WOW, Parliament Hill cut their live feed today, I wonder why? Here is what really happened, MSM crickets, covered a defund the police rally somewhere. WTH? ASIF
Looked like ~100,000 concerned informed Canadian Patriots with out masks demanding we fight against medical tyranny, government corruption, child trafficking & human enslavement.
We are meeting our TRIBE! Lots of Q people. God bless them.
#TrustThePlan #WhiteHat I have no idea what person on this planet who would not support these courageous brave patriots fighting for your rights, freedom & the children.
This is dedicated to all the brave patriots that stood up for our FREEDOM!!!!
True informed patriot with a wee 9 month old baby. #NoFear #Informed #SMART 9 months old, August 29 = 911 - full disclosure coming.