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Are You Ready For Arrests, For Pain and To Be Part Of History? #WWG1WGA

Writer: marlenelove9marlenelove9

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Trump: "We are on a mission to restore the republic to greatness."

4 Year Delta - Anons ready? Memes ready? Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready for the pain? Are you ready to be part of history? Q


Dominoes are beginning to fall...

Supreme Court started the new term of voting this week. CEO Eugene Yu of the CCP Konnech software/Election Management system gets arrested on the same day as Delta 2344 which mentions - Are you ready to see arrests?

Musk Revives $44 Billion Twitter Bid, Aiming to Avoid Trial - (scheduled for Oct. 17 - $54.20 a share - just in time for midterms). #GENIUSForARobot

President Trump speaking at APFI Hispanic Leadership - Trump: When can we expect Bush, Clinton, Obama Investigations? BOOM! When is that? Next week or this week? How about this week?”

Q posts review - 4 year deltas

@PreachingPatriot writes, after almost 3 years I believe that the Q / white hat movement played a major role in waking up millions to the truth about our programming/ indoctrination.

Trump is teaching us. Pay attention. THE TIME TO FIGHT!!!!!!!!! IS NOW. "The Time to Stand Up to This Growing Tyranny is RIGHT NOW" Trump.

Trump links us to:

A Midterm Primer: Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft Discuss THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION and Schiff: ‘Deeply disturbing’ that FBI gave Nunes confidential info on Clinton’s emails. DJT just filed an emergency request asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

What do you know about the FBI? "Investigation into FBI 'corruption' impeded by Durham probe", Senator Ron Johnson says.

Hunter Biden committed ‘fraud’ against business partners, Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker Carlson - White House fears Hunter could doom Joe Biden's potential 2024 campaign. Trump truths - Trump VS Biden stock market performance, of course he does.

Q Post 2320 - Wireless Emergency Alert (EBS) links us to: US Attorney Jeff Sessions @TheJusticeDept thanking Utah police officers for their efforts in reducing violent crime in Utah. Q also links us to a Subpoena for Jeff Sessions to appear before Committee on the Judiciary dated OCT 4, 2018 - 4 year Delta - More evidence things have already taken place!

Let's review un-brainwashing by Lin Wood and his comments on why do they keep Biden in as leader? Mark Levin says, "Joe Biden, presidential idiot, was raised in a Puerto Rican community, black community, and Scranton. Psycho."

"Former" President Trump speaks about his recent legal actions against CNN and the Biden DOJ and Judicial Watch SUES over YouTube Censorship!

Just as Vladmir Putin calls out "Western Elites are openly Satanic referencing their penchant for gender mutilation of children... Leading medical groups gemand Biden justice department and tech platforms crack down on reporters exposing child gender surgeries, puberty blockers. More censorship and mutilation. Disgusting.

Justin Trudeau will take the stand at inquiry into Freedom Convoy response - BOOM! Can't wait to see this little freak squirm like the coward he is.

Breaking: Christine Blasey Ford has no plans to pursue her sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh according to her attorneys. - ABC

"Everyone knows that black lives matter was a scam. Now It's over. You're welcome." Kanye West

Wrap up with "I Told You So" - Conspiracy Music Guru banned on spotify and yes they are alive - welcome back!! Enjoy the show!

4 Year Delta - Anons ready? Memes ready? Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready for the pain? Are you ready to be part of history? Q


Supreme Court started the new term of voting this week - election cases are at the forefront. Yesterday CEO Eugene Yu of the CCP Konnech software/Election Management system gets arrested on the same day as Delta 2344 which mentions - Are you ready to see arrests?

Not forgetting all this ties into Trumps E.O 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

The same day Elon Musk buys Twitter, Bots are being removed.

Drop 2342 says - Anons ready? Drop 2343 says - Memes ready?

Elon cleaning Twitter for anons to flood it with truth.

HOW MANY COINCIDENCES before mathematically impossible?

It’s a BIG week🔥

General Mike Flynn:

"Strongly recommend subscribing to Kanekoa’s exceptional work. This is journalistic integrity of the highest order. His substack reporting on this CCP owned company, Konnech is groundbreaking."

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu's connection to China's National People's Congress & Chinese telecom giants

I meticulously documented everything I found about Eugene Yu for the last six weeks — and now I’m ready to teach New York Times reporters and FBI agents what I found. It’s super simple!

