Like most, I'm a truth seeker so I end up down a lot of rabbit holes. At the end of the day are we all on a mothership alone in a room manifesting this? Are our waking hours the actual dream state and when we go to "sleep" we return home? I's why I continue questioning and never ever give up - Elon Musk nails it here:
Not going to lie, I have a lot of shit to cover in this blog and you're not going to want to miss it.


"Isn't it interesting how the masses, the normies, and the Libs all cheering on this Trump arrest, have subconsciously accepted that all former Presidents can now be indicted or arrested for any crime, no matter how small. Now just wait until they find out the magnitude of the crimes those idols have really committed against humanity and the country. The truth will shock the world." @UltraPepesLivesMatter

Kryon March 2023 - Kryon Removes The Last Barrier Between You and The Next Step of Your Journey
EIC = 17 = Q = EXPOSER IN CHIEF - HOW MANY coincidences...
Takeaways: Donald Trump was arrested Tuesday. What you need to know about the arraignment and charges

MTG Uses ‘60 Minutes’ Interview to Call Democrats Pedophiles
Remember this sweet video from Joan Rivers? A week later she was dead after calling out Obama as the first gay POTUS and Michelle as a Tranny! Here we have Vincent Kennedy welcoming ChrissWorld to the party.
Kennedy / Trump Tiffany & Blue Connection
A fun share for normies at this point. Undeniable connections.
Charlie Kirk on Why They Are Indicting Trump
Bragg Was Looking to Charge Trump with a Felony, Could Land Himself in Prison for Years Instead
X22 Report - Ep 3034b – Bait Taken, Hunters Now Become The Hunted, Precedent, Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

Post-Indictment Poll: More Voters in Both Primary, General Election Say They’re Likelier to Vote for Trump
"These two clowns, the Judge and DA, cannot touch Trump in any way." @Qurham17
Exclusive: Trump to be charged Tuesday with 34 felony counts, but spared handcuffs and mug shot

Poll: Trump Enjoys 43-Point Swing His Way Among Texas Republicans Since November
Q drop 33 and 34 ties in JFK Jr = Q Clearance Patriot!
Vincent Kennedy . (dot) #FamilyIsEverything #HowDoYouIntroduceEvidenceLegally
WWE And UFC Parent Endeavor To Combine In $21 Billion Mega-Merger
Donald Trump bodyslams, beats and shaves Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XXIII - 3.33 minutes of pure gold with matching pink ties it's like they're connected.

Let's do a quick review of Vincent Kennedy's . (dot) = Mores Code for the letter E = 5. But what else does it represent? Check this out!
April 4, 1968, 6:01 p.m was 55 years ago, also the date and time Martin Luther King was murdered. Same date they arrested Trump.
55 = JFK Jr = Loud and Clear - 1111 #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT #WatchTheWater
April Fools Prank Jokes That Fell With A Dud and an Interesting Blog on New Years & April Fools
Numerology of Number 5 = Master Of Change and Morse DeCoder
On Little Men and Big Men: Donald Trump Is the Next President - Donald J. Trump - Agenda
This is just WOW, even the photo collection is amazing because of course it is.
Jim Jordan appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his perspective on the indictment of President Donald Trump by a politically motivated Manhattan District Attorney, and the potential for the House Judiciary Committee to question DA Alvin Bragg.
Tucker Carlson Demands Liz Cheney Be Sued For Crimes ‘Against Our Justice System’
Tom Cruise is another tranny just like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and many other leading men - all reversoes - same as their wives. #WatchTheWives
Here's a real fooking strange headline! What are they insinuating?
"Injustice How the Sex Offender Registry Destroys LGBT Rights" PARDON???

