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Trump Never Conceded - Fake News Finished! Grand Jury Testimony

Writer: marlenelove9marlenelove9

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

President Trump never conceded. Fake news is out of control and in their death spiral. Ricky Madcow and Prince Charles have tested positive for COVID, didn't see that coming. LOL

"All across the country we are seeing progress on the right against these mandates and WE R WINNING". Jesse Watters - Interview with President Trump & Kash Patel where Trump says ‘there’s a lot coming’ from special counsel John Durham who will ‘fully expose’ everything. BOOM! Canada Freedom Convoy show off their 107 sweatshirts at their press conference! Police brutality in Ottawa - stealing the truckers fuel is considered a war crime under the Geneva Convention! Grand Jury - International Criminal Proceedings are happening - Review Ottawa Freedom Convoy Updates. ⚠️WARNING - The MSM is preparing the public for an incoming AIDS outbreak. Biden administration funds program to hand out crack pipes, nothing to see here. A few messages from JFK Jr, and we need to expand our thinking, what the bleep do we know? Looks like we might be heading to Ottawa this weekend folks! Time to go be part of history! Enjoy the show.



President Trump never conceded, he left us with "see you soon," so you know what that means right? President Trump is still our President, he is the 19th President for the restored republic under the 1776 constitution. #WWG1WGA

SEE YOU SOON = 918 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

SEE YOU SOON = 153 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

Beyond Red October? 10/17/22 in Dallas?

Check out the date and time stamp of Trump's tweet! 5/4/17 at 7:02

45 = President Trump - 17 = Q - 9 = Highest Power - God Love Him

Jesse Watters - Feb 7th

Jesse Watters is exactly who you should be listening to for real news. The entire family should watch it together and then discuss. This would be called home schooling. Jesse includes a segment from Bill Maher!

Can you say TERM LIMITS?

"Over the last couple of weeks the Democrats realize the pandemic is over. Now, I'm not saying COVID is no longer a risk. It certainly is but not to most of us. The most vulnerable to COVID are the old and the overweight. The people who run our country happen to be just that." Jesse Watters
"All across the country we are seeing progress on the right against these mandates and WE R WINNING". Jesse Watters

There are 29 Q Posts with Winning in them. Read them to the family after Sunday night dinner. Everyone loves a winner. ;)

Fake News Is Finished!

"Fox News is officially stationed in an Ottawa hotel in order to do regular, truthful reports on the ground of the #TruckerConvoy" RIP CTV (they’re literally crying online) #FreedomConvoy2022

Partial List of Celebs Diagnosed with COVID

Denmark's Queen and Spain's King Test Positive For Virus

Keep in mind, any politician (Trudeau, Macron, etc) or journalist (Madcow, Maher) or celebrity (Oprah, Ellen) or royal or athlete that tests positive for COVID is a pedophile and has been arrested and executed. What we see is CGI, doubles, actors or fakes. Perhaps that is what we have always seen??

So is this how they do it? The informed know what these monsters have been up to, the normies are still ignoring it. Not for long. So they leak their crimes to the masses via the informed. We must all do our part and share this information. The time for silence is OVER! The sooner the masses are informed the sooner we can change our group consciousness and ascend to 5D! Let's do this.

Ricky Madcow, vaccinated with boosters, tests positive for COVID - Bye Bye - Now running her show from her ghetto basement dungeon studio, another humiliation ritual for us to enjoy. If you get your news from this moron, eject yourself from the planet. CNN 🤡

Cue Up James Earl Jones Voice: “This Is CNN”

Dr. Malone has a BOMBSHELL!

Thiel-Backed Video Platform Rumble Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million to Switch From Spotify (v)

The White House weighs in on the Spotify controversy & Jen forgot to cover up her grey roots while sporting a costume from Star Trek. #HumiliationRitual #MarkZuckerberg

Listen to what Jen says here! We want to prevent people from exercising their rights!

Is Trump hinting Joe Rogan is not Joe Rogan?

FNRL unnecessary caps - FNRL = 50

America = 50

Donald = 50

Whackd = 50

Owl = 50

Fusca = 50

It's like a progression of real freaky shit, like we won't notice.

Full Interview with President Trump & Kash Patel

In this exclusive interview, former President Donald Trump sits down with top White House aide Kash Patel to discuss vaccine mandates for children, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, threats from communist China, and what he sees as the path forward for rebuilding American authority globally.

A few of President Trump remarks from interview with Kash.

"I know 3 years is a long time, but if you were back in what is the first thing you would say?" Trump responds, "Oh back in? If I were back in now, the wall, first of all the wall".