Note Gregg Phillips hand clasp. JFK Jr does the same clasp but with his left hand over right. Could these people be Jr. and Carolyn in disguise? Could be totally wrong, just an observation.

Musk Revives $44 Billion Twitter Bid, Aiming to Avoid Trial (scheduled for Oct. 17 - 54.20 a share)

  • Legal team for Musk sensed judge would not rule in favor

  • Proposal likely eliminates need for court trial this month


"Sources told him Twitter gave Elon 2 conditions, Trump and conservatives remain off Twitter and Twitter staff remains the same. Musk refused both." 😎 ~Steve Bannon

Elon now owns Twitter. He just played them like a f**kin fiddle and I can’t stop laughing about it. 🤣

> Buy Twitter

> Twitter rees

> Withdraw offer because bots

> Twitter files suit

> Either go to disclosure or sell cheaper

> Offer cheaper price

> Elon buys

> Now Elon owns Twitter before mid-terms. 👀👀👀

I promise they weren’t expecting him to accept and they were hoping a trial would drag beyond midterms.

No coincidence his text conversation pertaining to Twitter was leaked last week and now he closes the deal.

They just got skullf**ked.

Elon Musk stated in his texts he wants to let right-wingers back on Twitter and plans to appoint a 'Blake Masters type' as VP



President Trump speaking at APFI Hispanic Leadership

“When should we expect a Bush 1 document investigation?"
"And how about a Bush 2 document investigation?"
"And when is Bill Clinton investigation starting?"
"Are they beginning to look at Obama warehouse investigation?"
"When is that? Next week or this week? How about this week?”

One word: Precedent.

There are 17 Q Posts for Oct 4th -

Let's review a few 4 year deltas!

Russian official with ties to lawyer in Trump Tower meeting dies in helicopter crash

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

@PreachingPatriot Comment:

After almost 3 years I believe that the Q / white hat movement played a major role in waking up millions to the truth about our programming/ indoctrination. As well, it exposed how the secret societies had taken over many major powerful positions of influence in our society.

Gov, ALL media, medical, medical schools, hospital admins, pharmacy, banking, school admins, food sources, water sources , and corporations on the big levels, are all evil by nature of their practices.

The Q posts say trust in humanity, pray, and there was lots of misunderstanding and MISINFORMATION from people, claiming Q was saying DO NOTHING!!!

I don’t believe there is one post that states that.

It’s when the post say “enjoy”, or “watch the show”

That people starting saying “ no one is coming to save you” they misunderstood that the point was to be passive, Q never stated that. In actuality many posts talk about getting involved in our communities again.


May I split it down the middle?!?

I believe that there are military forces removing deepstate players, CEOs stepping down, celebrity deaths and such occurring.

There are way more human trafficking busts than ever before.

Trump told us they were going to steal the election. The same voting system was used in all Canadian elections. The military op has ALL THE EVIDENCE, on all the evil players, think NSA. But and it’s a huge BUTT, the masses were still under media programming, and school indoctrination. They would not believe the truth simply by being told, or putting a documentary out.

HOW DO YOU WAKE UP BILLIONS OF PEOPLE SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY?!?🤔🤔🤔 to the brutal truth about child sexual trafficking, blood drinking, and abortions practices. How to wake them up to the horrific truth about ALL Jibby jabs, cancer and aids were injected via this method. The ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE THAT IS THE TRUTH OF THIS SYSTEM!!!!!!

ALL WARS started by lies and propaganda, in all cases to further central bankings power.

It had and is still, a red pill drip drip. The process of waking people up by an illusion, I use that word because cv was a hoax, even many vaccine deaths are exaggerated as well, much news about the summer riots of blm was exaggerated ( not made up) but exaggerated with movie magic.


It’s synthetic reality.

We have been in a LARP - live action roll play since 2016. The media who was heavily infiltrated by CIA players was taken over by the military op, that’s the world wide military op.

SO many comms, clues, symbols proving this to be a complete truth!!

Please understand just because the media didn’t report it, doesn’t mean it’s not real. Escape the matrix of the mind.

Use critical thinking, your gut, and I use the wisdom of the HOLY GHOST.

There is a military op that will remove evil leaders like turdhole.

But on the ground level we need to get involved again in community, public school boards, city elections, community outreach.

We need to be the change, society has to want to change.

It’s not a couple year program to undue how far we fell.