Budweiser goes full woke. #AndWeKnow #SerialBrain2 #Decodes
Trans Movement Being Fomented by Russia, China as a ‘Guerilla Movement’ to Disrupt U.S.
Trump Freedom City?? Is this what the future looks like?
Wrap up with JFK Final Edit Song and Reiki Music Chants Cho Ku Rei. Enjoy the show!
Kryon March 2023 - Kryon Removes The Last Barrier Between You and The Next Step of Your Journey
This is a great 30 minute segment by Kryon. He talks about little boxes, don't miss this one!

Fear is a product of intellectualism it comes from the brain. - this comes from the computer that say don't touch the stove because you'll get burned, it doesn't come from God or your intuition, it comes right out of your brain. It requires the human being to disengage the very thing that has been their survival. You need to disengage the fear part for the moment you have to learn the balance. Survival instrument with the heart and pineal. Aren't you tired of trying? Its important to drop survival for the moment.. all you have to do is let go. We are evolving spirits.
Innate the Smart body for you is connected to the pineal, the pineal is connected to its higher self and its intuitions this is why affirmations in this new energy is so important and one of the strongest tools for self healing. Innate consciousness and the relationship with God are two different things.
So you can develop irrational fears like fear of flying. Who says your plane is going to go down? YOU DO no one else.

If you are the creator how interesting is your movie? Life is what you make it. The most divine person sees the beauty in a fallen leaf on the ground that matches the vein pattern of your hand, like when you realize we are all connected. Our niece at 3 yrs old held up a fallen leaf and danced in absolute delight with that special spark. This is the beauty and gift of children. Pay attention. Even if they are not your own, they are the ultimate lesson and truest form of love. God love them. It's why these Satanists or bad ETS target them, for their innocence and they are the purest and closest thing to God, source, consciousness - whatever you identify with.
I repeat because I think it's valuable and it's how we learn, unlearn, relearn and deprogram. Nothing wrong with that. Why would you ever want to remain the same ol same ol? Snap out of it I say. Create your dream world. We all have the ability.

Life's What You Make It
👆👆'Dan the Man' posting the BLACK-n-WHITES 👉 'Throw Back' to the KENNEDY ERA💥💥 KENNEDY COMMZ GALORE surrounding the WACO RALLY🔥🔥💥💥

9th marker - 35 = JFK #MAGA



9th Circuit = Marker [9]

Replying to @realDonaldTrump
MAGA - Many are getting arrested! First Arrest will shock the world. This is outrageous and very exciting at the same time.

1850 = WOW
1850 = John Fitzgerald Kennedy
1850 = Divine Wisdom
1850 = Presley Tesla Trump Kennedy
1850 = Age of Aquarius Q Here We Go
1850 = Jfk Jr Smash CIA To Pieces
EIC = 17 = Q = EXPOSER IN CHIEF - HOW MANY coincidences...

Takeaways: Donald Trump was arrested Tuesday. What you need to know about the arraignment and charges
For the first time in U.S. history, a former president surrendered to law enforcement and was placed under arrest.
Trump Gearing Up For Battle (video)

MTG Uses ‘60 Minutes’ Interview to Call Democrats Pedophiles
The Georgia congresswoman and conspiracy theorist stirred controversy over the respected program profiling her
I've seen video of MTG bench pressing a lot of weight like it was nothing. This womens form and mental state is top notch. No fear and she does not back down. MTG releases message this is her fight against COVID a great work out. BOOM!
Young Turks a sad liberal parody managed to create a 15 minute video about it. You only need to watch the first 1:18 seconds where she ends on an OK with the 666 = 18 = R = JFK Jr = Talking back our numbers - I didn't bother past that.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Workout Video


Are you enjoying the show? It's not only Demonrats that are pedophiles, they are also RINOS, MSM, Celebrities, Sports stars, teachers, lawyers, judges - anyone who is easily programmable because they are weak and have mental issues. It's much worse than the attraction to a child my friends, please do not be delusional.
Remember this sweet video from Joan Rivers? A week later she was dead after calling out Obama as the first gay POTUS and Michelle as a Tranny! Here we have Vincent Kennedy welcoming ChrissWorld to the party.

