Get out your popcorn folks, previews are over - it's SHOWTIME!!! President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago was raided by the FBI on Monday night. The reason for the raid was that Trump allegedly brought classified information from the White House to Mar-a-Lago. Sounds suspicious.
Juan O Savin says Trump will be arrested. Dan Bongino, Kari Lake and Tulsi Gabbard on Trump raid. Wait until you see trusted journalism at it's best, Maggie Haberman of the failing NY Times has some compelling evidence to share.
President Trump statement on Attorney General Letitia James openly campaigned on the policy of “Get and Destroy Trump.” It is apparent there is a different set of rules of law for the old administration vs the Trump administration. Trump ‘fired up’ despite FBI raid, has ‘made up mind’ about 2024 run.

After Trump announced that his home was raided by the FBI, supporters of President Donald Trump immediately began gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago. Footage of the crowds arriving circulated on social media, showing supporters honking horns and waving flags in support of the 45th president.
Um, if they can target the "former" President they can come after you!
ELON MUSK comes out against DEEP STATE publicly, tells the audience who ever is writing the teleprompter for BIDEN controls the U.S. (alludes to deep state, hours later MUSK comes out as REPUBLICAN.
Bannon says we need to end the fed and give the power back to the people.
How to Remove Chemtrail Toxicity/Nanotechnology from your body.
Enjoy the show!

Trump Releases Dramatic Political Video After FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago
Prior to President Trump speaking at CPAC this year, he played this amazing video
It appears the storm is upon us and the song used in this speech is none other that WWG1WGA by Richard Feelgood.
WWG1WGA by Richard Feelgood
Trump says Mar-a-Lago home in Florida 'under siege' by FBI agents
Trump said the FBI's search warrant execution at his Palm Beach, Florida resort resembles something from a 'third-world country'
EXCLUSIVE: Eric Trump reveals what REALLY happened in the FBI raid: President's son says agents REFUSED to hand over warrant, kicked lawyer off the property, searched Melania's clothes - and how Mar-a-Lago staff refused to turn off security cameras
Eric Trump recounted the Monday raid of his father's Mar-a-Lago residence in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com
He said that they kicked Donald Trump's lawyer Christina Bobb off the property and made her wait at the end of a driveway during the raid
Also said that FBI agents refused to provide a copy of the search warrant
The former president's son said contrary to FBI direction, they refused to turn off security cameras at the Palm Beach estate
4 Year Delta!!! Enjoy the show!


Juan O Savin says Trump will be arrested!
"The lunatics are running the asylum." Juan O Savin
Looks like we crossed the Rubicon, we are not a 3rd world country and this is how they have have been treating us. Thousands of patriots and Trump supporters are showing up to Mar-a-Lago - the people have had enough. They have awoken the sleeping giant, they poked the bear!
Will Biden be taken out as POTUS and replaced with Harris? Then replaced by Pelosi due to Harris being unqualified? #StormIsUponUs Juan O Savin
Bill and Hillary Clinton are cousins. She is the daughter of Nelson Rockefeller by a prostitute. Juan O Savin

Trump supporters gather outside of Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida after the FBI raid
Dan Bongino on FBI Raids On trumps Mar-A-Lago Home

Would you look at that compelling evidence? #KEK #JournalismAtItsFinest

In the Wake: Ron DeSantis, Kari Lake, Others Respond to Raid on Mar-a-Lago – Epstein Confidant Signed Warrant

What about a raid on Clinton, Bush Or Obama? Why only Trump?

"People Need to Be Held Accountable" - Laura Ingram

Tulsi Gabbard on Trump raid, "This is not a democracy".

https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS
08/10/2022, Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Attorney General Letitia James openly campaigned on the policy of “Get and Destroy Trump.” This political attack on me, my family, and my great company is her despicable attempt to fulfill that cynical, and very corrupt promise. James developed a political platform and made a career out of maliciously attacking me and my business before she was even elected, or reviewed one of the millions of pages of documents we willingly produced. She proclaimed, “I look forward to going into the Office of Attorney General every day, suing him. . . and then going home!” She announced, “what is fueling my soul right now is Trump”, and that she had her “eyes on Trump Tower.” She even assured her supporters in an Election promise that, “we’re going to definitely sue him. We’re going to be a real pain in the ass. He’s going to know my name personally”, and she claimed I was an “illegitimate President”. In her AG victory speech, she promised to “shine a bright light into every dark corner of Trump’s real estate holdings.” Shortly thereafter, she vowed to “use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions, and that of his family as well.”