We trusted the doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers, administrations, way too much.

Lastly the enemy also by enslaving us with taxes and monetary pursuits, that made parents and adults so busy, they had no time to change the world.

I believe that the IRS and other countries evil tax collections are being brought down as well.

It’s worth mentioning that in the war for all of mankind there was the major ugly side to humanity that was exposed. So much abuse to children and people.

That lots did get adverse affects and even death!!😱😱

So if you know someone who died, it’s not taken lightly, it’s not a game. Many people had lives ruined. BUT, instead of mankind being reduced to 500 millions as the guidestones predicted, we lost prob millions. It’s part of WAR.

In summary: You have a major role to play in shaping our new world.

Trump is teaching us about the lies and corruption while teaching us how to connect the dots and use pattern recognition. Trump links us to media he trusts, gives us date and timestamps to link to other Q drops or to make connections and inspires us to fight fight fight!

THE TIME TO FIGHT!!!!!!!!! IS NOW. "The Time to Stand Up to This Growing Tyranny is RIGHT NOW" Trump.

PART 1 – A Midterm Primer: Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft Discuss THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION On The War Room (VIDEO)

Schiff: ‘Deeply disturbing’ that FBI gave Nunes confidential info on Clinton’s emails

The House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, Adam Schiff (Calif.), said Sunday it was “deeply disturbing” that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) received classified information about Hillary Clinton’s emails from FBI field agents in 2016.

“This is the first that we’ve heard about it, and it is deeply disturbing because if this was shared by New York field agents with Devin Nunes, was it also shared with Rudy Giuliani? Or did Devin Nunes do something, which we have seen subsequently, which is coordinated with the Trump team?” Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Was this information shared by the committee with Rudy Giuliani or shared directly with them? We don’t know the answer but we hope the inspector general will find out,” Schiff added.

DJT just filed an emergency request asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

It's a 296 page legal document.

Trump goes to Supreme Court over Mar-a-Lago search and seizure of documents

What Do You Know About the FBI?

Investigation into FBI 'corruption' impeded by Durham probe, senator says - Video

John Durham's special counsel investigation has hindered Congress as lawmakers seek to root out FBI misconduct and examine the shady business dealings of Hunter Biden, according to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

Hunter Biden committed ‘fraud’ against business partners, Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker Carlson

Report: White House Fears Hunter Could Doom Joe Biden’s Potential 2024 Campaign

Aides in the Biden administration fear Hunter and President Joe Biden’s shady business activities could doom the president’s potential campaign in 2024, Politico reported.

The President of the United States of America is our chief executive officer and the civilian commander in chief of the United States Military.

The President is also the leader of the free world.

The United States Military is the finest and most powerful military in the world.

Those close to the REAL President would NEVER allow the President’s gaffes and dementia to be publicly displayed. If you demean the occupant of the office, you are demeaning the power, respect, and authority of the Office of the Presidency.

No one was aware that Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke and his wife acted in his place in the last year or so of his Presidency. The media downplayed or did not show FDR wearing leg braces or being in a wheelchair. The list of how the President’s weaknesses are covered up goes on and on.

Why would the “black hats” install a character for Bribes and then allow him to regularly and publicly make a fool out of himself???

To the point of letting the world know about his alleged smelly fart and allegedly pooping in his pants in front of the pope???

The fake Bribes is a “white hat” character in my opinion.

But I could be wrong. Only God knows. God knows everything and is in control of everything. For us, only time will tell.


Joe Biden, presidential idiot, was raised in a Puerto Rican community, black community, and Scranton. Psycho.


Why prolong the “administration” of the character playing the FAKE Bribes???

It is causing such pain and turmoil to so many in our country.

What could possibly justify such a sacrifice by and hardship upon the good people of our country???

Ending rigged elections.

Ending child trafficking.

Ending modern day human slavery.

Identifying every communist in the swamp so that the swamp can be fully drained (the coverup is worse than the crime).

Un-brainwashing the America public from the decades of lies by the FAKE media.

Locating and destroying weapons placed in this country by those who may be planning to attack us.

Taking down the pharmaceutical industry.

Taking down the Rothschild stranglehold on our banking system.

Defeating at long last the enemy within, to wit, the military industrial complex, the mafia, and the Illuminati.

Our country is at war. With war comes sacrifice and hardship. We must press on.