Kennedy / Trump Tiffany & Blue Connection
A fun share for normies at this point. Undeniable connections.

Charlie Kirk on Why They Are Indicting Trump
Bragg Was Looking to Charge Trump with a Felony, Could Land Himself in Prison for Years Instead
Ep 3034b – Bait Taken, Hunters Now Become The Hunted, Precedent, Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

Post-Indictment Poll: More Voters in Both Primary, General Election Say They’re Likelier to Vote for Trump
New post-indictment polling data from former President Donald Trump’s campaign shows that not only does he hold a commanding lead in the GOP primary and a lead over Democrat President Joe Biden in a likely general election matchup but that more voters in both the primary and the general election say they are now going to vote for Trump because of it.
"These two clowns, the Judge and DA, cannot touch Trump in any way." @Qurham17

Exclusive: Trump to be charged Tuesday with 34 felony counts, but spared handcuffs and mug shot

Q drop 330 - Drop the zero - can also be 33



Poll: Trump Enjoys 43-Point Swing His Way Among Texas Republicans Since November
Andrew McCarthy notes the same thing everyone else is noticing, the absence of a violation of a criminal statute. {Direct Rumble Link}
For the first time in United States history a former president has been accused of a crime and indicted, yet the person making the accusation and bringing the charge doesn’t say what crime has been committed. What criminal statute has been violated? Even the leftist media are apoplectic at the weakness of the indictment. 34 Felony Counts. 34? Of no crime? #IZATRIGHT

Q drop 33 and 34 ties in JFK Jr = Q Clearance Patriot!

WWE And UFC Parent Endeavor To Combine In $21 Billion Mega-Merger

77 = 14 = 5 = E = . = Vincent Kennedy
77 + 22 = 99 = 18 = R = JKF Jr.
77 + July (7) = 27 = JFK
All Caps = WWEUTNFT = 132
132 = JFK Jr Is Alive, NO Coincidences
321 is the # penciled in on JFK JR Death Certificate

Opening bell 10:33 = 34 = Q drop 34 or 16 = 19 = POTUS
Donald Trump bodyslams, beats and shaves Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XXIII
3.33 minutes of pure gold with matching pink ties...


Vincent Kennedy is a very interesting character in The Great Awakening, for many of us that have been following we believe he is one of JFK Jr's characters. I find the character to be humble, kind, intelligent and always teaching and guiding but making you do the work to find the answers. He'll share great advice and steer you in the direction of a top notch influencer but you must be the judge. He boasted about doing a fast, but used coffee to keep going. Anyone that understands basic health would know you would never fast and drink coffee. Not judging, but I believe he is clearly teaching. Someone called him out and he wrote party pooper. He knows. I still have many questions and not enough answers, it's why I continue learning and following VK.
Let's do a quick review of Vincent Kennedy's . (dot) = Mores Code for the letter E = 5. But what else does it represent? Check this out!
April 4, 1968, 6:01 p.m was 55 years ago, also the date and time Martin Luther King was murdered. Same date they arrested Trump.
55 = JFK Jr = Loud and Clear - 1111 #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT #WatchTheWater
April Fools Prank Jokes That Fell With A Dud
Interesting Blog on New Years & April Fools

Until 1582, when Pope Gregory changed it to January 1st, March 20 or 21 (the Vernal Equinox or first day of spring) or April 1st the first day of the month after the Equinox were considered the start of the New Year. Makes sense: spring equals new beginnings.
So, how did that morph into April Fool’s Day with pranks and jokes?
There were some in the Middle Ages who did not learn of the change, others who did not want to obey the Pope, and a few Traditionalists who rejected change. The new hip medieval with-its thought these groups were backward, naive, and ignorant. So, anyone who continued to celebrate an April New Year became the butt of jokes, subjected to pranks designed to take them in and make them “look the fool.” There’s no fool like an “old” (New Year’s) fool. Obviously, over the years, fewer and fewer of those celebrations continued, but the pranks remained!
Numerology of Number 5 = Master Of Change
A key characteristic of the number 5 is curiosity and the need for a variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. It craves freedom and adventure and isn't afraid to let the wind carry it where it may. For the 5, life isn't about setting goals and making plans, it's about getting out there and experimenting. Anything that stirs the senses piques the 5's interest and it can't wait to partake in the experience.
The Numerology number 5 is a master of change, able to go with the flow and adapt itself to thrive in different environments and social situations. It is happiest when things feel fresh, high energy, and full of possibility. The moment an experience starts to feel too routine or predictable, the 5 will move on to something more captivating. The only thing this number is truly attached to is being unattached.

