by nature. Human bio field needs to connect with nature. Protect yourself.
Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6
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