Letitia James is a failed politician who has intentionally colluded with others to carry out this phoney years-long crusade that has wasted countless taxpayer dollars, all in an effort to prop up her political career. During her heated “Trump” rhetoric, she ran for Governor of New York State, using “Getting Trump” as her primary credential. It didn’t work, she got very low poll numbers, and ran back into the Office of Attorney General to continue the persecution of “President Donald J. Trump”, despite the fact that New York is suffering its worst murder, drug, and overall crime rate in many decades. Criminals are running rampant, shooting, slashing, and hurting people on the sidewalks of New York, while she and her Office spend a big percentage of their time and money on their “Trump” vendetta.
Letitia James openly stated her hostilities toward me, and a kind of retribution that is unthinkable. Years of work and tens of millions of dollars have been spent on this long simmering saga, and to no avail. James now realizes I built a great company with tremendous value, and her case is a “Scam”, which is why for years, they haven’t been able to file a single charge.
What Letitia James has tried to do the last three years is a disgrace to the legal system, an affront to New York State taxpayers, and a violation of the solemn rights and protections afforded by the United States Constitution.
I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing.
We cannot permit a renegade and out-of-control prosecutor to use this investigation as a means of advancing her political career. New York deserves better, and this Country deserves better. This is a vindictive and self-serving fishing expedition, the likes of which our Country has never seen before. The United States Constitution exists for this very purpose, and I will utilize it to the fullest extent to defend myself against this malicious attack by this administration, this Attorney General’s Office, and all other attacks on my family, my business, and our Country.
I once asked, "If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Now I know the answer to that question. When your family, your company, and all the people in your orbit have become the targets of an unfounded, politically motivated Witch Hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors, and the Fake News Media, you have no choice. If there was any question in my mind, the raid of my home, Mar-a-Lago, on Monday by the FBI, just two days prior to this deposition, wiped out any uncertainty. I have absolutely no choice because the current Administration and many prosecutors in this Country have lost all moral and ethical bounds of decency.
Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution.

Trump ‘fired up’ despite FBI raid, has ‘made up mind’ about 2024 run

Hillary Clinton Brutally Mocked For Tweet After Trump Raid

CNN’s Stelter: Hunter Biden ‘Not Just a Right-Wing Media Story’ — ‘A Real Problem’ for Joe Biden in 2024
ELON MUSK comes out against DEEP STATE publicly, tells the audience who ever is writing the teleprompter for BIDEN controls the U.S. (alludes to deep state, hours later MUSK comes out as REPUBLICAN.
MUSK is advocating To BILLIONAIRE'S ( friends) across the World to bring in Money to TRUMP selected mid term winners and MUSK is getting ready to bring HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS TO 2024 ////
And coming forth with new projects/apps/Platform Catered to FREE SPEECH
(in other words.... Where DECLASSIFICATION LEAKS are shared world wide among Free Speech FREEDOM FIGHTERS, PATRIOTS, ANONS.)
The Storm is coming in heavy
Almost every MAJOR country is preparing for CIVIL UNREST connected to the [COLLAPSE]
Of world economy/food shortage growing/ high gas prices/supply chain disruption..
The collapse of FIAT SYSTEM is just beginning ( where the sheep can finally see their is something happening and BIDEN or their governments are lying.
Bannon: The federal reserve usurped the power of the people and it is time to end it. The American people must be in charge of their own currency.
Biden’s Build Back Better will hike taxes on 30% of middle-class families


'I Faked Everything': WWII Vet, 98, Honored for Tricking Nazis with Illusions in 'Ghost Army'
Published on August 9, 2022 12:16 PM
"We had fake airplanes, fake balloons. You name it, I did it," Manny Frockt said of the once-secret "Ghost Army," whose creations are in a traveling exhibit
Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's Son