The above discussion is just my opinion. I could be right. I could be wrong. If I am wrong, I will be called “crazy!!!” Who cares? The enemy already calls me crazy!!! What does a few more voices in the chorus matter???

But I pray that I am right and so that the power in our republic will finally be returned to We The People. A ground up restoration of our republic. The power returns to where it was originally intended to be.

Support President Trump.

Support the United States Military. Pray to God.

Joe Biden Actual Tweet

This is an actual tweet - wait until you read the comments!

"Dementia Joe lost the plot again." Just a Dude

Trump VS Biden Stock Market Performance

Charlotte makes a damn good point!

There are 9 Q posts dated Oct 3rd

Q Post 2320 - 4 year delta on Oct 3rd. Wireless Emergency Alert (EBS) and Q links us to:

US Attorney Jeff Sessions @TheJusticeDept thanking Utah police officers for their efforts in reducing violent crime in Utah. #BackTheBlue

Trust Sessions!

Subpoena for Jeff Sessions to appear before Committee on the Judiciary

DATE: OCT 4, 2018 - 4 year Delta - More evidence things have already taken place!

October 4th - There are 17 Q Posts

PAIN - Israeli intelligence - stand down. Media Assets will be removed.

Former President Trump speaks about his recent legal actions against CNN and the Biden DOJ

2 minutes with John Soloman, Trump says his poll numbers are higher than they ever were. #Winning

Judicial Watch SUES over YouTube Censorship!

Putin on the West

"Western Elites are openly Satanic." Vladimir Putin

Leading Medical Groups Demand Biden Justice Department and Tech Platforms Crack Down on Reporters Exposing Child Gender Surgeries, Puberty Blockers #StopCensorship

Can you imagine if Justin Trudeau is the first arrest? That would snap Canadians out of their reverie.

Justin Trudeau will take the stand at inquiry into Freedom Convoy response

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be called to testify at hearings into the government’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act to end anti-mandate protests earlier this year.

The Public Order Emergency Commission, led by former Ontario Superior Court justice Paul Rouleau, is scheduled to begin hearings next week, with the mandate to assess the government’s use of the Act for the first time since it became law in 1988.

Although the preliminary list of approximately 60 witnesses prepared by commission counsel has yet to be made public, CTV News has learned that it includes eight cabinet ministers, including Trudeau.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland are among those also expected to be called to testify.


This should be played 24 hours a day on every TV station across the planet for 1 month.

For those who commented it was BS

Breaking: Christine Blasey Ford has no plans to pursue her sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh according to her attorneys. - ABC

Candace and Kanye be trollin' the commies!!

"Everyone knows that black lives matter was a scam. Now It's over. You're welcome." Kanye West

Insert any word into the blank space from the table below.

Everyone also knows ____________ is/was/were/are a scam and now it’s over. You’re welcome.

I forgot Immigration and food and a few more topics I'm sure.

​LGBTQ+ alphabet soup

Transgender Agenda


Hollywood Movies

Alphabet Agencies - FDA, CIA, CDC, WHO, DOJ, WEF, MOSSAD, etc


Public Education


Feminism Marxism



Weather Modification

Climate Change

Environmental Assistance

Environmental Disasters

False Flags


Mass Shooting

Banking and Insurance

Stock Market




Foreign Aid


Speeding Tickets

Income Tax

Inheritance Tax

All Taxes

Federal Reserve



Children's Aid/CPS

Boy Scouts

Art - Live Art








Cancer / AIDS

Flu / Cold

COVID, Omicron, Delta, Corona, Sars, Ebola, Zika, Monkey Pox

This Lady Slays the Feminism Myth

"Modern materialism and religion strips people of the need to feel responsible. Quantum mechanics puts the responsibility square in your lap and it doesn't give answers that are clear cut and comforting. Yes it's very big and very mysterious, it's mechanisms are not the answer, but I'm not going to tell you what the answer is, because you're old enough to decide for yourself." SRC: What The Bleep Do We Know?

I Told You So - Conspiracy Music Guru (BANNED on Spotify!)

Yes They Are Alive - Welcome Back!!

Thanks for joining me. Never ever give up. Please share the love.

Life According To Marz, Story at 6

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1 Comment

Oct 06, 2022

Marlene, keep sharing your research your truth as you know it to be and keep waking up the masses. Love and appreciate what your doing and all your hard work posting the Truth! ❤️🙏🙌


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