BACK IN = 40 = I AM Q

"Everything is fixable, but you need the right people to fix it". President Trump
“What he’s doing is one of the most important jobs being done right now in America.” President Trump on John Durham

Trump on Durham

Trump says ‘there’s a lot coming’ from special counsel John Durham who will ‘fully expose’ everything

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022

Great press conference. Excuse me? At 28:35 the lady sitting down says the front of their sweatshirts says 10.7 means out of service? Is that right? You know what else it means? You drop the 0 in Gematria = 17 = Q #ThereAreNoCoincedences

Freedom Convoy treat us to showing off their sweatshirts!

10.7 = Out of Service

107 = Juan O Savin - Drop the 0 in Gematria = 17 = Q

Welcome to The Great Awakening

This Hero Trucker Nails It!!

Trump Welcomes Canadian COVID Protesters to His New Social Media Platform

Former President Donald Trump is welcoming Canadians protesting COVID-19 mandates to his new social media platform, Truth Social, which is set to launch later this month.

"Canadian Truckers—you've been reading about it—who are resisting, bravely, these lawless mandates and doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far," he said. "We want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way. They're really showing something." President Trump

First time Q mentioned “Corona” 2/10/2018 - Coincidence that all the mandates are ending exactly 4 years later? NOPE

XX = 600 = Fix 2020 First = 600 - End of Days = 600

Mike is testier than usual today...😂😂😂



Klaus Schwab on Charlie Rose in 2015, "it changes YOU if you take the gene editing"

How anyone can take this moronic creature seriously is beyond me.

Look two pedophiles in white and abortion is MURDER = Child Sacrifice to Moloch

Grand Jury - International Criminal Proceedings

US ends requirement for hospitals to report daily COVID deaths

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is no longer requiring hospital systems to report daily COVID-19 deaths to the federal government.

QUESTION: Since when do hospital cases or numbers have control over my freedom? Who cares how many cases you have? That has nothing to do with me or my neighbour.

The World Will Follow! Think Merkel. Where's Angela Merkel?

On 2/7 = 27 = JFK Wendy Rogers posts this:

Police Brutality in Ottawa

The police brutality is outrageous in Ottawa! Blatant disregard for human rights and dignity. We know who these masked losers stand with - Trudeau,

EXCLUSIVE: Unsettling photos show heavily bruised great-grandfather, 78, after being forcefully handcuffed by Ottawa cops for honking his car horn to support Freedom Convoy as family says he is suffering from PTSD


FULL FORCE> to be used against the CONVOY freedom Truckers>>The ELITES from the highest government officials have given the orders for MASS ARRESTS AND TOTAL MEDIA BLACKOUT AND CELL PHONE BLACKOUTS ( NO LIVE BROADCASTING).../// > THE FULL FORCE ARRESTS ARE EXPECTED TO HAPPEN WITHIN THE NEXT 6 DAYS<


Orders coming from UN, DAVOS GROUP, CIA and world ELITES Who CONTROL the Canadian government~


In today's news> JUSTIN TRUDEAU brother accused him of taking Marching orders from globalist Elites . " He's on the side of Anti-Canadian" ...


This will lead to CIVIL UNREST in many countries. As World Wide freedom CONVOYS begin.


Much prayers and blessings to the Freedom Convoys. Stay strong. Your country men are with you.

Trudeau stokes divisions by branding the 7,000-strong Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as 'swastikas wavers': Anti-mandate protesters blockade busiest border crossing to US at Detroit

Their Great Reset is falling apart! They didn't count on the resolve of the liberty loving men and women of this world! Don't let up! Keep fighting! Stay united!

Pierre Poilievre - MP for Ottawa - CON

POLS = People of the Left SUCK - LOL

We’re just getting warmed up

Here's an idea! Let's see child traffickers try to get by our truckers!!!

I'm so disgusted with this Satanic ritual masquerading as the Olympics that I really did not want to even report on it. In the end, it's still important to help wake up normies. Meanwhile in China the free style skiing jump placed right beside a nuclear plant. Dear God where is the outrage?

⚠️WARNING - The MSM is preparing the public for an incoming AIDS outbreak.

The covid 19 injections are causing VAIDS (vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Just in time for the new release of an experimental mRNA HIV “vaccine” becoming available to the public soon

“Fast-spreading HIV variant doubles rate of immune system decline”

“Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe”

“Free at-home HIV tests available to the public”

“TAKE THE TEST Brits urged to get HIV tests as heterosexual diagnoses higher for first time in a decade”

Brazilian President Jai Bolsonaro in social media time out on Monday after his video warning of a link between COVID19 vaccines and Aids triggered action by Facebook and Youtube.

Dr. Robert Willner Accused Fauci of Genocide during AIDS Scamdemic

30 Yrs Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide during the AIDS ScamDemic. Same Script Used Then As Today By The Media And Criminals Behind The Scenes


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on four U.S patents for a key glycoprotein that seems to have been inserted into the SARS virus to create COVID-19.

Biden administration funds program to hand out crack pipes

To limit infections among drug users, the Biden administration is creating a $30 million grant program for non-profits to buy crack pipes.