Russell Brand Analyses the lies of Big Pharma Medication for Depression
He highlights they never prove the medication works. There is no evidence. Zero - no evidence that low serotonin levels cause depression. These people are frauds and monsters.
How to Remove Chemtrail Toxicity/Nanotechnology from your body.
1. Put a pinch of high vibe, nutritional sea salt, Redmond's real salt, bamboo salt, programmed with love, holding the intention of blocking nano proliferation, commanding the unbinding and the purging through feces and urine all nano particulates safely, without harm to your physiology, on your food and in your drinking water daily, each meal, each glass of water. Most important thing you can do! your body:

2. Drink 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, 3 times a day. If that's too strong, make two cups of water.
3. Take 1/4 tsp of food grade aluminum free baking soda three times a day in freshly squeezed lemon water.
4. Take boron supplements as directed.
5. Take Activated Charcoal two to three times daily with plenty of water. It's a binder and it constipates.
6. Liquid Zeolite to pull heavy metals.
7. Take L Glutathione. Be gentle starting this for immune compromised folks. If you cant tolerate orally, take a capsule and insert vaginally or anally to let the amino acid get into your system and liver gently.
8. Foods high in natural L Glutathione is asparagus and globe artichokes. Bon appetite!
9. Golden Paste: Make and take golden paste three times a day. Google recipe. Make up. You can freeze extra. Great for inflammation, pain and so much more.
10. Golden Milk: Add golden paste to coconut milk, goat milk, raw cow milk, almond milk made at home. Add cinnamon, clove, cardamom, cayenne, whatever else you desire. Drink before bed. Inflammation buster. Mucous buster.
11. D3 with K2 daily.
12. Bentonite clay, take orally to extract toxins from bowels.
13. Take chlorophyll. Chlorella is now very contaminated as is spirulina. Chlorophyll is cleaner.
14. Take diatomaceous earth but start slow for weakened bodies especially people riddled with candida. A dusting on the pinky to make sure you can tolerate it.
15. Take oregano oil daily.
16. Take oil of cilantro.
17. Use Manuka honey daily.
18. Put 2-4 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and drink. This oxygenates the blood killing pathogens.
19. Take a high grade magnesium or use magnesium oil transdermally.
20. Take a high grade trace mineral daily.
21. Use Illumodine Iodine and Nascent Iodine. Suggested dose is 3-5 drops in 16oz of water, after 7 days this dosage can be safely doubled to 6-10 drops per 16oz of water.
22. Essiac Tea treats cancer, fungi, heavy metals, toxicity
23. Liquid Silica removes all sorts of pathogens from the body
24. Tea tree oil, 1 drop in manuka honey
25. Structured Silver in Suspension. Suggested dose is 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water, 2 times per day.
26. Take MMS
27. Take Fulvic Acids
28. Use colloidal silver especially nasal spray.
29. CBD oil, high organic grade
30. Take food grade vitamin C daily. Tapioca is a great one from Pure Formulas.
31. Eat plenty of oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. Take the peels of any and all of the above. Dry. Grind in a coffee grinder with no coffee residue in it until powder. Put in a jar. Theres your perfect Vitamin C.
32. Water cleanse for 3 days. Just lemon in water or apple cider vinegar in water only for three days with trace minerals.
33. Eat tons of sunchoke artichokes, organic. Wash. Grate. Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice and put in fridge, raw. Balances blood sugar levels and pulls radiation especially in this raw, predigested way. Eat at least 1 TBS before your meal or a small bowl between meals.
34. Eat beets. Wash. Grate. Add lemon freshly squeezed. Refrigerate. Put on salads. On the side of food. In between meals. This heals everything especially the blood, liver, gallbladder so you can detox.
35. Eat one to two raw clove of garlic daily. Eat whole. Do NOT chew. Let it dissolve in your stomach slowly. If you must cut to swallow, cut, let it rest 1 minute. Drink down.
36. Use cayenne on everything. I put on most foods. It cleans liver and bowels. Habenara too. Blood cleanser.
37. In the morning, before you do anything else, make lemon tea.
Bring water with 1/4 to 1/2 lemon with skin on, washed, in water to boil. Steep 20 minutes. Add 1 tsp of maple syrup. A pinch of cayenne pepper. Drink. Then,