Morse DeCoder
Enter in dot at text - click audio to hear the Morse Code
Then click SOS in Morse Code - this is to demonstrate how they sound.
SOS is a Morse code distress signal, used internationally, that was originally established for maritime use. In formal notation SOS is written with an overscore line, to indicate that the Morse code equivalents for the individual letters of "SOS" are transmitted as an unbroken sequence of three dots / three dashes / three dots, with no spaces between the letters. Wikipedia
Look at the White House Statement On Biden "Walks through the Rose Garden to the Oval Office" like it's some big accomplishment - released a day late and a dollar short, for heaven sakes.

On Little Men and Big Men: Donald Trump Is the Next President
The struggle now being waged for the soul, and likely the survival, of the nation is generally understood as a political and cultural battle between competing visions of the future, a globalist and technocratic dispensation against a national and populist resistance. It is being fought in the institutions of governance and frequently on the streets. It involves the diverse agencies of power, legislative interventions, radical interpretations of the Constitution, media censorship, and the weaponization of law on one side; on the other, an originalist reading of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, an impartial justice system, and the defense of the democratic order.
Donald J. Trump - Agenda
This is just WOW, even the photo collection is amazing because of course it is.

Jim Jordan appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his perspective on the indictment of President Donald Trump by a politically motivated Manhattan District Attorney, and the potential for the House Judiciary Committee to question DA Alvin Bragg.

Tucker Carlson Demands Liz Cheney Be Sued For Crimes ‘Against Our Justice System’

Year of the Boomerang and Fantasy land.
14 Q drops with Fantasy
8 Q drops with Boomerang
Tom Cruise is another tranny just like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and many other leading men - all reversoes - same as their wives.

Here's a real fooking strange headline! What are they insinuating?
"Injustice How the Sex Offender Registry Destroys LGBT Rights" PARDON???


Trans Movement Being Fomented by Russia, China as a ‘Guerilla Movement’ to Disrupt U.S.
Russia and China have teamed up to use U.S. civil liberties such as free speech and expression against Americans to destabilize the country from within, according to a new analysis, and the transgender movement is one aspect of that plan.
Trump Freedom City?? Is this what the future looks like?

JFK Final Edit Song

Reiki Music Chants Cho Ku Rei

Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6
Podcasts of Blogs & Introductions:
Truth Social:
People! Please read/listen this:
You will find shocking information about US law, pope, courts, and so on!!!!!
Thank you Marlene for the exciting inspiration that you give always. The video from the previous Blog about Hitler I found in the end. Thank for expanding the mind to more than be. With you I got every answer of all my questions I ever have had all my life long. With you I could every puzzle stones linking together with all the mosaics I ever had. All my life I have seen the clues of everything and I could ask the questions, could that be that John F. Kennedy lives and that he and Donald Trump created the monumental plan to save the humanity? and I got the answer completel. Because every clue brought me to that way. I…
I was surprised by how many abominable comments I found under the live translation of the Trump indictment last Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Some people relished and enjoyed this situation. Obviously, they thought Donald Trump was defeated. Meanwhile, Trump is saving THEIR children, and trying to protect THEM from slavery. Are these the same people who are coming to his meetings? Some people say: " Do not do good to people, and you will not receive villainy".
On the top the older man is not Elvis Presly . Different face and all around the face.