It will provide funds to local governments and non-profits to distribute clean pipes to help make drug use safer for addicts, according to Newsweek.


Licence Plate Fees Could Be Eliminated Ahead of June Election

We Are The Plan - Q

Let's review this GEORGE magazine cover!

"Nerve cells that fire together wire together." Dr. Joe Dispensa

We need to expand our thinking.

I ran across this interesting film that I strongly recommend. What the bleep do we know? I captured some of the main points of the film to give you an idea of what it is about, fascinating to me, I believe this film will change you. It will definitely change your perception which is the entire point. What the bleep do we know?

What does Q mean we are going to show you a new world?

"This is the calm before the storm". President Trump
"What storm Mr. President"? asks a journalist
"You'll find out". President Trump

Drop the ego use the spirit! #WWG1WGA

What The Bleep Do We Know?

From the film:

There are many assumptions we live with by generation - world is flat, world is round. So much that we take for granted about the world simply isn't true. But we are locked into these presets without even knowing it sometimes. That's a paradigm.

Modern materialism strips people of the need to feel responsible and so does religion. You look at quantum mechanics it puts the responsibility squarely in your lap - it doesn't give answers that are clear cut and comforting. It says yes the world is a very big place it is very mysterious mechanism is not the answer but I'm not going to tell you what the answer is.

Is everyone a mystery? Is everyone an enigma? You most certainly are.

Asking yourself these deeper questions opens up a new way of thinking and brings in a breath of fresh air. Makes life more joyful, the real trick to life is not to be in the know but be in they mystery.

The brain does not know the difference between what is sees in a physical environment or what it remembers because the same neural nets fire up we are left with the question what is reality? Brain processes 400 billion bits of information but we are only aware of 2000 of those and they are just about our body, our environment and time.

We're living in world where all we see is the tip of the iceberg. We create reality, we are reality creating machines. We create the effects of reality all the time.

How can anyone really say they are in love with a specific person? They are only in love with the emotions they are addicted to because the same person could fall out of favour next week for not complying. My goodness doesn't that change the landscape of our emotional outlook on personal needs and identities?

"When I talk about we disappear I don't mean that we physically disappear what I mean is is that we move out of the area of the brain that has to do with our personality, it has to do with our association to people our association the places our association to things and times and events. We don't exist in the associative centers in our brain that reaffirms our identity and reaffirms our personality. For the average person in the world who lives life and considers their life boring or uninspiring it is because they've made no attempt to gain knowledge and information that will inspire them. They are so hypnotized by their environment through the media, through television, through people, living and creating ideals that everybody struggles to become that no one can actually become in terms of physical appearance and definitions of beauty and valor that are all illusions. Most people surrender and live their life in mediocracy. They may live that life and the souls desire may never really rise to the surface so they may want to be something else. But if it does rise to the surface and they ask themselves if there is something more? or why am I here? what is the purpose of life? where am I going? what happens when I die? If they start to ask those questions they start to flirt and interact with the perception that they may be having a nervous breakdown and in reality what they're doing is a nervous breakdown." Dr. Joe Dispenza

Get your rest, drink plenty of ph balanced filtered water, get outside for fresh air, smile while you walk they are free and super contagious and you too can be happy!

Thanks for joining me. Hope you are enjoying the show, please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6 - Please subscribe.

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Feb 15, 2022

For those who does not visit restored

Please listen and read this issue! Be prepared! Inform other people!

Restored Republic as of February 15, 2022


Feb 11, 2022

Canada has to be proud of people like this smart firefighter.

Canadian Firefighter FIRED for making this video - Peter van Oordt


Sarah Shiddian
Sarah Shiddian
Feb 10, 2022

I didn't want to get into the Queen Romana situation but here it is.

The video you posted on Telegram, from a young person stating that QR is paid opposition with proof because of the 1st Party website, is misleading.

QR had to be introduced one way or the other and people are used to same old way of electing people so they - the ones who appointed Romana Didulo as Queen and Commander in Chief - used this venue.

If you take a good look at QR's Telegram channel, she explains it all: who appointed her and what her mission is.

Yesterday she clearly said that any money amassed on that website was never used. The website was also…

Marlene Love
Marlene Love
Feb 10, 2022
Replying to

Let's see what happens.


Feb 10, 2022

On the picture above "If moon landing isn't real...".

  1. If the astronaut is on the Moon, then why the Moon is on the sky above him? If you look carefully, it is not Earth.

  2. Why are shadows from the astronaut and the flag directed in the opposite directions?

  3. How come it is so light on Moon if the sky is so black? If it is daytime where is Sun? If it is nighttime where are the stars?

  4. Obviously, the people who cooked this movie thought the people are stupid.

  5. Or, maybe, they are stupid if they did not think about such small evidence of a BIG LIE.


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