38. Oil Swish using coconut oil, sesame oil or cumin seed oil. Swish in your mouth for 20 minutes pulling over your tongue and up in your gums. Spit into toilet or outside. Daily.
39. Juice daily. Citrus, apple, fruits, celery, carrots, beets, zucchini, cilantro, parsley, veges... and drink within 20 minutes completely. Eat the pulp, too. Put in soup, stew, on salads.
40. Use cumin seed oil on salads, take separately, but take daily at least 1 TBS daily. Heals liver. Gallbladder. Colon. Body.
41. Eat raw onions and garlic on salads and veges. If you cook garlic, wait until end. Turn off food from cooking. Put fresh garlic in. Plate. That's enough cooking garlic ever needs.
42. Boil fresh parsley in pot of water. Bring to rolling boil, simmer for 1 hour. Add extra water. When done, add lemon, maple syrup. Cool. Refrigerate. Drink. Great for kidney detox.
43. Eat loads of raw cilantro or cilantro tea. Same as above. Just leave out lemon. Detoxes heavy metals. Make sofrito and use raw.
44. Put sliced onion on the soles of your feet for an hour up to overnight. This is a powerful detoxifier. Do not underestimate this. For children and autoimmune harmed, start with 30 minutes to an hour. Avoid exposures when doing this.
45. Buy powdered clay. Add 1/4 to half cup to hot foot bath. Soak your feet in clay water for 30 minutes.
46. Powdered clay again. Mix a couple of TBS in warm water. Rub clay paste on neck, under arms, around breasts, around groin, bottom of feet - lymph nodes. Let dry. Shower off. Then dry brush.
47. Do a non fragranced Epsom salt foot bath. Add very hot water in a flat tub. Add 1/2 to 1 cup Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes to an hour adding hot water if water cools.
48. Soak in a hot tub of epsom salts with body fully immersed. Soak 30 minutes to an hour.
49. After toweling off from bath or shower, have in a spray bottle filled with reduced to 3% from food grade hydrogen peroxide. Spray on body lightly and rub in or if weakened, spray in air in front of you and walk through mist, naked. Dont dry off. Oxygenates blood killing parasites, fungus and more.
50. Dry brush lymphatic system gently, daily or three times a week, naked. Use shower brush and following YouTube tutorial, move those lymphs properly.
51. Bounce on a rebounder daily for 20 minutes.
52. Do castor packs over your liver three days in a row. On the third evening, take an ounce of pure olive oil and an ounce of squeezed lemon. Rest on right side. It'll purge your liver.
53. Use castor oil over sore lymphs especially breasts ladies. Take hot shower. Mist with hydro peroxide. Rub castor oil over liver, or over breasts where lymphs are, or over colon. Dress in warm flannel or soft cotton.
54. Do a master cleanse eating just fruits and vegetables for four days while doing castor packs over liver. Flush on the fourth or fifth day using pure olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon. NEVER take epsom salts as recommended. It's very dangerous. (See my master cleanse.) Do this once a month if strong enough.
55. Get an ion foot bath (Ebay, amazon) and use it properly twice a week. I got up to doing it daily. It pulls toxins out through the pores of your feet. It's worth it.
56. Do organic coffee enema. This cleanses the liver beautifully. (Find kits with coffee on amazon.)
57. Do colonics at home or by a 5 star colon hydrotherapist.
58. Take Selenium. Phenom antioxidant.
59. Milk thistle is a powerful plant that contains the compound silybin which supports the functioning of the liver, the organ responsible for detoxification.
60. For very weak kidneys: "home dialysis" For TWO WEEKS, TWICE a DAY:
Take a 5 gallon clean bucket and fill with hot water. As hot as you can stand it. Add 1 cup fragrance free epsom salt. Put your legs in bucket with hot water as high as it can go.
Wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Put on a hat.
Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6
Podcasts of Blogs & Introductions:
Joe Biden’s Fraudulent Bullshit Investigations aka FBI has sealed its own fate with the American people by raiding President Trump’s MaraLargo Home in Florida. This latest attack on Trump in a long string of attacks on Trump by demoncrats will end badly for the deep state and the cabal of the new world order gang. This move reeks of desperation at all cost to prevent Trump from becoming president again. Truth is Trump won in 2016 and in 2020 as our President of the United States 🇺🇸 of America. He clearly has them up against the ropes now and the knock out punch 🥊 is coming soon! Thank You to Marzlovesfreedom.com for another Fantastic and relevant post of our curren…